Blimey body give me a break :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So list of condic conditions and sort terms(that might take a while to get better) I have going on for a while

Starting with the one we all know about the one why I'm here Type 1 diabetes.
Suspected IBS.
Acidey type thing (perherps Acid reflux).
And some other wired things i haven't spoken to a doctor about(well I actually I think I metoned one thing at an one apoimenent) was going to mention things today as I had apoimenent anyway bit forgot and Just focused on my cheast.

I'm starting to to think. Is there anything else my body wants to throw at me?

Sory little gumble over.
So list of condic conditions and sort terms(that might take a while to get better) I have going on for a while

Starting with the one we all know about the one why I'm here Type 1 diabetes.
Suspected IBS.
Acidey type thing (perherps Acid reflux).
And some other wired things i haven't spoken to a doctor about(well I actually I think I metoned one thing at an one apoimenent) was going to mention things today as I had apoimenent anyway bit forgot and Just focused on my cheast.A least it looks as if y

I'm starting to to think. Is there anything else my body wants to throw at me?

Sory little gumble over.
At least they seem to have ruled out any heart issues and it is something which should respond to treatment, pain killers ice, heat, rest. A TENS machine may help.
I suspect it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. Acid reflux can be helped by sleeping with the head of your bed raised up and appropriate medication.
Acid reflux can be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori for which there is a test that can be done and the treatment would be antibiotics.
At least they seem to have ruled out any heart issues and it is something which should respond to treatment, pain killers ice, heat, rest. A TENS machine may help.
I suspect it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. Acid reflux can be helped by sleeping with the head of your bed raised up and appropriate medication.
Acid reflux can be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori for which there is a test that can be done and the treatment would be antibiotics.
Yeah. I found myself Just thinking about something(certain sensation there)"is new thing thing ot has that it been like there that before as well. But I'm probably overthinking. It may even be physicalogicly.
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At least they seem to have ruled out any heart issues and it is something which should respond to treatment, pain killers ice, heat, rest. A TENS machine may help.
I suspect it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. Acid reflux can be helped by sleeping with the head of your bed raised up and appropriate medication.
Acid reflux can be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori for which there is a test that can be done and the treatment would be antibiotics.
I have actually been on ppis for a week weeks but I have almost finish the course.
Are they not helping with your acid reflux?
Well they seem to make the burning sensation lin the cheast least president where but will still get it sometimes and other symptoms.
Morning ray ray,
Sorry to hear of your various conditions and complications and can imagine how wearing down this can be.
The medics will generally concentrate on the most serious condition but of course sometimes the others can affect daily life the most.
They make life more difficult to get your diabetes under control and all I can advise is you try and find ways of managing your various challenges via diet/medication/exercise etc in the best way possible but sure you are doing this and many may be in conflict.
Sorry can’t advise anything more specific but important that you try and find the positives in life and try nit to let the daily grind get you down however difficult it may be proving to be.
Have a lovely Xmas break
So list of condic conditions....
That's part of the adventure called life.

Okay, [at 35] you are pretty young. But, I have known lots of Brits on the streets of Europe who decided they were not going to let their health get in the way of living out their dreams.

Acidey type thing (perherps Acid reflux).
Yeah, I have that in spades. It caused me serious problems during my recent cataract surgery. I find a couple of foam seat cushions under the mattress near the headboard much more effective than the prescribed medication [though I still take the Lansoprazole].

I'm starting to to think. Is there anything else my body wants to throw at me?
As I said: "That's part of life's adventure" 😉

I am not being cruel or callous when I say the preceding. I am giving you the benefit of a lifetimes experience. I grew up in Dumfries, which, as a market town, according to official records, was one of the first local authorities to complete post war slum clearance. Technically, since we were posh and not only had a Tv, but also an inside toilet connected to the main sewer line, my fathers property was 'technically' not a slum. [We didn't have a bath, and had to use either the communal bathhouse or a zinc tub.:D ]

To explain how bad the housing stock was at that time, the rest of the street along that entire stretch of the Nith had outside toilets draining directly into the river. Although it had been condemned way back in 1947, it wasn't finally knocked down until I was maybe 6 or 7 years old [1962/63, after Sputnik but before Kennedy was shot.]

