Bdec restricions on consumables

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You can reuse them, as I have actually done it without any problems, hence why I always keep one back for emergencies..

I was caught short after finding having a couple of dodgy cartridges, so wasn't going to make the delievery date.. So I kept the collar and plunger and filled without any problems etc..

Must admit it's something I wouldn't like to do to often as my cartridge last me over a fortnight almost 3 weeks..

so far with standing order from rouche they've been pretty good, and when I get a bit of a stock pile going one phone call to reduce it for that order sorted!

Ooh, thanks for letting me know! I was a bit nervous about even trying, so it's good to know as a back up option, although like you say, I wouldn't want to do it often!

I was wondering - in this letter did it specify what you had to do if you went over your allowance? Even if you could afford it, are you allowed (as it were?!) to privately buy cannulas from Roche etc? :confused: Wondering what the back up plan is if someone has a bad month for example...
I suspect it's a bog standard letter the same for everybody... And those who have a suitable reasons to why the need any aspect of their consumables will have them increased to level required, and if you have problems or running out then I assume that you phone the clinic to get clearance etc..

I suspect what has happened that when people have suffered a bad batch, instead of phoning and getting Rouche to replace they've just ordered more up to cover the lost consumables!
If these are all patients on Roche Accu Chek combos, I wonder if this is related to the recent recall on the flex link plus?? I was promised to be sent packs to return any unopened boxes so the hospital could get refunded, but that never happened yet & it still doesn't account for all the dodgy cannulas that I wasn't able to use before?... hmmm.....:confused:
If these are all patients on Roche Accu Chek combos, I wonder if this is related to the recent recall on the flex link plus?? I was promised to be sent packs to return any unopened boxes so the hospital could get refunded, but that never happened yet & it still doesn't account for all the dodgy cannulas that I wasn't able to use before?... hmmm.....:confused:

just a suggestion for you. Can you contact your PCT and find out if they have been credited for the cannula's you sent back.
All faulty Cannula's keep in a clear plasic bag each time you get to 10 give Roche a ring and say I have now got 10 cannula's which are faulty please can I have some replacements free of charge.

I had some faulty Cannula's a little while back,so rang my pump company who then replaced the box for me free of charge.
It's a bit like buying faulty goods in a shop, you take them back for a refund or replacement 🙂

Do give Roche a ring as well and find out where your replacements are.
This was a few months ago, when Roche did a recall of all flexlink plus cannulas...the problem was the cannulas not having enough seperation distance between the end of the angled part of the insertion needle & the start of the cannula (so often the cannulas would kink on/after insertion - I definitely had a few distinct dodgy batches...) ...unfortunately, the flexlink design being what it was, you could only spot the problem (which you wouldn't spot until you were told to a) look for it & b) what it was, doh!) once you had opened each individual pack, and 'cocked' the needle / cannula ready for insertion - one time after we'd all been told what to look for I got through 3 cannulas before finding a decent one!! When I queried past duff cannulas (uninserted, as described) Roche were adamant that they would not under any circumstances want these to be returned, and that they would not credit them back to the hospital (if that makes sense) as they could/would only handle unopened, still sterile packed cannulas. 😡 Not fantastic customer service really...

The packets they promised me were for any unopened boxes (10 per box) of cannulas, unfortunately I have limited storage space, and usually decant my med stuff into a set of draws so it's out of the kiddies reach... Since the recall everyone is on the flex link (as opposed to the flexlink plus) so stocks are running low, they won't send out big orders (hmm, wonder who's paying the postage on all those small deliveries?! 🙄). All in all, from a customer (tax paying perspective) not brilliant....
This was a few months ago, when Roche did a recall of all flexlink plus cannulas...the problem was the cannulas not having enough seperation distance between the end of the angled part of the insertion needle & the start of the cannula (so often the cannulas would kink on/after insertion - I definitely had a few distinct dodgy batches...) ...unfortunately, the flexlink design being what it was, you could only spot the problem (which you wouldn't spot until you were told to a) look for it & b) what it was, doh!) once you had opened each individual pack, and 'cocked' the needle / cannula ready for insertion - one time after we'd all been told what to look for I got through 3 cannulas before finding a decent one!! When I queried past duff cannulas (uninserted, as described) Roche were adamant that they would not under any circumstances want these to be returned, and that they would not credit them back to the hospital (if that makes sense) as they could/would only handle unopened, still sterile packed cannulas. 😡 Not fantastic customer service really...

The packets they promised me were for any unopened boxes (10 per box) of cannulas, unfortunately I have limited storage space, and usually decant my med stuff into a set of draws so it's out of the kiddies reach... Since the recall everyone is on the flex link (as opposed to the flexlink plus) so stocks are running low, they won't send out big orders (hmm, wonder who's paying the postage on all those small deliveries?! 🙄). All in all, from a customer (tax paying perspective) not brilliant....

Hi Twitchy,
you need to take the issue up with your team and PCT. Roche are supplying faulty medical goods. They have to replace them.
If they want to be anal about it then inform trading standards.
Another option is to get your cannula's from else where. Yours is a luer lock on the cartridge so loads of diff types to be had.

Makes me wonder how much the PCT's lose from Roche and how much Roche gain.
If they are doing this to every customer then there's potential for massive over spend from the PCT's and a pontential loss of funding for new pumpers.
Which is a terible shame as people are crying out for pumps 😡

Can you make up a list of suggestions for your pump team to help minimise the costs re faulty cannula's?
It might be feasable for each patient to take in all faulty cannula's as proof of fault and then the PCT's reduce the bill from Roche in accordance with returns.
Can you make up a list of suggestions for your pump team to help minimise the costs re faulty cannula's?
It might be feasable for each patient to take in all faulty cannula's as proof of fault and then the PCT's reduce the bill from Roche in accordance with returns.

Good point & good idea! I'll have a word... 🙂
I dont doubt that it costs a lot to fund a pump hence why so many people who need one are on a 'forever ' waiting list

i most certainly cannot 'Re-use the do so would A) be unhygenic and B) would require keeping the removable plunger and cap in un sterile curcumstances. With the ammount of insulin i use i use one in 4 days.and like i said there are only 5 cartriges to a box with the accu check combo pump

i myself do not very often have set failures and very rarely do i pull one out...but thats not to say it doesn't happen , and sets can kink or not go in properly..or hit a nerve. That does mean that you cannot give a specific ammount every 3 months as it is actually an uknown ammount , while i do agree it is wrong to 'stock pile' it is also fair to say i personally do not, and only order what i use

i have to change my cannula every 2 days or my blood sugar starts to creep up...this is one of those individual things

tubing is easily dammaged A) i have a son with aspergers syndrome who likes to chew and tug on things
B) i live in the real world, while i do tuck it in accidents still do happen, you show me a pumper that has never caught the tubing on something and i'll show you a liar lol

i think my main problem is the no room for error or accident rule...this makes me uneasy and i personnaly would not like to be coming up to the end of the 3 months and run out because i have so called 'over used ' in that period...i only ever use what i need

Good post Bex 🙂 I am in total agreement
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