Books on living with diabetes list

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Stefan Diabetes UK

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Wondered if anyone had any recommendations on books about living with diabetes? Diabetes UK are trying to put together a list of books to help people manage and live with diabetes, so be great to hear what you all think are good ones.

We're looking for all sorts: from books for the newly diagnosed to tips on managing the daily stresses and strains of living with diabetes.

The final list will be shared with health care professionals so can recommend books as part of their prescriptions.

So any suggestions are very very welcome and should be very helpful. We're hoping to have something finalised late next week so let us know when you can.

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!
Dr. David Cavan, 'Reverse your diabetes' was an absolute godsend to me when I was first diagnosed. Understandable and written by an Consultant Physician/Endocrinologist who writes tremendous good sense.
Hee hee - I had the list through from Alan Creech today.

Absolutely no sign whatsoever of 'Think Like a Pancreas' 'Using Insulin' 'Pumping Insulin' or 'Type 1 Diabetes in Children blah blah' either!

A lot of them on the list don't even deal with Diabetes to begin with - books about living with pain, arthritis etc. Very odd.
Gretchen Becker First Year With Type 2 Diabetes, she also does a book on PreDiabetes.
The most useful one I have read so far...helped me to understand my condition and manage it...recommended it to my GP who seems to know little about type 2!
Top three for me

T1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
Very useful whatever your age. So ill finding it useful at 62

Pumping insulin by John Walsh
Excellent book for dealing with the practicalities and fine tuning of pump use

Think like a pancreas by Gary Sheiner
Logical and clear approach which I found very useful, and good to go back to when sorting problems

Also 100 things I wish I knew about living with Diabetes
1)The Gretchen Becker ( I was originally misdiagnosed Type 2 ) for the way it explained the whole initial process, blood tests, etc.
2)Think Like a Pancreas.
Diabetic Athlete's Handbook by Sheri Colberg for any sporty types 🙂

Ragnar Hanas' Type 1 in Children, Adolescents and Young People (whatever your age!)

Gretchen Becker Type 2 Diabetes, the First Year

The GL Diet for Dummies

For some background and history, I'd also recommend:

Diabetes: The Biography by Robert Tattersall

The Fight to Survive: A young girl, diabetes and the discovery of insulin by Caroline Cox

The Discovery of Insulin - Michael Bliss

Diabetes, Insulin and the Life of RD Lawrence, by Jane Lawrence
I really enjoyed reading the last one when it was published Alan. However - I became very depressed and frightened very early on in my journey (1973) when the BDA were celebrating 50 years of insulin treatment.

OMG - I'm stuck with this for ever - and yet it's only 50 years since they've been able to offer people like me any hope of a life, whatsoever. Really brought it home - with a sledge hammer. Always started off an episode of the 'Why Mes'. After that - I decided it was better for me generally not to keep reading things about people whose legs had dropped of and how well they were doing ...... used to bin 'Balance' when it arrived, for years. Of course I also missed all sorts of stuff that could have been useful, but there you go - you have to find your OWN way of coping with it, don't you?

So - I believe we need to be careful recommending stuff that should be suitable for the newly diagnosed unless we add a suitable caution where necessry!
Thanks all, lots of great suggestions there, and good points about how books can best be used. Another couple of days before we finalise the list so any others still greatly appreciated 🙂
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