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Gave up buying white bread with the diabetes...but i eat it if it's all there is on the menu or left in the canteen
I've eaten wholemale bread for years because I like it. Have recently been using Warburton's seeded batch loaf after reading that seeds lower the GI. It keeps well too, which is good as I am trying to reduce amounts.

Crikey! I ain't living anywhere near you! You don't buy your bread from a local "bakery" do you? 😱

Andy ("The Male") H-B

p.s. Personally, I'm a granary man or any type of home-baked loaf that I can get my hands on.
I have whatever is around. Hubby insists on getting whole meal or grannery for me, but I don't eat much and unless someone makes a bread pudding it is a waste!
Granary for me - and the more seeds in it the better! I dolike white (preferably with lots of butter) but in my new healthy life that's a complete no-no - as I know I'd happily eat half a loaf if I started!
ooooo i love big thick white bread from the bakery.. all soft and smothered in jam butter and jam......

but i dont eat it anymore....

any nutty brown will do these days :(
I eat almost all white bread, don't like brown will only eat it if I have to. We don't buy bread everyweek, we tend to get rolls, or pittas, for lunches.
I have Vogels bread for work & at home I have the 50/50 one. I like all bread though. Apart from that nasty German Rye stuff
Due to dietry adjustments I have gone from about four white Mothers Pride plain loaves a week plus two wholemeal, to two and a half to three wholemeal brown a week and one Mothers Pride plain which usually lasts a couple to three weeks. (I just have to have two slices of white to mop up the gravy in my wifes home made mince pie, it will probably be the death of me, but you need to have some pleasure in life :D ) I love plain white bread, baguettes, rolls infact you name it, I love it :D Although I am struggling to understand why Northe said its tastless :confused: Have your taste buds died mate? its all yummy. Omg I need a sandwich now, plain white outsider toasted and smothered in Bertolli spread (got to eat healthy :D ) but I will be good and abstain.
I've always been a wholemeal bread person and insisted that the children eat it too because I think shop brought white bread is horrible. A few years back I convinced DH to try wholemeal instead of the white he had always eaten and now he's a convert. Apparently as soon as he changed over, his stomach felt better. 😱

I do occasionally make a white loaf at home (like yesterday when we ran out of bread and the shops were closed), but I never buy white bread.
I wrote a poem about bread, called 'Low GI Bread':

Low G.I. bread

Down at the bakers, I?ve heard it?s been said,
There?s a good special offer on Low GI bread.
So I put on my coat and set off down the road
For something to lower my glycaemic load.

And there in the window in prominent view
Was a sign confirming what I?d been told was true:
?Live your life healthy, for you?re a long time dead ?
Come in and sample our Low GI bread!?

The devil inside me said ?I wonder if they know?
They say ?Low GI?, but what makes it so??
So I questioned the counter girl, would she comply?
She looked rather puzzled, then gave this reply?

?Well, the ?Low? means there?s less, and the ?I? means ?Inside?,
But as for the ?G? I can?t really decide?
Could it be Garlic or Ginger or Goat?
Or (scraping the barrel!) a Gloucestershire stoat??

?Or Gherkins or Grapefruit, or maybe Goosefat??
I suggested ?Glycaemic?? ? ?No, I don?t think it?s that ?
Gammon? Or Gumbo? Or Guava? Or Gin??
(She was beginning to wish that I hadn?t come in!)

Then a lady beside me said ?Why would I pay more
For bread that has less of what went in before??
That caused the girl?s listing of ?G? things to stop,
So we both turned round briskly and vacated the shop!

im a brown bread person but for rolls n bacon or sausges it needs to be white:D
I've never understood why white bread seems to be so popular. My local co-op sells almost exclusively white bread, same at tescos mini-store. I don't personally see the appeal - it's flavourless and sticks to your teeth!

What sort of bread do you eat?:confused:

I eat Morrisons Sunflower and pumpkin seed bread, it's delicious (feel a liitle better now)sheena
I eat Morrisons Sunflower and pumpkin seed bread, it's delicious (feel a liitle better now)sheena

That sounds nice, I think I'll look out for some of that!
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