Bad experiences

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I struggle to get the bubbles out of my reservoir before it even goes back into the pump. I also get bubbles in the tubing. You mentioned to switching to anguled sets. What are these please and do you reccommend them? (I constantly speak to my diabetic specialists about receivng updates on new pump equipment/accessories as, other wise, we do not hear about them. It seems that once you are using the pump and your HBA1c is good, you are left to your own devices.
I struggle to get the bubbles out of my reservoir before it even goes back into the pump. I also get bubbles in the tubing. You mentioned to switching to anguled sets. What are these please and do you reccommend them? (I constantly speak to my diabetic specialists about receivng updates on new pump equipment/accessories as, other wise, we do not hear about them. It seems that once you are using the pump and your HBA1c is good, you are left to your own devices.

Hi Heb,
how are you filling your cartridge?
Hi mike because I have been having problems a diabetes doctor in June of this year suggested a pump might be a goodoption for me. I was quite surprised by this. I have an appointment on friday 9th Nov, to see the same doctor with my BS results,which I know are not going to be, well, favourable. So I'm sure he will probably mention it again. I will do whatever is best for my diabetes, but a pump does scare me, will it help, am I doing it correctly, having something attached to your body etc, maybe I'm just to long in the tooth for a pump? but I do know there would be lots and lots of introductions, advice and support regarding a pump,my GP did say its not for everyone and no one would be forced. Its all very daunting to me. Best wishes CW
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