Broken skin on my manhood :(

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Big G Man

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi! Long time reader, first time poster. Gonna be a long one I'm afraid.
I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance as trying to get hold of my Dr for an appointment is next to impossible within the next 3 weeks and even 111 had an extended wait time.
I am on Metformin SR and Empagliflozin to control my T2 and so far, so good. Average sugars are between 5.5 and 7 which my nurse is happy with. However, recently the skin on my foreskin has become very cracked, a little bloody and as a result swollen to the point where I cannot retract it over the head. I did some reading and based on what I found from multiple sites, I tried aloe vera on it. All I will say is don't ever do that - it burns like the flames of hell and brought me to tears. Also tried over the counter hydrocortisone (same stuff I have used on my psoriasis on my elbows before) - only to find that stings and creates a kind of skin/gunk which becomes REAL itchy. I read the paper that came with it and it says do not use on genitals. Now one I have used in the past that helped when I have had dry skin is Germolene. I have put that on today and although things are a little better, I still itch like hell and tbh I am now getting worried.
Also read today the side effects of Empagliflozin are
  1. increased volume of pale, dilute urine (I have this....not an issue. Just the pills doing their job)
  2. redness, itching, swelling, or pain around the penis (This. I have and hate this)
I have only been on these pills for about 6 weeks and other than the home treatments, I was thinking of taking a break of the Empagliflozin to see if it helps get things under control (whilst obviously keeping a close eye on my sugars to make sure they do not spike).

What are your thoughts? Has anyone else suffered from this?
Wow fell of my chair reading this, sorry Goz I don't really have any advice keep rubbing your creams on it
Redness and itching in that area can be caused by Thrush. Have you been treated for this? Empagliflozin works by getting the body to excrete excess sugar, so basically every time you wee, the area is bathed in sugary liquid, which yeasts and fungal infections love (and also bacteria) and it can cause recurring problems. You may need to chat to a pharmacist about the best thrush treatment. Also if you have a partner, you can pass the infection back and forth so both parties need to use an anti fungal cream at the same time.
If it is down to the empagliflozin then please push for GP care.
I understand actually seeing a GP is a bit of a nightmare but at least get something booked, even if it is weeks away rather than leave it for another few weeks to become even more unbearable and then try and have to wait longer.
There are other options in the T2 oral med family that they could switch you to that work in different ways to help manage your blood glucose.
I know when I had issues with meds in the past, explaining to the guard dogs/reception that I felt I couldn't take my diabetes medications due to side effects it was enough to suddenly find an appointment.

Also wondering if there is any thrush going on (not sure how it presents in guys sorry) and maybe try some treatment for that?
I wouldn't be putting any creams on it that aren't designed to be put there 😉

Have you chatted with a pharmacist at all? Most have private places to talk and they can possibly advise what is safe to try and certainly up in Scotland, they can prescribe certain things without a GP.
Go to A&E. That's what they all say now, when you can't get to see a doctor. The world has gone crazy. You'll wait hours but will at least be seen and maybe your problem sorted.
Wow fell of my chair reading this, sorry Goz I don't really have any advice keep rubbing your creams on it
Fell off your chair in shock or laughing? Either way - I don't mind 🙂

Redness and itching in that area can be caused by Thrush. Have you been treated for this? Empagliflozin works by getting the body to excrete excess sugar, so basically every time you wee, the area is bathed in sugary liquid, which yeasts and fungal infections love (and also bacteria) and it can cause recurring problems. You may need to chat to a pharmacist about the best thrush treatment. Also if you have a partner, you can pass the infection back and forth so both parties need to use an anti fungal cream at the same time.
I have never had thrush and nor has my wife. I was told how Empagliflozin works by the nurse which is what set my thoughts off in relation to it being the cause of the issues. I will see about a thrush treatment. Thanks for the advice.

