BMI / HbA1c

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I got a text from my doctor today congratulating me as my HbA1c was 54 which is the lowest level they have on record for me over the last 10 years, and all other results like cholesterol normal.

I know the HbA1c is not ‘normal’ yet but what an improvement - for me anyway. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes type 2 my HbA1c was 77. After the test before this one I was told that my diabetes tablets would have to be replaced by insulin injections if I didn’t get it down. Something I was not prepared to do.

Also after seeing a surgeon in May 23 for a knee replacement I was told my BMI had to be under 40 for the operation meaning my weight had to come down from 19st 3lbs to around 15st 7lb. So time for some action as there is nothing like pain as an incentive or injections.

Today my weight is 17st 7lb - so just about another 2st to lose - which is quite difficult as I can’t exercise due to my knee.

However I thought I would share how I’m managing to do this to see if it helps anyone else on here with similar problems.

I use an app called Nutracheck - it is brilliant. On there I have set my daily carb limit to 80g, my sugars to 30g, my fat to 30g and calories to 1200. I log everything that goes into my mouth into the app. Sounds laborious but it isn’t. I plan out the following day just before I go to bed - takes 5 mins. I start by putting in what I’m going to have for dinner then I plan the rest of the day around that. There are short cuts you can use like setting up meals so only by pressing the selected meal all contents are added. You will be amazed at carb / sugar / fat content of food. You can scan almost everything you buy that has a bar code and it will show you the values of that item. Then you can choose to vary % of that item to suit the values you are sticking to. Items that don’t scan like potatoes they show them mashed / boiled / baked / roasted etc with the added extras with oil / milk etc. You soon get to know what you can / can’t have and more importantly portion sizes. I add snacks / drinks during the day to the app. Every now and again the fat content is higher if I have avocado or smoked mackeral but I think they are good fats not bad. At first weigh everything to get to know portion sizes.

I have replaced things like semi-skimmed milk for almond no sugar milk in coffee (not tea). I sometimes use cos lettuce leaves as ‘bread’ and make ‘sandwiches’ for lunch. I have replaced normal salad cream with 70% less fat and use a few drops on my salads and cos lettuce sandwiches instead of big squirts. I have Optifast meal replacement shakes / bars sometimes for breakfast / lunch - they are around 200 calories / 20g carbs per item and are surprisingly filling. For breakfast I have cut out cereal and have Alpro no sugar yoghurt with coconut with 40g banana, 2 strawberries, 4 grapes. I know I could reduce sugar / carb there but I always stick to my set targets. I‘ve got to have something sweet and filling. With 2 x Nespresso coffees with 2 x 125ml almond no sugar milk the total for my breakfast is 157 calories, 15g carbs, 14g sugars.

So for people that need to bring their HbA1c and BMI down you can do it - just persevere. I hope this helps someone on here.

As a caveat I am not a doctor so please follow your doctors advice.
Hi @Blueiz , well done on the reduction in your Hba1c level - it is great to hear of your weight loss journey and what's worked for you - thank you so much for sharing your experience.

It certainly seems like you're on the right track, and it's no easy feat sticking with the changes, so good on you for the progress you've made so far!

As well as you certainly seem to be doing with diet, if exercise does happen to be something you're keen to do more of, you might be interested to see if there are types of exercises that have worked for others who also have had knee problems - 'aqua aerobics' has been mentioned before as a less intensive way of getting some activity, as well as seated/arm exercises 🙂
Thank you for the advice. I am going to join a gym (not that I can use the gym) but they have a lovely warm swimming pool and do aqua aerobics. I will also be using the swimming pool to swim to use my arms only ( I used to be in the south of England swimming squad in my younger days - I’m 65 now) as my knee is too painful to use my legs at all - so float between my legs and off I go. Just waiting for the Christmas period and booked holiday to be over so I can make the most of my membership.
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