Bums and cannulas

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Yeah, those are the Inset IIs, and I agree, they are quite stiff. I have found that the Inset 30s are much, much better in that way. Hope you find something that works 🙂

Thank you, fingers crossed postie will deliver tomorrow for me. 🙂 Set change is due Friday so will try one then.
Hi Sue, I use pretty much everywhere for sites - tum, legs, arms, love handles and bum!

I swap between inset II's and inset 30's, but it's more a comfort thing than because I've had issues with absorption. I usually use Inset 30's on my bum and arms, and Inset II's everywhere else. Personally, I haven't noticed any differences with absorption between areas.

When I first wanted to try the Inset 30's (I started on Inset II's only) I gave Animas a call and they sent me out a couple to try, could you do that? Maybe ask if they have any other options while you're asking?

I don't know whether you'll see this as it's 3 years down the line but I've just started using Inset 30s and I just cannot see how you put them in and hold the clear window when you're inserting into your backside or back of hip? So far I can only put them on my front somewhere! How do you manage it?
I don't know whether you'll see this as it's 3 years down the line but I've just started using Inset 30s and I just cannot see how you put them in and hold the clear window when you're inserting into your backside or back of hip? So far I can only put them on my front somewhere! How do you manage it?
You have to be a contortionist 😉
I've given up on the 30's altogether. I use the comfort shorts instead and just use my tum.
Oh! :( Why did you give up on the Inset 30s? After 3 or 4 bent ones I've finally got one in successfully so I'm quite enthusiastic about them at the moment!
Oh! :( Why did you give up on the Inset 30s? After 3 or 4 bent ones I've finally got one in successfully so I'm quite enthusiastic about them at the moment!
Mainly the cost of them compared to the comforts and I actually hated the noise they made as they fired in. The comforts can go in at whatever angle I want as well. Once I found out the costs I just swopped over as it saves the CCG about £30/ box of 10 cannulas.
Thanks, I did order some last week as I was worried about wasting the Inset IIs and 30s - they all went in ok but then BGs started soaring and when I removed them, the cannulas were bent over. All bar one of the group of new pumpers I trained with have had the same problems withthese cannulas and the DSN suggested Comfort Shorts. My only concern is manually inserting such a long needle. I'm assuming you manage that without too much discomfort? Thanks again for your help. It's very easy to feel totally incompetent with cannulas when you start on a pump!!
@jgordon5 I actually prefer the comfort shorts as can put them in at whatever speed I want and in all honesty they are more comfortable to insert as well. Animas are normally very good at giving out samples so you can try the different cannulas.
@jgordon5 I actually prefer the comfort shorts as can put them in at whatever speed I want and in all honesty they are more comfortable to insert as well. Animas are normally very good at giving out samples so you can try the different cannulas.

Are you quite relaxed when you insert? I'm not the calmest person in the world and using the inserters does make my heart speed up a bit so hopefully I'll find the comfort shorts easier and more comfortable too. I hope so - I'd like to save the CCG unnecessary expense too.
Are you quite relaxed when you insert? I'm not the calmest person in the world and using the inserters does make my heart speed up a bit so hopefully I'll find the comfort shorts easier and more comfortable too. I hope so - I'd like to save the CCG unnecessary expense too.
I've been pumping for almost 9 years so am used to it 🙂 I'm also one of the many with 50 + years of diabetes so as a child I had to use large steel needles (harpoons).

When you try the shorts do make sure you remove the needle guard before you insert the needle into yourself. It's a small blue tube.
That sounds awful - harpoons! I'm old enough to have been put in an isolation hospital for having scarlet fever when I was young and that's where I developed a needle phobia! I overcame that pretty well with MDI because I only had 4mm needles but this is why I have to work at being relaxed with needles. It's a wonder you didn't have a needle phobia .....
Thanks for the tip, I did insert an Inset II with the needle guard still on. 🙂
I sometime put mine in mine. Although I can't very often due to the last couple of times trying it doesn't deliver or bends. Maybe it is the size of the canular
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