Anyway, when I was about 16 or 17, I decided I was going to do all the things I imagined I would do if I had been born a millionaire. I will let my other posts speak as to whether I succeeded, but the important thing to note is: "Are you going to let this hold you back?"

All the best in the New Year
That's part of the adventure called life.

Okay, [at 35] you are pretty young. But, I have known lots of Brits on the streets of Europe who decided they were not going to let their health get in the way of living out their dreams.

Yeah, I have that in spades. It caused me serious problems during my recent cataract surgery. I find a couple of foam seat cushions under the mattress near the headboard much more effective than the prescribed medication [though I still take the Lansoprazole].

As I said: "That's part of life's adventure" 😉

I am not being cruel or callous when I say the preceding. I am giving you the benefit of a lifetimes experience. I grew up in Dumfries, which, as a market town, according to official records, was one of the first local authorities to complete post war slum clearance. Technically, since we were posh and not only had a Tv, but also an inside toilet connected to the main sewer line, my fathers property was 'technically' not a slum. [We didn't have a bath, and had to use either the communal bathhouse or a zinc tub.:D ]

To explain how bad the housing stock was at that time, the rest of the street along that entire stretch of the Nith had outside toilets draining directly into the river. Although it had been condemned way back in 1947, it wasn't finally knocked down until I was maybe 6 or 7 years old [1962/63, after Sputnik but before Kennedy was shot.]

Anyway, when I was about 16 or 17, I decided I was going to do all the things I imagined I would do if I had been born a millionaire. I will let my other posts speak as to whether I succeeded, but the important thing to note is: "Are you going to let this hold you back?"

All the best in the New Year
I'm 31. And I'm actually a bit worried about something I'm experienceing now
I'm 31....
Sorry, I misread your age as 35.

..... I'm actually a bit worried about something I'm experienceing now
Believe me, I really understand. Every time I turn around, I am hit with a new medical condition and go to sleep each night wondering whether I will wake up in the morning.

After I moved into my assisted living flat, I heard other residents using the term "death flat" to describe the apartments of people who have basically given up. When I speak to the death flat residents, they question why I should spend so much time, effort and money on doing up my place. After all, I will likely be dead in a couple of years.

This is true, my broad socio-economic demographic has a life expectancy somewhere around 68, but when you narrow the demographic further, in my case, it is closer to the mid 40's.

Does this mean I am going to stop spending large amounts of money on doing up my place?

Not a chance in hell. If I get lucky, I could have another twenty or thirty years.

So, this brings us back to my original point: While you may feel that the Gods are singling you out and piling misfortune upon misfortune, the way to turn the tables on them is to make lemonade. :D

Have you had a gastroscopy? If not then ask for a referral. You’ll be offered conscious sedation or just local anaesthetic (you get the local anaesthetic either way). I would suggest opting for the sedation (I’ve had 3 gastroscopes this year).

The PPI will help but it depends what dose you’re on as to if you can be helped more. If you smoke, stop (no judgement it’s just a major cause of symptoms). Raising your head at night does help. Over the counter meds help. A GERD diet can help as can eating smaller meals and not eating for 3 hours before bed. Avoiding spice, citrus and things like that have helped me. But ongoing issues should be looked at. I have a hiatal hernia so will have issues for the rest of my life but many conditions are fixable.
Have you had a gastroscopy? If not then ask for a referral. You’ll be offered conscious sedation or just local anaesthetic (you get the local anaesthetic either way). I would suggest opting for the sedation (I’ve had 3 gastroscopes this year).

