Asking For Medication Increase Is Like Getting Blood Out Of A Stone

I am not able to see the prescribing nurse till the last day of this month so I am seeing the surgery pharmacist tomorrow

I will tell her that I am on pioglitazine and semaglutide and want an alternative
I have been using fybogel for a week but my bowel is now blocked so I need Laxido
Fo you drink enough water that is the thing that helps me .

I preferred the runs to this
Yes its not given the credit for how much discomfort it causes. But dropping blood sugar can cause you to feel bad too. At first but it goes within a month or so.
I am not anti medication , metformin was very effective and I would try that again
It works for many but remember i do not know you medical history . Your GP or Diabetic health person will know what you need. All i am saying is that Semaglutide and the other will affect blood sugars too.
I wish you better.
Drink lots of fluid . Exercise as much as you can . Keep a good diet and you will soon get there.
medication is complex for each individual thats why Gps train for years and still it might be good for one but not for all.
It works for many but remember i do not know you medical history . Your GP or Diabetic health person will know what you need. All i am saying is that Semaglutide and the other will affect blood sugars too.
I wish you better.
Drink lots of fluid . Exercise as much as you can . Keep a good diet and you will soon get there.
medication is complex for each individual thats why Gps train for years and still it might be good for one but not for all.
Metformin brought my bs from 85 to 52

I think if I was given the option of lowering the dose I would be in the ok zone now but the runs were bad so they took me off it completely
Metformin brought my bs from 85 to 52

I think if I was given the option of lowering the dose I would be in the ok zone now but the runs were bad so they took me off it completely
Like me from your drugs i think you may have nfld and this alters drugs I am told too. So its might be sometime before you manage to get in a good place with this . I'm trying diet now but i cant suss my blood sugars out at all. They went down this afternoon and up after a bile ride this evening .
I think with things like Lactulose you are better taking a low dose on a regular basis rather than waiting until a problem arises.
I have a weird thing at the moment as I am away from home and normally with my low carb diet 70g per day I 'go' probably 3 to 4 times a day but since Saturday having more carbs that I would normally have I don't thing I have 'been' more than twice. Should I be worried?
I think with things like Lactulose you are better taking a low dose on a regular basis rather than waiting until a problem arises.
I have a weird thing at the moment as I am away from home and normally with my low carb diet 70g per day I 'go' probably 3 to 4 times a day but since Saturday having more carbs that I would normally have I don't thing I have 'been' more than twice. Should I be worried?
You know your own body. It has been a lot hotter here I don’t know if same where you are? We drink differently on holiday, our routines change. Food and drink is also changed. I am different with Scottish water than here. Nearest i get is in Birkenhead and again its the softness. Bottled makes no difference. I also walk more on holiday so it could be that.
i would not worry unless in pain and it went on longer.
You know your own body. Each laxative works different.
Hope you feel more comfortable soon.