If it is down to the empagliflozin then please push for GP care.
I understand actually seeing a GP is a bit of a nightmare but at least get something booked, even if it is weeks away rather than leave it for another few weeks to become even more unbearable and then try and have to wait longer.
There are other options in the T2 oral med family that they could switch you to that work in different ways to help manage your blood glucose.
I know when I had issues with meds in the past, explaining to the guard dogs/reception that I felt I couldn't take my diabetes medications due to side effects it was enough to suddenly find an appointment.

Also wondering if there is any thrush going on (not sure how it presents in guys sorry) and maybe try some treatment for that?
I wouldn't be putting any creams on it that aren't designed to be put there 😉

Have you chatted with a pharmacist at all? Most have private places to talk and they can possibly advise what is safe to try and certainly up in Scotland, they can prescribe certain things without a GP.
I will push for GP care. I think this suffering is not an option as it is early days for my T2 diagnosis and if I am already experiencing this, it has to stop. From what I have read online, thrush can occur in men. I have suspected this might be my case but I have no discharge - which I suppose is a good thing.

Thank you all for your kind guidance so far.
Go to A&E. That's what they all say now, when you can't get to see a doctor. The world has gone crazy. You'll wait hours but will at least be seen and maybe your problem sorted.
Absolutely not an option. I don't want to be one of those people who go to A&E to add to an already stretched NHS workforce's list of non-emergency patients.
Does your GP have either e consult or something similar, where you email your problem, some find they get a quicker response than waiting for the appointment?
Does your GP have either e consult or something similar, where you email your problem, some find they get a quicker response than waiting for the appointment?
Sadly not - Just gonna have to keep phoning and hoping
Another vote here for thrush as the most likely cause, particularly with that medication and definitely worth getting something from the pharmacy for thrush to try whilst you try to get an appointment as it is at least designed to be used on those delicate parts of the anatomy. Sympathies for the discomfort and hope you get it fixed soon.

I really don't understand why all surgeries don't have the option of "e-consult" or "Ask my GP" It relieves the strain on reception/phone lines and allows the clinicians to decide who they need to see and prioritize patients or arrange blood tests in advance of seeing them. Works absolutely brilliantly at my GP practice, so it is worth double check your GP practice website to see if it is an option that you maybe just haven't been notified of.
I got my diabetes diagnosed through this and never even needed to see the GP. The GP just arranged via email for me to have a blood test with nurse and then appointment with nurse for treatment. Worked brilliantly! I sat at home Sunday night and composed the email about my symptoms, had reply email on the Mon morning from the GP with appointment for blood test the next day and was diagnosed on the Thurs.
Canesten is the recognized brand name. For us women, you can get combi packs which include a pessary and cream but I am pretty sure you can also just buy the cream. I would ask the pharmacist as you can also get oral meds for bad thrush infections and that might be helpful since I am assuming that inserting a pessary isn't possible with a man's anatomy o_O and often with a bad thrush infection you need a heavy handed approach, so you might need cream and oral antifungal medication..... not sure if a pharmacist can prescribe the tablets without prescription though.

If you are buying Canesten cream there may be 2 different strengths so look for the higher one. Many supermarkets sell it on the regular medication shelves.
Canesten is the recognized brand name. For us women, you can get combi packs which include a pessary and cream but I am pretty sure you can also just buy the cream. I would ask the pharmacist as you can also get oral meds for bad thrush infections and that might be helpful since I am assuming that inserting a pessary isn't possible with a man's anatomy o_O and often with a bad thrush infection you need a heavy handed approach, so you might need cream and oral antifungal medication..... not sure if a pharmacist can prescribe the tablets without prescription though.

If you are buying Canesten cream there may be 2 different strengths so look for the higher one. Many supermarkets sell it on the regular medication shelves.
Yeah....wouldn't want to try inserting the pessary!! I will swing by the pharmacy at lunch.

