Boots Pharmacy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went to collect my monthly script today, and guess what it wasint ready and wont be ready to wenesday.
I ran out of test strips yesterday morn and have not tested since then. The lady in the shop sais i would have to go to formby boots to collect them, which is 8 miles, i do not drive and told her this, she said its not my problem is it! Snotty c*w. Now i have got to go on an 8 mile bike ride just to collect 50 test strips.

Why carnt these stupid pharmacys just have your scripts ready!😡

I hope and pray i dont have to go threw this every month.
not good scotty!

Although I'm not slurring the boots name! Last time I went to pick up my repeat, I think I still had 100 strips left at home, but she said they are currently unavaliable?!?!? Whatever that meant! I went back the following week, and they were all there.

I'm definately stocking up a bit and not leaving it till I'm desperate ever!
Went to collect my monthly script today, and guess what it wasint ready and wont be ready to wenesday.
I ran out of test strips yesterday morn and have not tested since then. The lady in the shop sais i would have to go to formby boots to collect them, which is 8 miles, i do not drive and told her this, she said its not my problem is it! Snotty c*w. Now i have got to go on an 8 mile bike ride just to collect 50 test strips.

Why carnt these stupid pharmacys just have your scripts ready!😡

I hope and pray i dont have to go threw this every month.

Thats carp hun, sorry your going through it. I'm lucky my pharmacy tends to have it all ready.. even if its something they haven't heard of before (had a soft sense blood testing kit at one point). Hope it gets better xx
That is appalling and needs a letter of complaint to Boots.

Are you only getting 50 on your script from the docs? Get more, for this precise reason. A person with type 1 should never run out of strips, it is just too dangerous. We get 400 on script at a time. Ask for 200 and see what happens.
Is it just me or does Boots seem to have a bit of a blind spot on test strips? I wonder if they've got some kind of warehouse/supplier problem. I'm sure we got some in last week at work, coz i keep eyeing them up when i walk past and wondering if i could slip some in my pocket 🙂(yeah, i'm one of those type 2's who arn't allowed them...).
Being asked to travel eight miles to resolve thier stock issues is beyond a joke though. That's pretty shabby customer service (why am i not suprised though?) by anybody's standard. Hang on, if NGH NHS trust can order stuff like that for that afternoon or next morning delivery why can't a honking big conglomerate like Boots? Don't they have a delivery van that can pick up some more in Formby for you? Coz they can't just be out of test strips!?!

Get the name of the Responsible Pharmacist and complain to head office and if that doesn't work, try the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
Why do you only get 50 test strips? 😱 That is nowhere near enough for a type 1 Diabetic's monthly supply!
I am now a boots custumer as the lloyds we had went out of business or sumit so boots took over and ive had no issues, i get 50 a month myself and i test 2 times a day not taking into account hypers which might push it to 4, so for me i have never had a problem with boots and its been 6 monthm it was lloyds who used to mess me about.
I think I'm quite lucky, I go to Boots and have never had a real problem with my prescription. Occasionally they don't have something in but they can usually get it in by midday the following day. The longest I had to wait was three days for some needles, but every pharmacy in the city also had the same problem, apparently it was a warehouse issue.

I think maybe it's a competition issue, Norwich has loads of pharmacies, a quick search on Yell tells me there are 26 within 2 miles of my house, and many more if you go a little further out.
this is why i change pharmacy they always have to order graham stuff they never had any extra like if one day he wouldnot need to order it???? dohhhh I went from numark pharmacis to Lloyds , very good service
Hi Scotty,

I agree, appauling service and a complaint is in order, absolutely.

But, if I can share my contingency plan with you (I hope this is helpful and not annoying!). I use the Acsensia Contour meter. I also have problems with my strips being in stock on oaccassions.

I have (still boxed) the Nano which uses accu-chek strips. I got it free from the company on their website. There are 10 strips in the box that come with the metre and I know I have a 48 hour supply if in dire straits, and more importantly, a metre I can then say to pharmacist man, have you got any of these different strips then?

Ive also got an optium exceed from my DSN (incase I got pregnant and wanted keytone measurements!!! well, it was free at least!) and I know there are strips in that box too.

I figure, being cautious I could see myself through an emergency.

All this should never excuse such poor customer service though.
Thanks everyone, i have made an appoitment with my gp and dsn nurse to discuss more test strips, a member on here karingal kindly, gave me a blood testing machine, which i am going to donate and treble the postage to charity. I am keeping this a Emergency spare, Thanks again.

I went to pick up my testing strips from my local Boots who are surposed to do a repeat order for me every month, they hadn't done it so I was running short! When the manager/pharmacist checked the computer to see my last order he told me I would have to wait as I had used 150 in less than a month & then asked 'What on earth are you doing with them???' I was very tempted to say I was selling them on Ebay! I then had to explain that I had been on a DAFNE course & tested at least 5-7 times a day! I'm now worried about testing so often incase he makes another sarky comment! I spoke to my Dafne mentor who said that its my health & as long as I am looking after it he had no right to question me!

Debs x

I went to pick up my testing strips from my local Boots who are surposed to do a repeat order for me every month, they hadn't done it so I was running short! When the manager/pharmacist checked the computer to see my last order he told me I would have to wait as I had used 150 in less than a month & then asked 'What on earth are you doing with them???' I was very tempted to say I was selling them on Ebay! I then had to explain that I had been on a DAFNE course & tested at least 5-7 times a day! I'm now worried about testing so often incase he makes another sarky comment! I spoke to my Dafne mentor who said that its my health & as long as I am looking after it he had no right to question me!

Debs x

Debs, you are not testing excessively at all. I use an average of 6-7 strips a day, and every test has a purpose. Ask the man when he thinks he would test and then come up with all the extra scenarios (including when you don't get enough blood and faulty strips, before and after driving, before, during and after exercise, when you are ill, when you feel hypo, when you feel hyper...). Then ask him how he would manage that on 150 strips a month! Simple maths says 6 tests x 30 days = 180 strips minimum. Ignorant know-it-all-but-knows-nothing😱
Ok I REALLY don't understand this!

Firstly, they are not doctors, they do not prescribe medicine - So how the hell do they have any right/qualification to tell you that you're using too many strips??

Secondly, doesn't you ordering more/your doctor prescribing you more strips mean more money for the chemist? So why do they care?

Thirdly, did they get you confused with someone who ISN'T type 1 Diabetic? Of course you need to test that much.

Luckily my pharmacist didn't seem to mind at all about my order of 900 test strips 😉
thank you Boots! hehe:

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Blimey Katie, they're big boxes!
So you stocking up for a certain trip? Is it all sorted, taken your time haven't you! Is there going to be a meet before you fly off, the Bourne massive?
Blimey Katie, they're big boxes!
So you stocking up for a certain trip? Is it all sorted, taken your time haven't you! Is there going to be a meet before you fly off, the Bourne massive?

Yep it's all sorted 🙂

I will take them all out of their boxes! more worried about the insulin.

I'm not sure yet whether I have any free time for a meet-up, but I will see what I can do 🙂
Yep it's all sorted 🙂

I will take them all out of their boxes! more worried about the insulin.

I'm not sure yet whether I have any free time for a meet-up, but I will see what I can do 🙂

Nice to hear, you've been banging on about it long enough! so I guess see you in 2011?? I'lll be no different probably more grey hair!!!

Bring us back a 6 pack of VB stubbies😉
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