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Don't get me started on Morrisons ..... too late ......

They made me redundant when they took over Safeway (remember them?). I've vowed never to enter one of their stores ever!


Morrisons RULE , sorry they laid you off though
The strangest Co-op I've been in was in a little village called Peredelkino near Moscow - it's where the author of Dr Zhivago is buried. This was in Soviet Russia with lots of shortages, and the only products they had on sale were bread and tea!

When i was in Soviet Russia (Moscow) there was no bread and the infamous bread lines went on for miles queuing up for a loaf in existance. Mind you, Macdonalds too had just opened up and the queue went on for about a 2 hour wait! No bread in the shops but lots of burgers in buns in the golden arches. Quite an experience to witness!

Bernie xx 🙂
Morrisons RULE , sorry they laid you off though

I remember SafeWay.."You know your mates were posh if their mums shopped at Safeway" lol....blast from the past that one along with Kwiksave, Circle K and now Somerfields!

Bernie xx
When i was in Soviet Russia (Moscow) there was no bread and the infamous bread lines went on for miles queuing up for a loaf in existance. Mind you, Macdonalds too had just opened up and the queue went on for about a 2 hour wait! No bread in the shops but lots of burgers in buns in the golden arches. Quite an experience to witness!

Bernie xx 🙂

I was involved in the opening of the first Macdonalds in Moscow! When I was there, the rule was, if you see a queue then join it! A friend of mine joined one and when he got to the front it was an old woman selling Soviet porn magazines out of a suitcase! Also, the best place to buy vodka was from the butchers shop!

Here's a picture of me on Red Square, reading the Beano...

Wowee...i was there when it first openend..well not the very first day but i was there and freezing. I was about 13 i think (Vodka a no no), i can't remember the year now. Yes, i can understand the concept of joining a queue, any queue and hahaha re your more than he bargained for lol. I remember it being a real revelation Maccie D's at the time over there and almost a sense of modernisation if that makes sense.

Great picture...and reading Beano :D I have some good pics too of good old Moscow (and Leningrad as it was called then), must scan them! Gosh i just thought too of their memory of them were they were amazing with their chandeliers and they went on for a state of poverty i always remember thinking how amazing and clean it all was there. Strange thought but thought i'd share it 🙂

Bernie xx
I think sainsburys are also doing jelly babies for two knicker.

There is a pub down near lyme regis which I will never frequent again I gave the daft gal a tenner and she thought it twas a blue lady! I asked her blunt direct clearly not happy but bold as brass she said no I am wrong, livid I was so back to the tent with a half dozen bottles of cider for me!
Wowee...i was there when it first openend..well not the very first day but i was there and freezing. I was about 13 i think (Vodka a no no), i can't remember the year now. Yes, i can understand the concept of joining a queue, any queue and hahaha re your more than he bargained for lol. I remember it being a real revelation Maccie D's at the time over there and almost a sense of modernisation if that makes sense.

Great picture...and reading Beano :D I have some good pics too of good old Moscow (and Leningrad as it was called then), must scan them! Gosh i just thought too of their memory of them were they were amazing with their chandeliers and they went on for a state of poverty i always remember thinking how amazing and clean it all was there. Strange thought but thought i'd share it 🙂

Bernie xx

The undergrounds were amazing! Probably still are, and put ours to shame. Mcd's was opened in 1990, I think:

The undergrounds were amazing! Probably still are, and put ours to shame. Mcd's was opened in 1990, I think:

That would be about right then..i would have been 13 nearly 14 when i was there! That, the Pizza Hut and the Ice Cream parlour all good for a young diabetic at the time 😱

Bernie xx 🙂

EDIT - Thanks for uploading the pic...brings back memories!! In that me in the queue......?? :D
That would be about right then..i would have been 13 nearly 14 when i was there! That, the Pizza Hut and the Ice Cream parlour all good for a young diabetic at the time 😱

Bernie xx 🙂

EDIT - Thanks for uploading the pic...brings back memories!! In that me in the queue......?? :D

Didn't you know they built a statue to you?

Did you have any problems with the insulin etc. over there?
I don't recall any problems and am trying to remember if i was on the combined two injections a day or MDI like now as i just cannot recall when i changed over to this or have any recollection of what i was doing when i went to Russia. Funny really! I remember lots about Russia but not about the D (not sure if thats good or bad).

