Been Approved!

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thanks im sure i will have loads of questions and do all your heads in 🙂 cant wait im excited but also a little nervous i have pick the accu chek combo
thanks im sure i will have loads of questions and do all your heads in 🙂 cant wait im excited but also a little nervous i have pick the accu chek combo

Ah my DSN uses that one. I myself have got the Veo from Medtronic. My DSN likes the Accu Chek one he has.
how u finding it so far tom? you like having the pump?


So far I haven't gone live with it. I'm just hooked to a cannula with the pump attached and no insulin going into me through it. This is just to get used to it more than anything. Thus far I'm loving it. I can't wait to go live and I've been avidly crossing the days off my calendar. It's a week tomorrow when I go live.

good luck 🙂 im sure it go fast for you god im not long after you eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk

It can't go fast enough! I've had to fight off the temptation to go live without the help of my team! I wish it was the coming Tuesday and not the twelfth of the month that go live!
it will go fast i cant wait but still little nervous but i got get used to it before my boyfriend medal parade as dont wanna be ill for that
it will go fast i cant wait but still little nervous but i got get used to it before my boyfriend medal parade as dont wanna be ill for that

Let your team know that then. They should do all they can to make sure that you're in the best shape possible for when your other half has his medal parade. If I had close family in the forces or someone close to me in the forces I'd want to be there to show my support for them. Best of luck for both of you.
thank you i will ask them and see what they say as i dont want anything stopping me going to it as its a positive side to what has been a rough tour so far
thank you i will ask them and see what they say as i dont want anything stopping me going to it as its a positive side to what has been a rough tour so far

Well then I hope your team are understanding induviduals who will try and accomodate all. I bet it would make a world of difference to your other half to see you there supporting him after a rough six months out there. Which part of the army is he in?
alan is a Infantry soldier attached to 3 rifles. I hope so they no hes in afghan and they tried to help me when he had r and r in january so fingers crossed it goes well as still have a little while before the parade weekend x
alan is a Infantry soldier attached to 3 rifles. I hope so they no hes in afghan and they tried to help me when he had r and r in january so fingers crossed it goes well as still have a little while before the parade weekend x

Hey Stacey,

Just tell them what it is Alan is doing and precisely what it would mean to him if you were there at the medals parade. That's what I'd do.

Thanks for the advice i will do 🙂 eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk got a letter today about changing my prescription 5 more sleeps oh my god😱
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