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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
since i was diagnosed I have carried a bag with all my stuff.
Its a large bag and now im getting more under control and dont have to have gluco tabs fruit pop bread etc etc I dont panic as much when I am out.
The bag is to big a messenger bag
m 50 and I do have a problem carrying a bag Ive looked on the net and the diabetic bags cost a fortune
Has anyone got a alternitive that they use
Many thanks
hi colin just got myself a little thermos bag from tescos,its ideal for when i am out and about
I used to use a bum bag years ago...not the height of fashio but they do work. Might I also suggest a coat with quite a few pockets?

Tom H
Hi Colin, I tend to use a bum bag now as have to carry an emergencey steroid injection kit as well. Normally I would just fit meter and glucose tablets in a pocket and a vial of insulin and syringe in another pocket.
Nice leather bum bags are about ?10.

Mines called a handbag....Or Mary Poppins bag as my husband calls it :D
I just carry a pencil case with insulin etc, plus a blood glucose kit, plus spare food in top pocket of my rucksack - been using it since 1992, before diagnosis in 1997, and it's still going strong, with help of 2 replaced zips!
I use my handbag normally but for my holidays ive bought a little Nike one. Its only size of a very small camcorder bag. My boyfriend has said he will carry it on holiday, so it must be ok for man!!! Cost me ?12 from a Nike outlet store.
I just carry a pencil case with insulin etc, plus a blood glucose kit, plus spare food in top pocket of my rucksack - been using it since 1992, before diagnosis in 1997, and it's still going strong, with help of 2 replaced zips!
Now that's genius! :) Had found a site selling personal organiser-esque kits for storing pens, needles, lancets, meters etc. But a pencil case is just pure genius. Might wander down to WHSmith tomorrow and see what they have in the way of pencil cases.

The site selling the kits charges ?40+ for them. :D A cheap pencil case should be a little cheaper. :cool:
Wow, thanks, I've never been called a genius before! I'm quite proud of my MSc from Imperial College (and helping a tutor when he was diagnosed with diabetes some years after graduating), but obviously thinking of a pencil case is more use. I should buy shares in Staples, WH Smith etc...
I remember when the nurse put me on to insulin one of the first things she said to me was ' right, one of the best things about being diabetic is that you need to go out and buy yourself a nice new, big, handbag...' I do find I have so much to carry around, insulin pens, needles, test kit, juice/glucogel, glucagon kit etc, everytime I treat myself to a new bag it gets bigger and bigger. Of course being a girl who is quite into her accessories this isn't a bad thing for me!!!
I use a back pack simply because I can put everything else I want to carry in it too. Also leaves me hands free for standing on buses and trains and I can hold on.
Hi guys i am using a brilliant pencil case for my bits. Have both insulin pens test kit needles. The case has a couple of compartments so can keep things seperate ideal really. Although i did pay just over a pound for it when the unfortunate Woolworths store closed. I begin to wish that i had got a couple just incase.
Wow, thanks, I've never been called a genius before! I'm quite proud of my MSc from Imperial College (and helping a tutor when he was diagnosed with diabetes some years after graduating), but obviously thinking of a pencil case is more use. I should buy shares in Staples, WH Smith etc...
Enjoy it then. :) As a fellow genius I can induct you into the Hall of Cleverness. :D

Bought a cheap ?1.45 pencil case from Wilkinson's today. :) Ironically it has a skull and crossbones on it. "Here be insulin!" :cool:
cheap pencil cases

I find the cheapest pencil cases, bearing the logos of last years's big children's / family films are often sold a reduced prices (less than ?1) at supermarkets - as the logos are often stitched on, they can be removed easily. I always write my name, address and mobile number in case I lose it - only once dropped case out of a pocket in work library; a colleague phoned me next day when they found it and I was working at home, where I had spares.

I don't own a handbag, so had to borrow one from my mum last year for attendance at Buckingham Palace investiture, but that held the essentials during the ceremony. My rucksack held coats for 3 of us, plus my trainers for walking outside the gates - checked into cloakroom during ceremony. Can't see myself needing a handbag again....
Hi all!

Just wanted to share this with you - i bought alex a brilliant 'travel bag' from Borders (reduced to ?7) in the sale. Its about 5 inches wide (its black so quite discreet)and just a touch longer than a pen - it holds his 2 injector pens, his needles, his jelly babies, his lancets and his finger pricker and test strips - and can be worn as a man bag or or go round the waist or clip onto a belt its a little bit padded so ok if he drops it! Also got him 2 different coloured pen cases to differentiate between day and night insulin (especially after our mix up the other night!). Only got it yesterday so they should still be in stock if your interested! Bev
I was about to reply and then didnt, but then i realised it would be a good idea.
I always have a handbag with me, and i have a little sparkley one if in going out at night.

I have a dielema, i am getting marrid in november, and have just realised ill need a bag!
One that will go with my dress, thats staff, oh no another thing to add to the list.
If anyone has a fashionable idea that would be really great?

Firstly, congratulations! How about making one, not nearly as scary as it sounds...! Get some nice fabric that'll go with the dress and you really just need two squares, sew three sides up inside out then turn it the right way round and get some ribbon (to match the flowers maybe?) to make a drawstring at the top, presumably you can leave it with someone for the ceremony etc but you can then hang it off your wrist when you do have it.the thing about making it yourself is that you can make sure its exactly the right size for everything but not too big.

How about making a nice silk bag to stick under your garter! Then nobody would know it was there and you wouldnt worry about losing it through the day! Bev
Can't advise you about bags, Phoebe, just wanted to say congratulations, and that I've missed seeing that face-painted picture!:)

Congratulations! Aymes is right - making a bag sounds scary but is actually far easier than it appears. If you need ideas then have a look in the craft section of your local library where you'll often find lots of books with examples in
