Attended an HCL event in Cornwall last night

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for me the biggest impact of looping has been the reduction in me thinking about diabetes
That sounds really good, it would be so good to reduce the mental load. Although the Libre is a great help, it almost adds to the load as I am constantly checking levels and adjusting. Of course, the improved TIR and reduced HbA1c are brilliant benefits, it would be so good to have these without quite so much load. Keeping my fingers crossed for HCL in the future!
FWIW, from my experience, I suspect you would find that your excellent self management would possibly be slightly improved with a very slight smoothing out of things (eg overnight), but that you perhaps wouldn’t get very much lifting of mental burden, because you’d just switch to looking after the needs of the algorithm, and implementing workarounds for where the average person for which the algorithm was tailored doesn’t match your specific sensitivities/needs.
At my last consultant appointment we discussed the key differences between looping with the t-slim and the 780, and whether it was worth me considering a switch in a year (I like to start preparing early for such decisions!!!!) . A big difference suggested by him was that the t-slim requires more input as you select which basal profile you want the looping to use (which improves the algorithm) as opposed to the 780 where it constantly adjusts the basal and apart from choosing when to use a temp target for exercise you just let it get on with it.

For me I like thinking a lot less about Diabetes and my lifestyle means that looping with the 780 definitely reduces the mental burden, and I plan to stick with that. There are still workarounds that I have needed to develop for more extreme exercise but for different foods, where I am able to pre-bolus I don’t have to think about it after that.

It is good that there are different systems to suit different people‘s needs
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