Bad news

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Hope you don't have to wait too long for the appointment, the worst part about these things is waiting.
I think BP is something that you'll have to watch, it plays an important part in keeping things under control. ( so says me who never remembers that was told to do morning checks every few days) :()
As you know I've written that I wonder how much the variation caused by hypos have to do with it. I know, like you I was shocked to find some changes in spite of really good HbA1cs.
Good luck
Hi North,

Sorry to read you post.

I posted earlier this year to advise of incorrect testing i got from the local auth screening guys.

When i went to Moorfields eye hospital they advised the tests will always report on the 'negative' side, to avoid missing anything.

I know it wont make any difference, but try not to worry mate, hopefully they are just reporting over cautiously. Fingers crossed for you.

Hi Northerner About 2 yrs ago I had my usual eye test, the optition said he was going to write to my doctor because he was very concerned about my eyes. I was concerned about this and later on I received a letter from Salisbury asking me to attend a specailist eye screening.The doc there said there wasn't much to worry about and he had seen much worse and wasn't overly concerned , he thought my optition was being over cautious . My next appt is 20 august(if it doesn't get cancelled again). It's always the unknown that is more frightening and I hope your letter doesn't cause you to many sleepless nights. Take care Sheena🙂
Sorry to hear Northe, hope all works out OK
Northerner, i know it's easier said than done because i'm a born worrier anyway but try and be positive and think that these days they can deal with these thngs a lot better and that's the whole point of us being checked so thoroughly so that things can be caught early and dealt with. Your HbA1c to me is excellent but from what you've said in the past your BP is on the high side, mine borders on high and i too am keeping a close eye on my BP but you'll be fine i'm sure 🙂
Thanks again everyone for all your good wishes and for sharing your experiences 🙂 I think I went from upset, to scared, to miserable, to inquisitive, to fatalistic, to motivated ? so I?ll try and stay with that! 🙂
I hope so but i wish you good luck mate all the same. could happen to anyone of us.
Sorry to hear this Alan, it does seem really unfair considering how well you control your D 😡. Hope you manage to get an early appointment and it gets sorted quickly (((hugs)))
I'm sorry to hear that - let's hope they are erring on the side of caution. Hope it gets sorted quickly for you. xx
I hope so but i wish you good luck mate all the same. could happen to anyone of us.

Sorry to hear this Alan, it does seem really unfair considering how well you control your D 😡. Hope you manage to get an early appointment and it gets sorted quickly (((hugs)))

I'm sorry to hear that - let's hope they are erring on the side of caution. Hope it gets sorted quickly for you. xx

Thanks guys 🙂 Think I've got over the shock of the letter now, and I know people have much more to deal with than me. I think it just makes you lose hope a little initially, when you think you're doing well. It was like that when I got diagnosed - had thought I was in pretty good shape for my age until they had finished with me, then I felt like I was falling apart! If there's one thing diabetes teaches you, it's that you can't take things for granted.
sorry to hear that northener, hope all goes well for you at your appointment.
Thanks again everyone for all your good wishes and for sharing your experiences 🙂 I think I went from upset, to scared, to miserable, to inquisitive, to fatalistic, to motivated ? so I?ll try and stay with that! 🙂

Wowser that's an emotional rollercoaster if ever I've heard of one.

Hope you're okay and it sorts itself out.

Take care big fella,

Rossi 🙂
oh really sorry to hear about this. Hope that appointment comes quickly and wishing you all the best for it.
Just catching up.

As others have said, they send out 'the letter' for even the slightest change from last time. Out of my last 3 screenings, I was referred the first 2 times and nothing was needed but this last time the specialist said things were a bit worse, but still no treatment, although she lasered a slight bulge in the fluid (the aptly named 'humour') which was uncomfortable but there have been no after-effects.
She said that the A1c is crucial to healthy eyes but a sudden, large drop can be as bad as a rise, so, as is our lot, damned either way 🙄
I have kept her words in mind when trying to gain better control but you can only try your best.
I'm sure it's only a routine referral and they'll send you home feeling relieved.
I'm on 5mg Ramipril and 20mg simvastatin btw. Your running should be helping your BP I'd have thought.

Sorry to hear about this Alan.

I hope everything is ok and hopefully when you get a review things aren't as bad as you fear.

Im sad for you also- such great HbA1cs, if this is diabetes related then you have been exceptionally unlucky.

All the best with getting it sorted,

Lou x
I am quite shocked that you have had this letter Alan, your hba1c is always perfect - so how can your eyes be affected already? The good news is that you should be able to get some treatment for it if you need any.🙂Bev x
Oh dear- sorry to hear about the "glitch" - hope it is just that. Sometimes these letters are "just routine" to cover their backs - they don't care that they play with our minds. Best of luck xxx
Eye problems

Hope you have your follow-up appointment and more positive news soon. Stay motivated, you're doing all the right things.

After saying that I only get a letter about my retinal scan if there is a problem - I just got a letter :( I only had the scan last Friday so am worried. It says that I have 'moderate diabetic eye disease' and need to see a specialist eye doctor. Last year they said I had background retinopathy, so obviously things have progressed. As my HbA1c has been good, at 5.6%, I can only think that it is my blood pressure that is causing the worsening.

Has anyone else had this 'moderate' letter, and can tell me what it might entail?
Hi Alan - sorry that you got 'the letter'. Hopefully when you see the Dr, it will be just that they are being over-cautious.

Good luck
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