Got the cream - will try it after my shower when I get back from the gym later.
Also got the number to 2 private Drs while at the pharmacy so I can buy an appointment sooner rather than later.
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I would also add trying to get your blood glucose down by paying attention to your carbohydrate intake as that will make a difference to your potential Thrush which it does sound like what you have.
Obviously pay careful attention to hygiene in that area, some people recommend loose fitting cotton underwear as being better.
I would also add trying to get your blood glucose down by paying attention to your carbohydrate intake as that will make a difference to your potential Thrush which it does sound like what you have.
Obviously pay careful attention to hygiene in that area, some people recommend loose fitting cotton underwear as being better.
I imagine the meds are causing this as I never suffered from this before taking the Empagliflozin pills. So I am going to stop those pills, get an appointment to explain the situation and go about my usual good hygiene / loose clothing. Just so much hinder me due to being very obese (skin folds don't help - especially in that area). In addition, I'll really focus on my carbs intake. Will see how it goes
Hi! Long time reader, first time poster. Gonna be a long one I'm afraid.
I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance as trying to get hold of my Dr for an appointment is next to impossible within the next 3 weeks and even 111 had an extended wait time.
I am on Metformin SR and Empagliflozin to control my T2 and so far, so good. Average sugars are between 5.5 and 7 which my nurse is happy with. However, recently the skin on my foreskin has become very cracked, a little bloody and as a result swollen to the point where I cannot retract it over the head. I did some reading and based on what I found from multiple sites, I tried aloe vera on it. All I will say is don't ever do that - it burns like the flames of hell and brought me to tears. Also tried over the counter hydrocortisone (same stuff I have used on my psoriasis on my elbows before) - only to find that stings and creates a kind of skin/gunk which becomes REAL itchy. I read the paper that came with it and it says do not use on genitals. Now one I have used in the past that helped when I have had dry skin is Germolene. I have put that on today and although things are a little better, I still itch like hell and tbh I am now getting worried.
Also read today the side effects of Empagliflozin are
  1. increased volume of pale, dilute urine (I have this....not an issue. Just the pills doing their job)
  2. redness, itching, swelling, or pain around the penis (This. I have and hate this)
I have only been on these pills for about 6 weeks and other than the home treatments, I was thinking of taking a break of the Empagliflozin to see if it helps get things under control (whilst obviously keeping a close eye on my sugars to make sure they do not spike).

What are your thoughts? Has anyone else suffered from this?
I recognise those symptoms. I have had similar since being put on those sort of meds too and I'm told it's thrush which is apparently a really common side effect. I've been on those meds a couple of months and they are doing really well at managing my blood sugar levels but I've had about 4 flare ups of thrush. I asked the pharmacist and they gave me canesten cream which seems to work. My goal is to reduce my blood sugars further by taking better care of myself so that when the meds make me pee out the excess sugar there is less there to start with thus reducing the thrush fueling sugar in my pee.
Another side effect I've had from these tablets is weight loss. That combined with being less symptomatic from my diabetes makes me really reluctant to stop taking these so I'll keep slapping the canesten on and hope things settle down.
I recognise those symptoms. I have had similar since being put on those sort of meds too and I'm told it's thrush which is apparently a really common side effect. I've been on those meds a couple of months and they are doing really well at managing my blood sugar levels but I've had about 4 flare ups of thrush. I asked the pharmacist and they gave me canesten cream which seems to work. My goal is to reduce my blood sugars further by taking better care of myself so that when the meds make me pee out the excess sugar there is less there to start with thus reducing the thrush fueling sugar in my pee.
Another side effect I've had from these tablets is weight loss. That combined with being less symptomatic from my diabetes makes me really reluctant to stop taking these so I'll keep slapping the canesten on and hope things settle down.
I will give the thrush cream a go but I think I will stop the pee pills to help speed things up. I will continue to try get a GP appointment. Need to get this sorted
Hope you manage to get an appointment and get some relief soon @Big G Man - sounds very painful and uncomfortable :(
is it weird to ask if there is any improvement today @Big G Man
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