Blood Glucose Levels

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed in January with a hba1c of 52, and my most recent was 53 in May. I’ve decided to go carb free/easy keto to get hba1c as low as I can and also lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy in general.

I was asked to take daily glucose readings before a meal, but I’ve bought some extra strips to test more regularly.

My glucose before dinner last night was 4.3mmol
It was 4.6mmol 2 hours after dinner (chicken and loads of veg, no carbs)
But when I woke up this morning it was 6mmol.

Does anyone know why my glucose level is higher this morning after about 11 hours of fasting then it was after dinner? Thanks
I was diagnosed in January with a hba1c of 52, and my most recent was 53 in May. I’ve decided to go carb free/easy keto to get hba1c as low as I can and also lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy in general.

I was asked to take daily glucose readings before a meal, but I’ve bought some extra strips to test more regularly.

My glucose before dinner last night was 4.3mmol
It was 4.6mmol 2 hours after dinner (chicken and loads of veg, no carbs)
But when I woke up this morning it was 6mmol.

Does anyone know why my glucose level is higher this morning after about 11 hours of fasting then it was after dinner? Thanks
You can get a blood sugar load in the morning . Dawn something or other they call it . It evens out once you start drinking and moving again. Make sure your not dehydrated you are doing better than I did well done
Hi Jonny,
I'm sure others will also comment:
  • Both results are well and truly in the non-diabetic range.
  • Glucose meters and test strips have a certain level of accuracy and a 0.3 difference is credibly within that accuracy - I think it's /- 15% but other may correct me.
Welcome to the forum @JonnyBrown

It is likely that what you are seeing is the ‘dawn phenomenon’, a throwback to our cave dwelling ancestors. The liver has access to stored glucose, and it releases some to ‘fire up the burners’ for the day ahead, either in the early hours of the morning, or immediately you get out of bed (which we tend to call ‘feet on the floor’ phenomenon).

Everyone gets this to some extent (including people without diabetes!), but some people see a more pronounced effect than others.
I was diagnosed in January with a hba1c of 52, and my most recent was 53 in May. I’ve decided to go carb free/easy keto to get hba1c as low as I can and also lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy in general.

I was asked to take daily glucose readings before a meal, but I’ve bought some extra strips to test more regularly.

My glucose before dinner last night was 4.3mmol
It was 4.6mmol 2 hours after dinner (chicken and loads of veg, no carbs)
But when I woke up this morning it was 6mmol.

Does anyone know why my glucose level is higher this morning after about 11 hours of fasting then it was after dinner? Thanks
You are seeing some good results there but be careful of reducing your carbs too quickly as it can cause eye and nerve issues in some people.
It is usually better to do things gradually and have a dietary regime which is sustainable.
The range is quoted as being 4-7mmol/l before meals and fasting and no more than 8mmol/l 2 hours post meal as being normal.
I was diagnosed in January with a hba1c of 52, and my most recent was 53 in May. I’ve decided to go carb free/easy keto to get hba1c as low as I can and also lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy in general.

I was asked to take daily glucose readings before a meal, but I’ve bought some extra strips to test more regularly.

My glucose before dinner last night was 4.3mmol
It was 4.6mmol 2 hours after dinner (chicken and loads of veg, no carbs)
But when I woke up this morning it was 6mmol.

Does anyone know why my glucose level is higher this morning after about 11 hours of fasting then it was after dinner? Thanks
This seems like a good explanation of the 'dawn effect'.
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