Bolus not basal!!

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I was unnecessarily being a bit reckless - the kit is offered ..... So I've surrendered and put in my renewal request
Good to know there's something positive out of my dumbness 🙂

Next time I see the quack, I'll ask about a glucagon kit too. On the basis of why wouldn't I, I suppose
Good to know there's something positive out of my dumbness 🙂

Next time I see the quack, I'll ask about a glucagon kit too. On the basis of why wouldn't I, I suppose
It was the potential speed of it all that caught my attention. If you hadn't spotted your mistake, you could well have taken your normal bolus as well ...... a glucagon pen would have been essential, unless you live next door to a para-medic! The kit has a relatively short shelf life, my 2 kits have both date expired over 3+ yrs. The Consultant was still politely adamant that the wastage was cheap in relation to the alternative costs and it was NHS cash well spent.
I keep my basal next to my bed and bolus in my handbag. Never together… my mornings are such a flap that it’s easily done, and I actually have done it before but back in the days when I was only on 6 units of basal so wasn’t a big issue and I did enjoy the donut for breakfast :rofl:
Hi. How are you getting on?

I did this with very similar doses (22 or 24units I think) earlier this year but I was using Fiasp which is quicker than NR. I have to say that I injected my Levemir straight after because I like to keep my basal as level as possible. The panic was by far the worst bit, especially as I live on my own but I did ring a couple of people to let them know the situation and to check on me if they didn't hear from me later.
I kept a running tally on a bit of paper of everything I ate to keep track and kept a close eye on my Libre and apart from initially feeling horribly sick which was just down to sheer panic, it was fine. I found a jar of honey was probably the easiest way to get carbs into me but I had lots of different things. being low carb I didn't have a lot of high carb foods in the house, so the honey was a bit of a lucky find. I was back to normal by 3 hours later because Fiasp works quicker and if I remember rightly, I managed to keep out of the red (just) but tipped ever so slightly over the top of range at one point. so felt like I managed it really well in the end, but the initial panic was horrid!
And the other thing about Lantus is, that it has a peak in its activity at about 4 to 5 hours after injecting it. NOT an absolutely flat profile.
Hi. How are you getting on?
Thanks for checking. Think I'm through it now

Funnily enough probably over compensated and was flitting around between 11 and 12 most of the morning which was totally fine all things considered. Felt sick when I first did it

Now down to a pretty flat looking 6ish and I'm 6hrs post idiot moment so I'm going to drop in some basal now
I keep my basal next to my bed and bolus in my handbag
Yes although I'm still injecting at times overnight on correction doses. I think the best advice to self is "don't be dumb and learn again"!
I always keep both basal and bolus with me wherever I go. You never know where you might end up and need them. They are under my pillow at night (with my reader) ready to inject in the morning before I get out of bed and then go in my bag through the day, which goes everywhere with me.
I have a 2 pen NovoNordisk pen case and the pens have a set position in the case, Levemir on the outside position and Fiasp in the middle, so I can identify them by position in the middle of the night and do a correction without having to put the light on. I wrapped some tape around the basal pen to make it feel a little different after my little "incident" like you had but otherwise I just accept that I am human and will very occasionally make mistakes. Pumps systems can fail too for that matter (so not just humans make mistakes), so I will live with and learn to handle whatever mistakes I do make and hopefully gain confidence and experience from them.
Managed to inject the right amount of the right insulin this morning 🙂

The fruits of yesterday's error were actually that on average I was a bit higher than normal and definitely spiker on the CGM profile. But fine with both really and hopefully today will continue to settle

