Blood Glucose Targets

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ISTR old technology comparatively, much like Insulatard. However - if it ain't bust, no need to fix it. 🙂
Some are or were HCPs Ann and some of us weren't. However you don't have to be medically qualified to know of the effect you have described - because we either have diabetes or eg our child(ren) have it. It's a primaeval effect which human beings have retained, known commonly as 'Dawn Phenomenon'. You go to sleep. A few hours later, your BG level drops. Comes back up a tad until your body starts to get ready to meet the new day when you'll either need to hunt and gather or sally forth to hunt eg the woolly mammoth, either or both of which are needed to feed you and yours, so the liver pumps out some of it stores of glucose to fuel your cells to do those things. It has happened all our lives and we were oblivious! Until we were diagnosed diabetic and started testing our blood glucose and all said one by one - what's all that about then?

Breaking your Fast sorts it out no prob. So - eat something! If you don't normally eat brekkie don't worry - a bit of cheese, half a slice of boiled ham, any sort of egg, bit of left over last night's supper, whatever.
A belated thank you for replying.
I’ve just posted an updated question on ‘dawn phenomenon’ (with that heading) I’ve been trying different things - particularly eating something minimal when I wake up - but I still haven’t quite cracked it. In your experience what is the better option? Carbs? Protein? Fat? Or a mixture? I’ve started using ‘protein bars’ occasionally when my blood glucose drops to under 4 - works perfectly - except for the ‘dawn phenomenon’ But I’ll keep trying.

People are free to ask any questions here @AnnSebastian - but any responses will only be the experiences and ideas of members of the forum, and cannot be relied upon to be accurate, and must not be treated as any form of medical advice.

Diabetes is a highly individual condition, and what works well for one person, may not necessarily be appropriate for anyone else. Plus any member offering their thoughts will not know other details of the circumstances of rhe original poster, which may have significant impact on the appropriateness of any suggestions.

Having said all that, having a forum full of people whose brains you can pick about anything and everything to do with diabetes self-management is a hugely valuable resource, and can be a brilliant source of ideas, tips, strategies and suggestions to pick from and experiment with 🙂
Hello Mike
I posted a thread with the title ‘dawn phenomenon’ related to my Libre sensor readings. I’d be interested in a forum for people currently using the Libre Freestyle sensor to share ideas and feedback. Is there one already? If so, what is it called?
Hello Mike
I posted a thread with the title ‘dawn phenomenon’ related to my Libre sensor readings. I’d be interested in a forum for people currently using the Libre Freestyle sensor to share ideas and feedback. Is there one already? If so, what is it called?

There’s a very active Facebook Group for Libre users, but I’m not aware of a specific forum.
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