Bit constipated...

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
...any suggestions please?

I don't want to take more pills unless I have to, but things are getting uncomfortable. I'm eating more fruit and vege and drinking plenty, but want to try everything before I go see doctor idiot again.😡
Drink plenty water and im afraid senekot is amazing but it s a pill x
Thanks Steff, I'll give it a try and see how I get on.
Thanks Steff, I'll give it a try and see how I get on.

My dad swears by it he has this idea that when he comes to stay here he cant go to the toilet because the water is what he calls hard and thats what constipates him he has said the same for years.
My dad swears by it he has this idea that when he comes to stay here he cant go to the toilet because the water is what he calls hard and thats what constipates him he has said the same for years.

I live in a hard water area, sounds like we are furred up like the kettle...
Thanks. I go past the dreaded boots later...

Get some of their 'diabetic' chocolate - it's a laxative!😱😉 Seriously, might be worth asking the pharmacist what they recommend. When I broke my leg, one of the side effects of the painkillers was bad constipation. I got something called 'Lactulose', which is a liquid and it worked a treat!
Agree with northerner I take co-codamol now and again and end up consipated the doc recommended taking the senekot and lactulose together and they work a treat (only thing to remember is the lactulose is basically sugar 😱).
Agree with northerner I take co-codamol now and again and end up consipated the doc recommended taking the senekot and lactulose together and they work a treat (only thing to remember is the lactulose is basically sugar 😱).

Hadn't thought of that - I wasn't diabetic when I was taking it! Good point!
Get some of their 'diabetic' chocolate - it's a laxative!😱😉 Seriously, might be worth asking the pharmacist what they recommend. When I broke my leg, one of the side effects of the painkillers was bad constipation. I got something called 'Lactulose', which is a liquid and it worked a treat!
Hi I tried the lactulose , it gave me awful stomach pains as it interacted with my Tablets for my Osterarthritis, on senna tablet but have just took myself off this as stomach pains was awful, it seem to interact with my Metaformin 1000.00mg.

Mike 🙂🙂
This may be an old wives tale but apparently if you drink a cup of tea (preferably herbal) as hot and as fast as you can followed by one of ice cold water things should get moving within the hour. I have never tried it so I suppose it carries a H&S warning!
Have you tried linseed? It is a natural product to take. I take it every morning as a seed on my porridge (works a treat). If you are desperate, crush some with a pestle and mortar and put it on your cereal and it will work wonders!
...any suggestions please?

I don't want to take more pills unless I have to, but things are getting uncomfortable. I'm eating more fruit and vege and drinking plenty, but want to try everything before I go see doctor idiot again.😡

u can get this powder stuff from the doctors, cant remember the name but it is pure mingin, tastes like the smell of a car tyre lol if that makes sense 😛

constipation is the worst! so uncomfortable and painful. :(

hope ur ok asap <3
On a similar note to Falcon, sometimes a cuppa tea or coffee, can get things shifting, although it does vary person to person, I haven't looked into the science of it.
On a similar note to Falcon, sometimes a cuppa tea or coffee, can get things shifting, although it does vary person to person, I haven't looked into the science of it.

well i think you should 😎
You can get sugar free lactulose, but that sort of defeats the object of lactulose lol... I got some bisocodyl tablets i think they were about 99p in Wilkinsons and they work.. and dulco ease softens the problem. Plenty of fluids is a must, water especially.. or just have a course of antibiotics that has worked wonders for me the past few days 😱
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