Big reduction in Hca1a

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I'm sure the way you're managing it wouldn't really change. I think we're all thinking that your treatment is basically like Type 1 but you're not receiving the support (mostly technology) that people with Type 1 now have. So it's worth querying again, I think, just in case. (And yes, it's stupid that someone with Type 2 who has basically the same needs as someone with Type 1 doesn't receive the same, but that's where we are.)

Not a disaster if you end up with the same diagnosis. We managed OK a decade ago, most of us without the fancy technology.
Absolutely. My daughters best friend has type 1 since childhood and after catching covid, her bloods are so hard to manage. Highs of 17, severe hypos . I used to inject her insulin when she was over for sleepovers, because after a traumatic episode as a child, she had a severe phobia about needles. After speaking to her, it really put it into perspective. And made me grateful that i am finding it relatively easy to manage.
Just checked your 6.3 and it comes back as 45mmols/mol in the conversion calculator.... no idea why your surgery are still using the old units.... anyway, just wanted to say SNAP!! My nurse has just been on the phone with my results from Wednesday's blood test and I also got 45mmol/mol. Very happy with that although my consultant will not be quite so happy as I was supposed to be aiming to increase it to low 50s. Ah well, can't please all the people all the time! 🙄
One other thing to mention re misdiagnosis is that Type 1 is auto-immune. Type 1s have an increased risk of coeliac disease and thyroid issues, to name but two, so the correct diagnosis helps with that as well as the tech. I’m Type 1 and have extra screening due to the increased risk of those two conditions.

Anyway, I hope you get a fuller answer from the surgery @louisew so you know for sure 🙂
Just checked your 6.3 and it comes back as 45mmols/mol in the conversion calculator.... no idea why your surgery are still using the old units.... anyway, just wanted to say SNAP!! My nurse has just been on the phone with my results from Wednesday's blood test and I also got 45mmol/mol. Very happy with that although my consultant will not be quite so happy as I was supposed to be aiming to increase it to low 50s. Ah well, can't please all the people all the time! 🙄
Well done you. I think mine will go down more in the next 6 months as long as I don’t get ill !!! Yeah it does seem that recommended is a bit higher, but hey if blood sugar is well controlled with no hypos, lower is better in my eyes
One other thing to mention re misdiagnosis is that Type 1 is auto-immune. Type 1s have an increased risk of coeliac disease and thyroid issues, to name but two, so the correct diagnosis helps with that as well as the tech. I’m Type 1 and have extra screening due to the increased risk of those two conditions.

Anyway, I hope you get a fuller answer from the surgery @louisew so you know for sure 🙂
Yeah I think I’m going to request results directly from hospital as I had it done there
Well done you. I think mine will go down more in the next 6 months as long as I don’t get ill !!! Yeah it does seem that recommended is a bit higher, but hey if blood sugar is well controlled with no hypos, lower is better in my eyes
Yeah, well.... Libre suggests I had 76 hypos in the last 90 days, so it probably doesn't look all that good to the consultant, but most of those were probably not actually below 4 (I no longer double check with finger pricks but Libre reads slightly lower than finger prick for me) or only very mild ones. Nocturnal hypos are probably my main issue usually after exercise, but I reduce my evening Levemir to reduce the risk but even when I reduce it down to zero I sometimes still drop low in the night as some non-diabetic people do so, whilst I adjust my basal to try to prevent them, I no longer worry so much about them when they do happen. My hypo awareness is still pretty good and I felt one coming at 5.3 the other day, which I ignored thinking I was mistaken until my alarm went off at 4.5 10 mins later with a sloping downward arrow. Usually I feel them mid-low 4s, sometimes high 3s, it depends how fast my levels are dropping and of course how accurate my Libre or BG meter if I use it, is. Generally it is just too much faff to double check it but my Libre is thankfully a very reliable guide.
One other thing to mention re misdiagnosis is that Type 1 is auto-immune. Type 1s have an increased risk of coeliac disease and thyroid issues, to name but two, so the correct diagnosis helps with that as well as the tech. I’m Type 1 and have extra screening due to the increased risk of those two conditions.

Anyway, I hope you get a fuller answer from the surgery @louisew so you know for sure
Yeah, well.... Libre suggests I had 76 hypos in the last 90 days, so it probably doesn't look all that good to the consultant, but most of those were probably not actually below 4 (I no longer double check with finger pricks but Libre reads slightly lower than finger prick for me) or only very mild ones. Nocturnal hypos are probably my main issue usually after exercise, but I reduce my evening Levemir to reduce the risk but even when I reduce it down to zero I sometimes still drop low in the night as some non-diabetic people do so, whilst I adjust my basal to try to prevent them, I no longer worry so much about them when they do happen. My hypo awareness is still pretty good and I felt one coming at 5.3 the other day, which I ignored thinking I was mistaken until my alarm went off at 4.5 10 mins later with a sloping downward arrow. Usually I feel them mid-low 4s, sometimes high 3s, it depends how fast my levels are dropping and of course how accurate my Libre or BG meter if I use it, is. Generally it is just too much faff to double check it but my Libre is thankfully a very reliable guide.
I use Shuggah app for my Libre. And yes it does read about 1 mmol lower for me. Luckily I stay pretty well in a straight line overnight. So as long as I’m reading over 5, before bed, i’m happy. I used to go too low when I was on a basal only regime, having to increase it to try to cover post prandial spikes. At one point I was at 24 units. But now I have bolus, i’ve been able to reduce it substantially. You should see my alleged highs and hypos when I first start my sensor. I panicked the first time but soon realized they were false readings. But yes I don’t think i’d be able to keep such tight control without my beloved libre
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