Breakfast Nuts style Granola?

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I tried the paleo box from Sainsbury's. Yes expensive for the quantity. Pleasant cereal for sure. Seems to be mainly toasted coconut. Maybe half a dozen nuts in pack. Was wondering if buying just toasted coconut a less expensive option as enjoying the coconut in the paleo box. Maybe buy shredded/chips of dried coconut and toast myself if the toasted ones pricier. May stick with the paleo box if nothing cheaper but so grateful for the info about its existance
I tried the paleo box from Sainsbury's. Yes expensive for the quantity. Pleasant cereal for sure. Seems to be mainly toasted coconut. Maybe half a dozen nuts in pack. Was wondering if buying just toasted coconut a less expensive option as enjoying the coconut in the paleo box. Maybe buy shredded/chips of dried coconut and toast myself if the toasted ones pricier. May stick with the paleo box if nothing cheaper but so grateful for the info about its existance
The Grape Tree are very good for a massive selection of nuts, seeds, coconut and all sorts of things like that. A few shops around but they also do on line as well.
When looking at granolas a while ago I came to the conclusion it was easier and simpler to make my own rather than searching about for particular "brands". Toast some oats, add whatever nuts and seeds I fancy and, voila, minimum carb granola. Add Greek yoghourt and enjoy. Cost is below the fancy granolas, and, more to the point, I know whats in it.
When looking at granolas a while ago I came to the conclusion it was easier and simpler to make my own rather than searching about for particular "brands". Toast some oats, add whatever nuts and seeds I fancy and, voila, minimum carb granola. Add Greek yoghourt and enjoy. Cost is below the fancy granolas, and, more to the point, I know whats in it.
Fair comment. Getting the coconut chips (to toast myself) isn't a cheap option when looking at stores or online
Not used coconut chips myself but have added coconut oil to the oats before toasting. I'm thinking of adding sesame oil to the next batch!
I've been assessing what should be my cornerstone ingredients based on natural, price, availability and snack factor. I think I've come to the decision that "hummus, eggs, yogurt, peanut butter" in combination with mainstay meals (veg, protein etc) seems about right. Am I thinking sensibly?
Eggs, natural yoghurt and peanut butter certainly feature regularly on my menu. Unfortunately i am one of those people who seem to extract more carbs from pulses than they are supposed to contain, so I gave up on hummus and I much prefer proper cheese to cottage cheese. Hard to beat a good blue Stilton or a nice mature Cheddar or vintage red Leicester. I suppose it depends on how much weight you need to lose as to how much fat you can add in to compensate for the carb reduction. If you need to lose lots of weight then maybe the cottage cheese is a good idea and progress to proper cheese and cream etc when you hit target weight.
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