Bread and wheat. Sigh.

Interestingly, I was having (stoneground) rye, which is turns out I really like. Seeded might be an option, but most seem to include pumpkin seeds, which for some reason cause no end of issues for me.

We seem to generally cycle between Asda’s own Multigrain Sliced, Wholemeal & Rye Farmhouse, and their Superseeded loaf.

From memory, and not looking at the ingredients lists none of those have any obvious pumpkin seeds that I can recall.
We seem to generally cycle between Asda’s own Multigrain Sliced, Wholemeal & Rye Farmhouse, and their Superseeded loaf.

From memory, and not looking at the ingredients lists none of those have any obvious pumpkin seeds that I can recall.
Will give them a look! Asda’s the one chain I can’t get to easily from where I live as a non-driver but will see if there are equivalents elsewhere!
Update: Two days trialling GF loaf, and: results in line with a similar (+/-2) number of carbs in non-wheat bearing meals. I did near-exact numbers yesterday, and today it was actually 15 carbs MORE than I'd normally have in a lunch with bread (cut down the slices and weighed to get roughly the same number of carbs yesterday; today I just had two and threw caution to the wind!). BG rises of less than 1mmol each (as opposed to 2-3mmol) at 2 hours. Meals with GF bread otherwise identical, so this is suggestive. Not conclusive, of course, and needs lots more experimentation, but does look like wheat is the issue. Further experiments to come!