I remember my Dr doing a letter for me about needles and such like going through customs here but moreso for any problems in Russia. I didn't experience any problems there. Also, i'm not sure if my parents were worried about me going or more pleased to get me out the house for a week (as i was on a school trip)!

I do rememeber now thinking about it having a hypo in Leningrad (we did the Trans Siberian express from Leningrad to Moscow) and a friend getting me a bottle of coke which had the old beer bottle tops on them and no one had a bottle opener. I had to try and take the top off by banging the top against the lip of the bed and proceeded to fizz it up in the process and then chuck it everywhere when finally the top pinged off 😱 Nightmare. Thank goodness though they no longer exist! I swore to them all i didn't want to end up in a hospital over there and to keep quiet!! I then munched on a load of lucozade tablets (erghhhh yuk yuk) to get my levels up..! Why no one thought to give me these first i'll never know!

Bernie xx 🙂
I have found that waitrose has some fantastic stuff in like vogal bread, which is on at a pound at mo. Dont get me wrong it may be good but on most things is pricey and me mother nearly died when i said i had been shopping there with " oh very posh"
Id love to shop in ASDA. When I visit my parents up north it is fine but i live in London and the closest Asda or Morrisons have some very questionable customers. Im more conserned with getting the speacial "knuckle sandwhich" or "knife therapy"! Tend to stick to sainsbury or TESCO
Could be a new section Bargins of the week ..... bit like a savin website!🙂
I tend to stick to Tesco or Morrison's but many moons ago I used to go to fine fare which sadly no longer exist's
The undergrounds were amazing! Probably still are, and put ours to shame. Mcd's was opened in 1990, I think:

At the risk of staying off topic, I visited Moscow for a long weekend in December 1990. It was my first trip abroad.
The food shortages seemed quite bad at that time. I remember that we could not find somewhere to eat near Red Square until we stumbled across a restaurant that was in either the Spanish Embassy or the Spanish Consulate, we had a Spanish omelette each! I also recall the joy of eating ice cream outside in the Square whilst it snowed and realising what a difference it made because the snow was 'dry' compared to stuff we get in the UK.
Another memory was driving past the Mickey D's queue on an Intourist bus tour and the young lady guide announcing that it was probably a queue for tickets to see the ballet (people did not queue for food in the Soviet Union) and then giving us all a lovely wry smile and a cheeky wink. 😉
Yes the Metro was superb too although quite difficult to navigate for us independent travellers not yet fully familiar with the cyrillic alphabet and with a hotel out in the suburbs. There was very good tv programme a while ago with that Mr Graham-Dixon waxing lyrical about the art in the stations, I think it was part of the BBC4 Art in Russia series.
It is odd, I had no inhibitions whatsoever about taking my disposable syringes into the country, I guess when you are young and naive then things like that do not bother you.
Morrison's (and I think Asda) are selling Bernard Matthews Southern Fried Turkey Steaks for ?1 for a pack of two, very good value and tasty too. Toby.
I was there on holiday in February 1988, after Perestoika but pre-McDs and the Moscow Metro was just amazing, the stations are like cathedrals. But beware the escalators, they move about three times as fast as ours. We upset our Intoursit guide when we refused to stand in a queue to see Lenin's Tomb and took off on our own to look at St Basil's Cathedral (the one with all the fancy painted onion domes). Imagine our amazement when we discovered it's not a cathedral at all but a higgeldy-piggeldy collection of little chapels, all upstairs and round corners and through a chapel and downstairs round more corners and another chapel and... Hang on, haven't we been here before?

We started out with a few days in Leningrad (it hadn't changed back to St Petersburg at that point) and Tsarskoye Selo where all the royal summer palaces are and everyone had to wear these funny felt slippers and polish the floors as we walked. Then we did a real Dr Zhivago like train journey across Russia to Moscow and almost got arrested as spies for taking pictures of the really pretty Dachas in the snow, which turned out to belong to high ranking party officials. I'd love to go back some day.

Food was awful! First thing we did when we landed back at Heathrow was raid Baskin & Robins to buy a huge orange juice each. Anything for some vitamin C.
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