Best meters

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I've bought 100 of the lancets above and will make sure they fit the Core lancing tool. I'll post up when they arrive and let everyone know if they fit.


Lancets do get blunt - if it hurts when you use em, that =Blunt. And that does happen more than once a year. despite the joke. Used to be an American Type 1 Octagenarian - Richard157 - who used to post on UK forums to remind us.

For info anyway - July 15th !
Lancets do get blunt - if it hurts when you use em, that =Blunt

So that's why I got a small tear in my eye when I checked my BG lol.

Just a quick update on the lancets. They do fit, but seem a touch loose to me. I would have thought the shank size was the same for them all. After saying that, they do work ok. I might cut a piece off a rubber band and slip it in the collar in the tool. Hm.......
OK so the hunt for lancets continues. The supplied lancets with the Core meter are made by a Taiwanese company called Sterilance. I found these on ebay:

100 SteriLance Soft 28g Universal Lancets

So I bought them. Once again I'll report back on how well they fit the Core lance tool.

Blimey lancets and test strips are cheap on Aliexpress. If you can find the right type you can save loads. Of course, they take a few weeks to come on that slow boat from China......


Lancets and Pen

Sinocare Test Strips

Food for thought......
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OK so the hunt for lancets continues. The supplied lancets with the Core meter are made by a Taiwanese company called Sterilance. I found these on ebay:

100 SteriLance Soft 28g Universal Lancets

So I bought them. Once again I'll report back on how well they fit the Core lance tool.

Blimey lancets are cheap on Aliexpress. If you can find the right type you can save loads.


Lancets and Pen

Food for thought......
I'm afraid I don't bother with a lancing device, I just hold the lancet in my fingers and give a quick stab, the lancet is so thin and only 3mm long so It is not a problem. Probably not the approved thing but I can't be bothered with the faff of the device. I never get sore fingers.
It's fine, as far as I know. (It's how things used to be, once upon a time. I much prefer my Accu-Chek FastClix device; I find it much better.)
We used to use those when I was at the Uni for the students but there were many failures as the students didn't load the lancet properly or wind it up correctly and or there was blood all over the device then H &S got involved so we went to single use devices.
We used to use those when I was at the Uni for the students but there were many failures as the students didn't load the lancet properly or wind it up correctly and or there was blood all over the device then H &S got involved so we went to single use devices.
Sure, single use devices make sense in some situations. (Back when I just had basically sharp bits of metal, I asked a nurse once for some of the spring loaded single-use things they were using while I was in hospital for something or other; I think I've still got some, somewhere.)

But for an individual to use, I still think it's a nice device. You just need to get used to fitting the drum of lancets (and remembering to check the depth setting) and then it's dead easy.
Well the Sterilance lancets I bought from eBay have gone nowhere - the seller cancelled my order and is now selling them at a higher price so I've sent him a grumpy email.

Onward and upward....
OK I've come to the end of this as I'm starting to get a nervous twitch and wink 🙂

After scouring the Internet for Sterilance lancets, I've emailed the helpline on this site to ask their advice. Probably should have done that first lol. I'll post up their reply.

My wife wanted to watch the Tennis and I was bored so.... I fitted a small spring round the lancet clamp which worked well as far as inserting the lancet goes, but the tool no longer worked as the spring was fouling the path for the needle. Not to be discouraged, I tied a bit of nylon cord around the the clamp and then heated it up with a hairdrier, leaving the cord in place while it cooled and Bingo! The lancet is now firmly in place and the Surgiclass lancets (see above for link) fit great.

As mentioned before, I don't get out much 🙂


Recently diagnosed with type 2 (3 weeks ago) On metformin twice a day. Nurse says I don’t need to monitor my blood but my next appointment is 5 weeks away. I feel adrift and don’t know if I’m doing things right. What is the best meter to buy as I want to know what my levels are and how I’m doing
Thanks for all the info on the lancets but can we have some info on the original post from @michelle64 please?
This is about a getting a meter to understand her body's reaction to various food types so she can understand what's going on. I'm in exactly the same position.

The gluco navii and tee2 have been mentioned but it is not possible to purchase the Tee2 device online.
The Gluco Navii looks good but doesn't have a phone app to record results. The lancets are £9.80 for 50 strips.
The Contour Next One looks good as it has a phone app to record results but the replacement lancets are a crazy £25.00 for 50!!

Any other comments or recommendations.? I'd really like one which connects to a phone app. Thanks.
Thanks for all the info on the lancets but can we have some info on the original post from @michelle64 please?
This is about a getting a meter to understand her body's reaction to various food types so she can understand what's going on. I'm in exactly the same position.

The gluco navii and tee2 have been mentioned but it is not possible to purchase the Tee2 device online.
The Gluco Navii looks good but doesn't have a phone app to record results. The lancets are £9.80 for 50 strips.
The Contour Next One looks good as it has a phone app to record results but the replacement lancets are a crazy £25.00 for 50!!

Any other comments or recommendations.? I'd really like one which connects to a phone app. Thanks.
Have a look at the SD code free monitor as the data can be downloaded to a computer and their management software (free ) used for analysis. That might do what you want.
Otherwise you may need to pay more for an all singing and dancing monitor.
just updating here too,
have just spoken to spirit (the tee2+ people) and meters should be back in stock soon. Something about there is stock but they are regulating it given current shipping issues worldwide.
If anyone needs the meter then contact spirit healthcare directly. (I mentioned the forums and how we tend to recommend their meter and that was the response).

My fav app unfortunately comes with £15-£20 strips which is an accuchek meter and the mysugr app but the tee2 app (smartlog) is solid enough to use daily. Just doesn't have the bells and whistles but does bluetooth to the phone and with a little restarting of the app, connections with too much trouble.
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