Thank you to all the good citizens for your respondes. This old Mumpie lives on
Managed to inject the right amount of the right insulin this morning 🙂
For the longer term do you have disposable insulin pens or reusable pens with disposable cartridges? Much nicer pen, less fridge space, less environmental waste and come with a simple memory cap to tell you when you last injected
The fruits of yesterday's error were actually that on average I was a bit higher than normal and definitely spiker on the CGM profile. But fine with both really and hopefully today will continue to settle
Spikier profile could be my alternative name! I sincerely believe that there is no harm or damage in running a bit high from time to time. Going low can, apparently, cause far more long term and accumulating damage. Be alert to the current warm weather bringing reduced insulin resistance and thus needing more carbs. Almost all of us will experience this minor challenge. Also anticipate a possible lingering disruption after yesterday to your BG management. Diabetes makes this much more likely, according to my Consultant on Wednesday.
Thank you to all the good citizens for your respondes. This old Mumpie lives on
Old? Prime of your life - still got the potential to compete with a 20 yr old and the mental will and experience to stay in the game when the 20 yr olds are falling down (so I was told by a former RM Commando after he passed his course when 60% of the 18-25 yr olds failed!); (witness overpaid footballers).
I’m interested in what you managed to eat to get up to the required 250g
Wasn't as hard as all that. I went for the ones which I know spike me up quite quickly. White toast, cereal and orange juice. Felt pretty full after round 3!
do you have disposable insulin pens or reusable pens
Currently both. In that I was given a big hatch of disposable pens which I'm waiting to finish before I move on to the sleek reusable one on the shelf
Old? Prime of your life
That's totally fair actually. Should have phrased more that it feels like an ageing process, some of these lessons on the way. And if i compare to this time last year with an apparently fully functioning pancreas, I do feel a bit tatty! But you're right, plenty ahead and I'm really not wallowing in wrinkly skinned despair
For the longer term do you have disposable insulin pens or reusable pens with disposable cartridges? Much nicer pen, less fridge space, less environmental waste and come with a simple memory cap to tell you when you last injected
Whilst I am a huge fan of the disposable pens, unfortunately, the Lantus ones do not come with a "memory cap".
It is only the NovoPens that have this fancy feature and, sadly, the cartridges vary by manufacturer so the pens are not interchangeable.

I am wondering if I can get a "memory cap". I think it may come in handy but I forget why 😎
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Whilst I am a huge fan of the disposable pens, unfortunately, the Lantus ones do not come with a "memory cap".
It is only the NovoPens that have this fancy feature and, sadly, the cartridges vary by manufacturer so the pens are not interchangeable.

I am wondering if I can get a "memory cap". I think it may come in handy bit I forget why 😎
Does novo do long acting insulin? I'd be tempted to switch to a basal that is compatible with a memory pen if so
Does novo do long acting insulin? I'd be tempted to switch to a basal that is compatible with a memory pen if so
Yes, Levemir or Tresiba. Levemir is a shorter acting basal that you split and Tresiba is a very long acting one.
Yes, Levemir or Tresiba. Levemir is a shorter acting basal that you split and Tresiba is a very long acting one.
Thanks. And do I recall correctly that you made that switch to Levemir from something else?
Might be another area I copy your homework on in due course if so!
Thanks. And do I recall correctly that you made that switch to Levemir from something else?
Might be another area I copy your homework on in due course if so!
No, thankfully I was started on Levemir from the very beginning and I absolutely love it as it suits by very disordered life.
I changed my bolus insulin from Novo(not so)Rapid to Fiasp.... twice 🙄.... and have now stuck with Fiasp and get on well with it, but the change over was challenging as I expected it to be like for like, but a bit faster and that was probably a bit naive of me. Love the Novopen Echos too. Really don't understand why other insulin manufacturers have not gone the same route. Patent restrictions maybe.
Thanks. And do I recall correctly that you made that switch to Levemir from something else?
Might be another area I copy your homework on in due course if so!
I switched from Lantus to Levemir after reading up on them on here. I found Lantus gave me a low after 4-5 hours, which coincided with my body’s own natural low at 4am, if I took it at bedtime, and didn’t last the full 24hrs, but splitting gave me an even bumpier ride. I needed a lot less basal during the night, so having an unevenly split Levemir did the trick. (I worked out in the end that Lantus might have worked if I'd taken it at 3am!)
I guess one can't rush these things....

I'm actually pretty happy on Novorapid. I'll ponder over the coming weeks whether I might explore Levemir. Someone mentioned splitting doses being a useful stepping stone to a pump which appeals to me too
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