The PPI will help but it depends what dose you’re on as to if you can be helped more. If you smoke, stop (no judgement it’s just a major cause of symptoms). Raising your head at night does help. Over the counter meds help. A GERD diet can help as can eating smaller meals and not eating for 3 hours before bed. Avoiding spice, citrus and things like that have helped me. But ongoing issues should be looked at. I have a hiatal hernia so will have issues for the rest of my life but many conditions are fixable.
I did have grustospocy.snd a colonoscopy in August 2023.
So list of condic conditions and sort terms(that might take a while to get better) I have going on for a while

Starting with the one we all know about the one why I'm here Type 1 diabetes.
Suspected IBS.
Acidey type thing (perherps Acid reflux).
And some other wired things i haven't spoken to a doctor about(well I actually I think I metoned one thing at an one apoimenent) was going to mention things today as I had apoimenent anyway bit forgot and Just focused on my cheast.

I'm starting to to think. Is there anything else my body wants to throw at me?

Sory little gumble over.
looked like a minor thing - costochondritis. Sending sympathy as I had it years ago. It hurts. It hurt me to sit down.
At work we had some small hard stools, usually used for putting things on as seats were small. I sat on the stool, backside hanging over the edge of the wooden seat - only comfortable way to sit down. Think walking hurt as well but sitting was the worst!

Acid reflux I remember gaviscom, not too bad, but 1st the tube to swallow so they could check my stomach, Only advice as I expect you've already had the experience, for anyone else, try not to panic, breathe regularly. I wasn't diagnosed with anything until then, the hiatus hernia which I have, so no major problems fasting.
I don't wish any of this on anyone else.

Trouble is some gps can't cope with too many things at once. I now care full time for my Husband so I need gp help at times, apparently I phoned too much (so sort the problems then! or admit you can't Dr R)
Would giving them a written list help?

Until they sort out all your problems its enough to make anyone wonder what is next. You are a human being, who wants to get well! Good luck C
looked like a minor thing - costochondritis. Sending sympathy as I had it years ago. It hurts. It hurt me to sit down.
At work we had some small hard stools, usually used for putting things on as seats were small. I sat on the stool, backside hanging over the edge of the wooden seat - only comfortable way to sit down. Think walking hurt as well but sitting was the worst!

Acid reflux I remember gaviscom, not too bad, but 1st the tube to swallow so they could check my stomach, Only advice as I expect you've already had the experience, for anyone else, try not to panic, breathe regularly. I wasn't diagnosed with anything until then, the hiatus hernia which I have, so no major problems fasting.
I don't wish any of this on anyone else.

Trouble is some gps can't cope with too many things at once. I now care full time for my Husband so I need gp help at times, apparently I phoned too much (so sort the problems then! or admit you can't Dr R)
Would giving them a written list help?

Until they sort out all your problems its enough to make anyone wonder what is next. You are a human being, who wants to get well! Good luck C
Yeah I've actually got another appointment for something else Tomorrow I think they might be getting sick by now they might actually think I gk to too much
Yeah I've actually got another appointment for something else Tomorrow I think they might be getting sick by now they might actually think I gk to too much
Hope you get somewhere with the appointment. Remember the gps are PAID to sort you out medically or refer you to a consultant/ hospital if they can't. I national insurance, still pay taxes, only retired because a gps wife smashed into the back of my car. GP claimed it was muscle damage. insurance only paid for the writen off car. X rays over 30 years later fracture in spine and curvature. Some gps and medical teams don't like extra work or paperwork. Keep fighting. If they deal with the problems then I'm sure you will be glad to stop contacting them. A Subject Access Request should get all the information they have on you. The office of Information has details of this legal request and are very helpful. Just remember you pay their wages. Carol
Hope you get somewhere with the appointment. Remember the gps are PAID to sort you out medically or refer you to a consultant/ hospital if they can't. I national insurance, still pay taxes, only retired because a gps wife smashed into the back of my car. GP claimed it was muscle damage. insurance only paid for the writen off car. X rays over 30 years later fracture in spine and curvature. Some gps and medical teams don't like extra work or paperwork. Keep fighting. If they deal with the problems then I'm sure you will be glad to stop contacting them. A Subject Access Request should get all the information they have on you. The office of Information has details of this legal request and are very helpful. Just remember you pay their wages. Carol
well i couldn't dicussed everything because they only have have one apoiment for one thing aprrartlly
I can now add possible astma to that list.
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