Blood sugars going off the charts!

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey everyone, so since my last post the hospital that i am due my antenatal care were very unhelpful saying i cannot recieve advice until my first appt on 22nd. So contact my diabetic dr at my gp practice who told me to leave the insulin values as they are and that my pregnancy hormones are to blame for the spikes in blood sugar and that it would calm down.
Today, i have noticed that a 2.5:1 ratio after breakfast works and has worked for the last 3 days. However again, my blood sugars were 9 before eating lunch, after lunch they have jumped to 17.9! On a 2.5:1 ratio. This happened to me yesterday too. Now I am undecided whether to increase my lunch ratio to 3:1 or contact 111 for medical advice as i am really drained with it.
I have never known practices and medicals not wanting to help. I received some great advice from Diabetes UK but i recieved absolutely nothing from my antenatal hospital, gp or anyone else in the medical profession may i add. Why is having a pregnancy as a type 1 such a hard and lonely experience?! No tailored advice to help.
Hey everyone, so since my last post the hospital that i am due my antenatal care were very unhelpful saying i cannot recieve advice until my first appt on 22nd. So contact my diabetic dr at my gp practice who told me to leave the insulin values as they are and that my pregnancy hormones are to blame for the spikes in blood sugar and that it would calm down.
Today, i have noticed that a 2.5:1 ratio after breakfast works and has worked for the last 3 days. However again, my blood sugars were 9 before eating lunch, after lunch they have jumped to 17.9! On a 2.5:1 ratio. This happened to me yesterday too. Now I am undecided whether to increase my lunch ratio to 3:1 or contact 111 for medical advice as i am really drained with it.

@mrsnnm Most GPs know very little about Type 1. The comment about it calming down is ridiculous and suggests they couldn’t actually answer. I don’t understand how you’re giving your ratios - can you explain in the usual way, eg 1:15 = 1 unit of insulin to every 15g carbs, 1:8 = 1 unit to every 8g carbs.

Are you injecting far enough in advance of your lunch? Have you checked your insulin hadn’t degraded (start a fresh pen or cartridge)? Did you correct the 17.9? You have a choice - either correct after your meal when you can see you won’t be in range in the hope this is shortlived, or adjust your ratio and watch carefully to see how that works. To make it simpler, stick to the same lunch as you experiment.

Are you sure your basal doesn’t need increasing?
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