Been Approved!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just heard the pump panel met yesterday and I've been approved. So happy just had to share :D
Great news - do you know how long it will be before you get your hands on it?
I don't really know what happens next. I only found out today as I rang my Consultants secretary, I couldn't wait for her to type the official letter and get it in the post!
Its a real shame my long standing DSN left last week, just when I need her most. My new DSN (who i've never met) is off sick today otherwise I would be camped outside her office right now! Feel very nervous about the whole transition to pump, especially as my new DSN is new to pumps and me.

I guess the next step is to make a final decision as to which pump I want to go with and arrange training. I keep changing my mind on that!. Now I know I'm getting one for sure I shall re read the posts here to see which one most people prefer.

feel like I've won the lottery at the mo! 🙂
Hi Rainbow, great great news!

How exciting! Congratulations!

In the current issue of balance there is a comparison booklet on dabetes equipment including pumps which might be a good start point for you and then hit their websites for further info. There appears to be 3 leads in the market, Medtronic, Animas and Accucheck. This forum has members on all of them so dont be afraid to ask if you want to know some info on what they are like to live with.

It is a shame that you have lost your DSN. When I was starting on pump last summer I found the wealth of knowledge that truely helped me out was all on this board and through the support on here, so my tip would be to stick close!

Exciting news rainbow, well done again! When will it all take place, do you know yet?
Hi Rainbow well done thats great news, some celebrating to be done this weekend huh.
Got a letter this morning confirming that I "meet the nice criteria" and that funding is in place. Will be visiting the Diabetic Unit on Monday to introduce myself to my new DSN and hopefully get an idea how quickly things will move. Won't be quick enough for me though I'm sure 🙄
Thats great news! You know where to come when you go 'live' onto insulin!🙂Bev
Managed a nice chat with my new DSN and have arranged to meet her on March 15th to make a definite decision on which pump I'd like. When I first applied they only used the Acc- Chek Combo so never thought I would have to choose.
She thought it would be around the begining of May when I begin for real. I might wait until the end of May when its half term. Not sure if people take time off work or not for the first few days but I figure if I'm on hols its one less thing to worry about. Think I might have to ok extra time out of the class for testing and it will give my boss time to get her head around that.

Can I ask a question? How do you get hold of infusion sets? Do you get them on prescription from your G.P, from the hospital or direct from the Pump manafacturer? So many questions 🙄!
wow - I can't believe you are getting it so quickly - very jealous!
wow - I can't believe you are getting it so quickly - very jealous!

I know I'm sorry it should be the same for everyone wherever you live, its been so hassle free I'm scared to admit it.
Don't be sorry it is great. We need examples of how care should be. Fingers crossed for you it keeps going as smoothly
I know I'm sorry it should be the same for everyone wherever you live, its been so hassle free I'm scared to admit it.

well done thats great news!

Regarding infusion sets etc, you get them direct from the pump company. you will need to get your insulin etc on script still.

dont worry about all that though, im sure it will be explained when you get sorted with your pump. i was worried about all that too. But you literally make a call to them and it all arrives the next day with 3 months supply. thats roche anyway, but im sure they are all the same.
Congratulations! Hope you don't have too long a wait! Let us know which pump you choose 🙂

Congratulations! Hope you don't have too long a wait! Let us know which pump you choose 🙂


Have decided on a Veo and its been confirmed today that I shall start pumping on the 11th May :D
Congratulations! I hope it is as good for you as it has been for me (so far!)
Good luck Rainbow. My son on a Veo and all i can say is 'so far so good'!

All the best 🙂
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