Bath MBA Student Research: Help Us Improve Diabetes Care with Your Insights on continuous glucose monitoring device (CGM)!!

Even so, it seems likely the views of T1 users wouldn't be nearly as relevant for what they're interested in.
I think it depends.... Here on this forum most of us with Type 1 have an understanding of Type 2 and so we can comprehend the issues and benefits of CGM to Type 2s beyond it's use to us Type 1s or even insulin dependent diabetics as a whole, but I assume it is seeking personal experience rather than opinion. It is just a little tempting 😉 to complete the questionnaire as if I was a Type 2 in order to help get the message across that CGM can be beneficial for our Type 2 compatriots.

I appreciate that not all Type 1s within the general population will have as much understanding of the challenges of Type 2 as we do here on the forum and therefore understanding of the benefit of CGM to them, and I guess the questionnaire is seeking participants from other sources than this forum, so if this is solely looking at the possible provision of CGM to Type 2s, then I can understand why they would need to exclude all other types even though we may have very valid and perhaps even more valid points to make that some HCPs.