Blood Pressure tablets

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I phoned the doctor today (again) to get the results of my 24 hour blood pressure monitoring session last week. I know when the nurse took all the equipment off, she worked out the average reading but there were some very high readings and some low ones too in the 24 hour period. Anyway apparently the doctor wants to see me on Wed and the receptionist said it is to do with medication. Is anyone else on high blood pressure medication? Have you had any side effects? Last time I saw her she mentioned putting me on metformin as well as the one and only Hba1c I have had was 8 (next due end May) - surely she wont give me tablets for that as well at the same time 😱
Hi Lynda ..

Both my mam and dad take blood pressure tablets .. neither diabetic .. but have had no side effects from them.

However my friend who is type 1 also takes blood pressure tablets .. as far as I know she has had no side effects either ... would you like me to find out what medication she on for it, and for definite if she has been ok with them


If its not too much trouble that would be great :D Thanks
Hi Lynda

I am on metformin and blood pressure tablets, the 3 cardiac tablets I take are

Bisoprolol, Tildiem and Nicorandil plus a whole pharmacy of other tablets lol.. I have no side effects.. when i started on the Tildiem had massive headache until I got used to them which was a couple of days.
Hi Lynda, I am on BP tablets. I was on ramipril but had side effects of extreme nausea so was changed onto candesartan (cilexitil). I don't have any problems with them, but I am on the lowest dose so maybe a higher dose would affect me.

If its not too much trouble that would be great :D Thanks

Hi Lynda ...

I will text her now hun ... and post what she replies ...

Hi, I've been on blood pressure medication for about 15 years - long before diabetes appeared. I'm currently on Enalapril 20mg, Amlodipine 10mg, and Atenolol 50mg. Had no side effects with any of them.
Hi Lynda ..

My friend has just texted me back ... She takes 8mg of Candesartan, and has had no side effects from taking it.

Thanks everyone... will see what Wednesday brings ....🙄
I'm on 2mg of that, which I think is the lowest dose.

Hi Northe ..

She has just had her dose increased in the last couple of months.. if I can recall correctly she was on 4mg daily .. but her Blood Pressure had gone up considerably ... and are keeping a close eye on it she goes and gets it checked every week . and has been stable for a couple of weeks .. She has had 3 babies over 15 years .. and all of which she has suffered from pre-eclampsia ..

I'm on Losartan and Bendroflumethazide (sp?) and have been for about the last 7 years. No side effects from either of them.
I've been on high blood pressure pills (Ramipril each morning) for about 5 years now - before I ws diagnosed with Diabetes - as my family all have a history of popping their clogs early because of strokes or heart attacks.
I've had no ill effects from those pills at all.

Since diagnosis I've been put on on Metformin (the slow release one called Glucophage) and gliclazide and also a statin at night.

Good luck with your own progress through medication.
I am on blood pressure tablets. Currently on telmisartin with no problems. The first lot I had gave me a persistent cough which is a known side effect. Can't remember what they were called now as it is a while since I had them. I find it pays to read the leaflett that comes withthe pills for advice.
My hubby has been on Ramapril for about 8 years and never had a problem with them x
I am on Bisoprolol, Losartan and Benzoflumethiazide with no side effects.

However, the doc muttered about taking me off Bisoprolol and putting me on something else - but he did not actually do it. I have not yet started Metformin but will do so after Easter.
I'm on Lisinopril for high blood pressure. Been taking them for the past 6 years without any problems.
Amazing what you learn on here - I had no idea there was so many types of tablets for BP 🙂
I phoned the doctor today (again) to get the results of my 24 hour blood pressure monitoring session last week. I know when the nurse took all the equipment off, she worked out the average reading but there were some very high readings and some low ones too in the 24 hour period. Anyway apparently the doctor wants to see me on Wed and the receptionist said it is to do with medication. Is anyone else on high blood pressure medication? Have you had any side effects? Last time I saw her she mentioned putting me on metformin as well as the one and only Hba1c I have had was 8 (next due end May) - surely she wont give me tablets for that as well at the same time 😱

Hi there,
Hypertension is a major problem when coupled with diabetes. The medical advice is to treat any raised bps in T2s with aggression. The target often being 130/80.
Diuretics like bendroflumethiazide are commonplace followed by an ACE ( one of the "-prils") or ARB Inhibitor. Ace and Arbs protect the kidneys by acting on the bp.
I've been on bendroflumethiazide and Lisinopril for several years without side effects and at the last check my bp was said to be "like a baby's" ( which I took to be good !).
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