Yes, definitely too much, (even a full hypo would generally only need 3JBs) so that is no doubt why your levels went up to 20 afterwards. I would have one jelly baby in that scenario because I know that 1JB will turn my levels around eeven when they are actively dropping in the low 4s, plus the food eaten before the drop would then bring me up.
I wonder if the Libre is causing you to overreact. Were you using Libre before when you were on mixed insulin? If not, the chances are that your levels were dipping like this before but you were unaware of it. Libre also exaggerates these things a bit.
🙄 You should never trust Libre in such situations and double check with a finger prick before taking action and check again with a finger prick 15 mins later to confirm that whatever action you took has worked because Libre will generally show your levels continuing to drop for 15 mins after you are starting to recover, resulting in you over treating a low if you rely on it in those circumstances.
I think
@Inka's suggestion of possibly trying a different, hopefully slower site for your bolus might help a bit.
I am the other way in that I inject and then have to wait ages for it to kick in whereas my digestion is VERY quick.