Blood Glucose Testing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is there a need to test blood sugar levles on a regular basis for a Type 2, or is it better to go on HbA1c results from regular blood tests?....
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It depends how you are using the information. If you’re testing just because you’ve been told to and don’t do anything with the information, then it’s a waste of time. However, a lot of people find it useful to see how different foods affect their blood sugar levels. In which case, test just before you start eating and again 2 hours later, and if you have risen more than 3mmol/l then perhaps there was too much carbohydrate in the meal for your body to cope with. So try again with a smaller portion or subtituting the carbs for something else. Once you’ve got used to what your body can and can’t cope with, then you can safely scale down the testing and just do occasional checks to make sure things are still working OK. If you need to get your hba1c down then you can’t know how to do that unless you see exactly how different foods affect you. People are not all the same and what one person can get away with, another can’t touch with a barge pole.
OK, thanks will investigate this further...
A couple of monitors that people find satisfactory are the GluciNavii or Spirit TEE2 as they have the cheapest test strips.
As a Type 2 you are very lucky if they are prescribed by your GP so many self-fund. This gives them control of managing their condition and helps you to make better food choices.
If you test and adjust as required to lower levels when starting out then you only need to keep to the same menu and test once in a while when trying something new.
It doesn't mean eating the same meals all the time, I just know that if I eat the things I usually buy each week I'll maintain being in remission. I know that others can eat foods I can't cope with - porridge, beans and peas for instance, but I can still have tasty meals and I know I'll not spike my glucose levels.
It is like driving - on a new route I check my speed when I see a sign giving the limit, once I have driven it a few times I know where the slower or faster parts are, and how long it ought to take. I might still glance at the speedo if there is a new speed camera. I could just drive and hope I don't get a fine - but using Hba1c to gauge glucose control is rather like using fines to discover compliance with speed limits.
If you test and adjust as required to lower levels when starting out then you only need to keep to the same menu and test once in a while when trying something new.
It doesn't mean eating the same meals all the time, I just know that if I eat the things I usually buy each week I'll maintain being in remission. I know that others can eat foods I can't cope with - porridge, beans and peas for instance, but I can still have tasty meals and I know I'll not spike my glucose levels.
It is like driving - on a new route I check my speed when I see a sign giving the limit, once I have driven it a few times I know where the slower or faster parts are, and how long it ought to take. I might still glance at the speedo if there is a new speed camera. I could just drive and hope I don't get a fine - but using Hba1c to gauge glucose control is rather like using fines to discover compliance with speed limits.
Thank you..
Evening all , well I have acquired by blooding testing kit , it's a Gluco Navii as recommended by members on the site.

However , set up was reasonably straight forward and then we come to the blood letting.

I have set the SD biosensor to setting 5 and the probe penetrates my finger but little blood appears !

Please could anybody tell me what I am doing wrong , thanking in you in advance.
Evening all , well I have acquired by blooding testing kit , it's a Gluco Navii as recommended by members on the site.

However , set up was reasonably straight forward and then we come to the blood letting.

I have set the SD biosensor to setting 5 and the probe penetrates my finger but little blood appears !

Please could anybody tell me what I am doing wrong , thanking in you in advance.
Can you set the depth on the lance device that you use to obtain a blood sample?
Can you set the depth on the lance device that you use to obtain a blood sample?
Hi , thank you for your reply.

Assuming settings 5 provides the greatest penetration depth it would appear that I have no more adjustment.

Don't particularly want to use a larger pin to obtain more blood !

Warm hands are really important, especially at this time of year. Soak in warm water for a few mins and then dry well or cradle a cuppa and then test or stimulate the blood flow in your hands by shaking them or drumming your fingers on a surface for a few mins or get up and do something a bit exertive to get your blood flowing.
I have one, haven't yet used it only just got a meter and trying to digest the instructions.

Warm hands are really important, especially at this time of year. Soak in warm water for a few mins and then dry well or cradle a cuppa and then test or stimulate the blood flow in your hands by shaking them or drumming your fingers on a surface for a few mins or get up and do something a bit exertive to get your blood flowing.
Hi , thank you very much for your reply. I will certainly give that ago tomorrow and report back with the results.
There are You Tube tutorials on how to do finger prick tests. If you Google BG testing You Tube you should come up with a few options. If you include Gluco Navii in the search you will likely find some tutorials using your exact meter which can be even more helpful.
There are You Tube tutorials on how to do finger prick tests. If you Google BG testing You Tube you should come up with a few options. If you include Gluco Navii in the search you will likely find some tutorials using your exact meter which can be even more helpful.
Hi , I can now watch YouTube and afterwards look at the model train sets.
Hi , thank you for your reply.

Assuming settings 5 provides the greatest penetration depth it would appear that I have no more adjustment.

Don't particularly want to use a larger pin to obtain more blood !
If the blood isn't flowing easily for me, then I start at the base of the finger and gently massage upwards before squeezing by where I pricked. Often that is enough to encourage sufficient blood to the end(ish) of my finger. (I say ish as I prick on the side not right on the pad)
If the blood isn't flowing easily for me, then I start at the base of the finger and gently massage upwards before squeezing by where I pricked. Often that is enough to encourage sufficient blood to the end(ish) of my finger. (I say ish as I prick on the side not right on the pad)
Hi , thanks you for your reply.I will give it a go.
Another thing-- and this is really obvious, but it took ages before the thought occurred to me: try pricking your finger, and then holding your hand down, not up! Gravity helps ...

That said-- even with adjusting the lancet setting, and warming my hands first, and then pricking, and then letting hand hang down, while also massaging-- so trying all the things people have suggested-- sometimes one finger will come out with practically nothing, but another finger will bleed freely ... The body is a wonderful thing. ; )
Another thing-- and this is really obvious, but it took ages before the thought occurred to me: try pricking your finger, and then holding your hand down, not up! Gravity helps ...

That said-- even with adjusting the lancet setting, and warming my hands first, and then pricking, and then letting hand hang down, while also massaging-- so trying all the things people have suggested-- sometimes one finger will come out with practically nothing, but another finger will bleed freely ... The body is a wonderful thing. ; )
Hi , thanks for replying. I will try a variation of all of the suggestions.
Holding my hot drink too keep warm in the current weather is enough to get my blood going. The last couple of days I've left trails of blood around my stuff because it doesn't stop bleeding. Hopefully that works well for you.
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