bad neuropathy pains at work

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys. Currently sat in the hut feeling very sorry for myself. My right foot is seriously seriously hurting to the point of me feeling physically sick and being in lots of tears. I'm not due a gabapentin yet but have taken nuerofen and nothings helped. My sugars are floatingv at 14. Any ideas?
Do you know any breathing exercises? I find that breathing deeply for a couple of breaths and then sitting quietly and watching or concentrating on my breathing helps.

I hope you feel better soon.
Nurofen won't normally touch neuropathy pain.

Controlled breathing as Caroline suggested is one option. As to is making sure your foot is warm - not sure what you can use in a site hut - given your boots were soaked last night. Is there a heater you can sit CLOSE to but not on top of - while nerve pain can be 150% there, the sensation of temperature can suddenly vanish.

Another thing I discovered after years of suffering from neuropathy not long ago - how warm or cold is your back? We tend to treat or rub the site where the pain is felt, where the actual problem is usually in the spinal cord - not the nerves to the limb. So if your shirt has risen up, exposing your lower back this might be the cause of the sudden pain. In which case a warm dry towel (or t-shirt etc) placed across your lower back and into the top of your trousers may help - of course you might need to use a piece of string to hold the top in place.

A kidney warmer is worth looking to invest in as it's a padded belt that covers most of the lower back.

Hope it clears up as soon as it probably came on. Until you have neuropathy few people understand what it's like.
No ideas for the interim Sam Im afraid, but for the long term I was just wondering about if your diabetes team could refer you to the Pain Team at Southampton?

Also, when I was diagnosed last year (Im very sceptical as to whether I actually have it or not though) they didnt want to prescribe Gabapentin because of being female and in child bearing years, but they did prescribe a cream- I cant for the life of me remember the name (Im sure someone can fill in the gaps??) and when I googled it it had chilli in???

I didnt put in the prescription, purely because the cream needed to be applied four times a day. Working 12 hours on my feet it was completely inpractical for me for me to be jotting off to do this. I suspect when you are on site and wearing boots it is the same predicament for you? However, I know you are suffering more....perhaps worth a try.

Sam Im sure its not right you are suffering like this- can you get back to your team??

Sam just popped back in to say I hope you are feeling better. Maybe you had something warm for lunch and were able to take your boots off for a while and that has helped? ANyway I hope you are feeling better.
hello guys, I'm back at home. My PO thought it was best for me to not be on site this afternoon after I explained what it was that was wrong. Not only that I am feeling rather unwell, and tbh I think thats half of the issue with my feet. Not only were they cold and wet but sugars have been slowly rising all morning to in the 20s. My poor PO looked at me and was just like 'go home, i don't want any vomiting in my trench!'

Got my sugars down to in the 9's and I'm feeling better if still a little sick. The pain has eased off somewhat now I've warmed up as well. Though the occasionial shooting pain is still there.

That's interesting about the gabapentins sugarbum! I'll have to look into that. Nursey told me about the chilli cream when she rang me back earlier. Her advice was take some painkillers and keep warm and try to get the sugars down.

They havent been this bad since that first time i posted about epic bad pains. And I will certainly be bringing it back up with my team when i go to clinic next week. I'm getting a little fed up with all of this, and irritated that I have it and that its been allowed to get this bad! If only it had been noticed earlier maybe i wouldn't be in this shocking mess. My doctor said it would get much worse before it starts to ease off now the levels are starting to settle down. So maybe this is the huge bad stage he was on about???

I dug my spare pair of boots out of the store room in the site hut too so at least theres a pair drying out at the moment in the warm drying room!
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You poor thing Sam. I can't offer any advise. Hope you get fixed up soon.
Glad you are home and getting things sorted. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you got home without vomiting anywhere, trench or anywhere else?!? Hope that getting your blood glucose levels down a bit will help ease the pain at bit, as well as your drugs & creams. Good idea about having dry boots to look forward to - I hate leaving my work boots in a cold place, knowing they won't dry out before I next put them on, and that's without any neuropathy.
I do hope you're feeling better now Sam.
pains back

quite badly


thank God I'm in the office tomorrow

I dunno what to do...take pills, what?! This is rubbish, I'm having no help from any medical person with it really, doc don't seem to care. Feeling very down. Not had it this bad in a while
Damn. I don't know what to suggest, except maybe ask to speak to the DSN instead of the doctor, or call NHS Direct for advice. After I spoke to them about the elbow pain a note turned up in my records to say I'd called and been seen by the duty doctor and suddenly my doctor got all interested. The upshot is I'm being referred for physio. It's worth a try at least. I realise that wasn't neuropathy, but the principle's the same.
You definitely need to see a doctor again, preferably a diabetes specialist. I think my specialist would be very concerned because we are in our early 20s! So he would want to keep an eye on me. Did you see your GP or Diabetes specialist?
saw the GP katie, twice actually cuz I was waiting for a specialist appt to come through. Have me an appointment at the RSH next thursday though, so will be bringing it up as a matter of urgency then.

Funny thing is, podiatrist could find absolutely nothing wrong with my feet when i went. Good circulation, good sensitivity, everything. :confused:

something strange is going on by far

spoke to the dsn today and she suggested the basics of keep the feet warm and get the levels down. They've not been below 12 all day. Am rather concerned...
saw the GP katie, twice actually cuz I was waiting for a specialist appt to come through. Have me an appointment at the RSH next thursday though, so will be bringing it up as a matter of urgency then.

Funny thing is, podiatrist could find absolutely nothing wrong with my feet when i went. Good circulation, good sensitivity, everything. :confused:

something strange is going on by far

spoke to the dsn today and she suggested the basics of keep the feet warm and get the levels down. They've not been below 12 all day. Am rather concerned...
I have the same results from my tests Sam, it doesn't make things less painful though. Definitely mention it at next week's appointment.
Dont have any advice Salmonpuff, just wanted to say thinking of you. x
Hi Salmon puff, sorry you are suffering so much.
Just a thought if the podiatrist has said that your sensation is OK have they checked the pressures in your legs? It could be a vascular problem rather than
nerve damage which would have to be tackeled differently.Know this doesn't help your pain but thought it might be worth mentioning. They could check your ABPI (ankle/brachial pressure index) to see if there is an issue.
As the pain is bad, try NHS Direct or go to the hospital. Either way a note will go on your medical records at your GPs surgery for future visits. I hope you feel better soon and the pain eases.
Hope the pain has been better today Sam, maybe not getting cold and wet will have helped. I wonder if the cold weather is affecting me too. I have been experiencing more pain for the past couple of weeks. I am considering asking my GP to up my meds, especially at night if it doesn't settle down soon.
things have been better today thanks guys. Slightly ouchy this morning again, but not being out in the cold and wet has definitely helped!! I'm back on site tomorrow, so have a nice new box of codeine tablets! They helped immensly when I first got this danged thing!

Right now, there is no pain at all. No tingles, nothing. Which is bloody awesome!!!
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