brilliant weekend at FFL

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all🙂

Alex and I have just got back from a brilliant weekend at FFL (friends for life) and we had an amazing time and learnt so much.

We met Tom,Shiv and Nicky and they are all lovely. I had to fix poor Tom's shoes with some tegaderm as they were flapping all over the place.😱

What the Americans dont know about type 1 diabetes you could put on a postage stamp. Gary Schneider (think like a pancreas) gave talks on many subjects and his best was 'strike the spike' - absolutely brilliant and full of advice on how to stop spiking up and more.

We learnt so much that we are buzzing with information and motivation and think FFL should be made compulsory on the NHS as its so positive.

Alex absolutely loved it and said that if I didnt want to go next year he will save up all his pocket money and pay for it himself! He had a whole weekend of freedom to do whatever he wanted and was looked after by the most experienced and trusted people I could wish for so I wasnt worried at all. He made lots of friends and didnt want to leave.

We have come home with lots of freebies too. There is a new home meter out that measures your hba1c - and only takes a drop of blood.

I have learnt a lot more about sensors and how to interpret the data and feel really motivated to get rid of those spikes.

If anyone is interested it is open to all - and next year Ragnar Hannas is coming to give talks so that should be interesting.🙂Bev
Sounds like a fantastic time Bev, thanks for letting us know how it went! I'd love to shake Ragnar's hand - what a legend! 🙂 Great that Alex was so happy with it too - what a long wat you have all come since we first met you! :D
hey bev was wondering where you were in the x factor thread lol, glad you had a great time cant wait to see shivs piccyes x
Sounds like a fantastic time Bev, thanks for letting us know how it went! I'd love to shake Ragnar's hand - what a legend! 🙂 Great that Alex was so happy with it too - what a long wat you have all come since we first met you! :D

Hi Northey,

It would be lovely if you came next year - I think you would like it - its not over the top 'american styley' at all. There were quite a few adults there from various organisations and some just general public - so you dont need to be a member of CWD to go. I will let you know when dates are confirmed so you can put our name down - so at least you will have the option to go. You can always change your mind if you really dont want to go - but I really do think you would like it and you could come back and relay all the knowledge on here too.:DBev
wow sounds like a great weekend Bev! I wish I'd had things like that when I was a kid. I think I went on one trip to Alton Towers when I was first diagnosed and that was it. I wish I had had an opportunity to make more friends who were diabetic...maybe then I would have better control and not feel so alone most of the time!

So glad it was so great 🙂
wow sounds like a great weekend Bev! I wish I'd had things like that when I was a kid. I think I went on one trip to Alton Towers when I was first diagnosed and that was it. I wish I had had an opportunity to make more friends who were diabetic...maybe then I would have better control and not feel so alone most of the time!

So glad it was so great 🙂

You need to come next year Katie - you will love it and learn so much. So thats you and Northey so far!🙂Bev
You need to come next year Katie - you will love it and learn so much. So thats you and Northey so far!🙂Bev

wooo! can't wait! I need to do more stuff....just need to convince hubby that things like this are really worth their weight in gold!
Have to say it was brilliant, I really enjoyed it. Was great to catch up with Shiv and Tom again and to meet Bev, Alex and Adrienne for the first time.

I learnt quite alot even though I was working most of the time and coudln't get into any of the talks. The kids were great and all seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Would love to go again next year
Bev, glad you and Alex enjoyed it so much.

Where, and what exactly was this w/e all about

How did you hear about it?
It sounds brilliant! How do you get to go?...

Sorry - forgot to put the link on. ANYONE CAN GO! When I find out when the dates are for next October I will post it on here and you just book with the hotel in Windsor - but it is SO popular that you have to book straight away.

For those with children - there is day care provided - and if your child is diabetic - there are experts on hand to look after them so dont worry.

It cost ?200 for the conference and the hotel was ?85 per room per night (2 nights). I know its not cheap - but it is worth EVERY PENNY - so start saving now and you wont regret it.🙂Bev
I will definitely be there next year! It was amazing to meet everyone from the emailing list and to catch up with Nikki and Adrienne!

The talks were fab - I missed the 'Strike the Spike' one due to THREE cannulas in a row failing on me (I was in the 20s for hours and one of the mums told me I looked really ill...great!). His talk on carb counting was excellent.

Meeting the kids was fab too - they are all fab, Bev Alex is hilarious!
toby take a look at the link bev posted 🙂 it's a weekend that is aimed at families with diabetic children, but is technically open to anyone coming. There are talks given by various people, and all the kids go to organised activities and sessions.
Sounds like it was a worthwhile event

Why though, is the best information at a cost to the individual, uis the NHS really so bad.

Shiv, you spoke about one individual in particular - carb counting, is there a book of his I could buy

Carb counting, is I feel, the thing that is letting me down.

I really need to get my head round it and soon................
Gary Scheiner has written a few books, including one which teaches you how to carb count as well as having lots of carb listings. I honestly can't recall the title but I'm sure if you look on his website it will tell you it. It will all be in American talk - cups etc! All the food at FFL was measured in cups, it got confusing after a while.

I had my photo taken with him and his wife :D he was a lovely guy.
toby take a look at the link bev posted 🙂 it's a weekend that is aimed at families with diabetic children, but is technically open to anyone coming. There are talks given by various people, and all the kids go to organised activities and sessions.

Thanks Shiv I will take a look!🙂
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