Basal Rate madness?

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Lou - you know im not the in the greatest place either at the mo, but i wonder if because you've lost a bit of momentum thats hes suggested you have a bit of a start again / refresh?

Saying that dropping to 3 does seem a little drastic! Mine is:

00:00 0.625
01:30 0.750
09:00 0.625
11:30 0.800
14:00 0.575
17:00 0.625

I know I need more tweaking too!

Im trying desperately to get back into the diary-keeping lark, but its a pain in the bum. Going to try the i-phone app someone mentioned earlier, saves carrying extra stuff round i guess ... 😱

its got an A1c calc which im hoping might avoid those horrid surprises, or at least allow me to brace for disappointment!! :(
I shall definately want to see that- sounds like a great new toy!
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