Hi all. Sorry I've not updated sooner but I've been giving myself time until I had a clearer picture of what was going on. I've not been able to get in at the doctors yet, but I've had three days without brain fog so far. I've drastically adhered to a good diet, exercise and walking plan and feeling much better all round. I have a CGM on now and can see a bit clearer what's going on. My fasting BG starts of high and makes it's way to 'normal range' and manages to remain there. Had really good BG control up to two hours after an evening meal then I had a hypo. I rectified that and then woke in the night with another hypo. So it's all still a work in progress but at least I will have this to show a GP or diabetic nurse. The GPs either don't seem to understand any of this or think I'm imagining symptoms so this way they'll see I'm not!