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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The Co-op have got 600g boxes of jelly babies for ?2 at the moment. Also Muller rice at 6 for ?2, plus ...erm...Galaxy dark chocolate at ?1 a slab 😉

Confuse the food police and tell them those are great bargains for an insulin-dependent diabetic! 🙂
Northey are you on commission for the co-op lol

you have sorted my lunch out for me anyway 😉
Northey are you on commission for the co-op lol

you have sorted my lunch out for me anyway 😉

The Co-op is local and tends to have better offers than the local mini tesco. I always refresh my JB supplies when the offer comes round - haven't paid full price since I was diagnosed! 🙂

Sounds like a good, balanced meal Steffie! 🙂
Might pop in on my way home. Haven't been into co-op since I boycotted them after I asked if they had any diet coke and the girl on tills looked at me like I'd come into her house on Christmas day and p'ed on her kids.. Still nevermind a bottle of co-op's finest (tap) water sufficed!🙄
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looked at me like I'd come into her house on Christmas day and p'ed on her kids..

I would of loved to have seen that facial expression................:D
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Might pop in on my way home. Haven't been into co-op since I boycotted them after I asked if they had any diet coke and the girl on tills looked at me like I'd come into her house on Christmas day and p'ed on her kids.. Still nevermind a bottle of co-op's finest (tap) water sufficed!🙄

I'm the same with ASDA. I once went in there at lunchtime and gave a ?20 and was given change for a ?10. They refused to accept I'd given a ?20 (the guy had put it straight in the till) and it took them the rest of my lunch hour to count up the till and check receipts, all the time basically accusing me of being a con-artist. Never darken their tills again!

My Co-op staff are all really friendly!
I am an ASDA man myself, I also frequent the black mark against the coop is that they asked me for ID for a lottery ticket......

I looked on at the barely 18 year old till operator who mumbled and pointed at a sign with 18 on it................I still walked out confused and with no lucky dip.......:confused:
I am an ASDA man myself, I also frequent the black mark against the coop is that they asked me for ID for a lottery ticket......

I looked on at the barely 18 year old till operator who mumbled and pointed at a sign with 18 on it................I still walked out confused and with no lucky dip.......:confused:

I was once buying a box of matches and the assistant called over the supervisor - I was 50! To be fair, she wasn't allowed to key the object into the till, I think.

When I was on holiday in Skipton lately I was really impressed with Morrisons
I can find myself in there too on the spur of the moment, service is good, but nothing beats the price of A.S.D.A........
wow northe, good to know the customer is always right 😱 i'd be so embarrassed!
I also despise ASDA and only really feel right in either Tescos or Sainsbury's anymore!

Ahh these are the days of our lives eh lads. Nothing like a bit of supermarket ranting 😉
Love it.................................🙂
I don't shop at Co-op, as it's only a petrol station shop and we have a Sainsbury's corner shop near by. Big shop in Tesco or Morrisson. Asda is too far away.
wow northe, good to know the customer is always right 😱 i'd be so embarrassed!

I was seething! I guessed that they got a lot of people in there trying that trick on, but it was handled extremely badly, I thought.
The Co-op is local and tends to have better offers than the local mini tesco.

Same here. I buy my blueberries at the Co-op because while they're a penny less in Tesco's (?1.99 as opposed to ?2) the punnet in Tesco's is around half the size and never quite full. I got 9 cans of diet Bru for ?2 out of the Co-op the other day too. That's around three weeks worth for me.
I'm an M+S food girl lol.....only joking i love a bargain me :D

I must get down the Co-Op and bag a box of Jelly babies...i wonder if its the early bird offers re xmas??? Stock up i say!

Asda though is great for petrol...super cheap!

Bernie x
Good to see your allkeeping me in ajob,I work in our local Co-op, they have some good offers on at moment, the tins of sweets at ?4.75 laughing at me everytime I walk past them, I am sure!!!
Good to see your allkeeping me in ajob,I work in our local Co-op, they have some good offers on at moment, the tins of sweets at ?4.75 laughing at me everytime I walk past them, I am sure!!!

I've always liked the Co-op. When I was little me and my sister had to remember our dividend number so we could get our money at the end of the year! Then came stamps, and now swipe cards!

The strangest Co-op I've been in was in a little village called Peredelkino near Moscow - it's where the author of Dr Zhivago is buried. This was in Soviet Russia with lots of shortages, and the only products they had on sale were bread and tea!
I've always liked the Co-op. When I was little me and my sister had to remember our dividend number so we could get our money at the end of the year! Then came stamps, and now swipe cards!

The strangest Co-op I've been in was in a little village called Peredelkino near Moscow - it's where the author of Dr Zhivago is buried. This was in Soviet Russia with lots of shortages, and the only products they had on sale were bread and tea!

my dad shopped nowhere but his local co op for years, but then it got closed down and now its an aldi, he was spitting feathers and had to admit defeat and use tesco, very set in his ways he is lol
When I was on holiday in Skipton lately I was really impressed with Morrisons

Don't get me started on Morrisons ..... too late ......

They made me redundant when they took over Safeway (remember them?). I've vowed never to enter one of their stores ever!

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