backround testing?

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I know. I understand.
You dealt with it correctly.
unfotullty i had tried to prevent again with some jelly babies but that didnt work
I know. I understand.
You dealt with it correctly.
I never treat a high or low without checking it. Unless it was high or low witgout apart once in the midlle of night where i couldnt find test kit it was right in fount of me u notticed it and thought well i do feel wired so probelly so i probelly am so just had some jelly babies anyway
so when i snicked backfast this morning i found myslef eating a packet of crisps to try and keep my blood surger up so i gess that anwsers the qustion that no it wasn't my backfast radtio causing it
it mide of th day drop which i seem to get whatever i do which is whatever i do that is making me want to go back. it seems i'm back to the a least dailly drops with my current rangie on limermir
Then it sounds like your basal insulin dose needs adjusting and this might well have been the case whether you were on Tresiba or Levemir. It often happens with people who are quite newly diagnosed as they body finds that having had a helping hand from the injected insulin, it is able to manage to produce a little more insulin itself for a while and insulin doses need reducing. It is all part of what can happen in the honeymoon period. You should speak to your nurse about it.
Then it sounds like your basal insulin dose needs adjusting and this might well have been the case whether you were on Tresiba or Levemir. It often happens with people who are quite newly diagnosed as they body finds that having had a helping hand from the injected insulin, it is able to manage to produce a little more insulin itself for a while and insulin doses need reducing. It is all part of what can happen in the honeymoon period. You should speak to your nurse about it.
yeah i'm going to try and get in cornet with my team
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