Asking For Medication Increase Is Like Getting Blood Out Of A Stone


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I get so frustrated with the NHS

I am medication compliant
I try my best to eat well
I am on pioglitazine 15mg and I know it can go up to 45 mg

My symptoms of tiredness , weight loss , frequent urination , sweating etc are mounting and all I want to do is work with the nurse to increase my meds and see if it helps and if not we try alternatives

But ......the hassle of going through the receptionists and then eventually having to argue my case with the nurses is exhausting and so stressful

It really does get me angry
Same old story

Miserable annoying receptionist asking questions that were of a medical nature

Eventually phoned by nurse who basically said exactly what I expected her to say

I really get fed up with all this
Have you given the surgery BS readings to justify needing more meds otherwise it's guesswork? I might mention that Pioglitazone is less commonly used these days as there are other newer tablets for T2. Try to discuss this with the GP if you can. Weight loss can be an indicator of Late onset T1 so ask for the two tests for that. Don't be surprised at a refusal as it will depend on the GP
When was you last HbA1c test and what was the result?
They will be extremely unlikely to increase your meds without an increase in HbA1c, so if you haven't had one done recently then you need to press for that first, especially if you are suffering symptoms of high BG.
I have it in my mind that you don't do finger prick tests.... correct me if I am wrong on that. If not, then you have no evidence that your levels have increased so you really need to push for an HbA1c test, especially if you haven't had one in the last 6 months.
When was you last HbA1c test and what was the result?
They will be extremely unlikely to increase your meds without an increase in HbA1c, so if you haven't had one done recently then you need to press for that first, especially if you are suffering symptoms of high BG.
I have it in my mind that you don't do finger prick tests.... correct me if I am wrong on that. If not, then you have no evidence that your levels have increased so you really need to push for an HbA1c test, especially if you haven't had one in the last 6 months.

My last one was 51

I absolutely know that my bg levels are higher, my symptoms are sky high
My last one was 51

I absolutely know that my bg levels are higher, my symptoms are sky high
When was the 51, and when is your next a1c due?
My last one was 51

I absolutely know that my bg levels are higher, my symptoms are sky high
That is not desperately high and if you have been sticking to your changed diet then there is not a given that your HbA1C will have gone up.
Your symptoms therefore may be due to some other cause so well worth trying to get an appointment with your GP.
If your 51 was some time ago, and you haven't been self-testing, then it would be prudent to ask for a new HbA1c if you think things have gone awry. I can't believe any GP would increase your medication because you rang up and asked them to do so, with no supporting evidence in the form of up-to-date BG results, so I agree with @Leadinglights - you should try and book a GP appointment, or an eConsult if you have that option.
Sorry to are having such a frustrating time, and your increased symptoms aren’t being taken seriously @Taffyboyslim :(

Hope you can get an updated HbA1c without too much faff, and that helps identify why your symptoms have increased so markedly.
If your 51 was some time ago, and you haven't been self-testing, then it would be prudent to ask for a new HbA1c if you think things have gone awry. I can't believe any GP would increase your medication because you rang up and asked them to do so, with no supporting evidence in the form of up-to-date BG results, so I agree with @Leadinglights - you should try and book a GP appointment, or an eConsult if you have that option.

Thank you
I don't mind bowing down to the greater medical knowledge of a diabetic nurse

But when I am told 3 times by the reception staff that on Thursday and Friday I will definitely get a call and they fail to contact me I get pissed off
Mine was 83 at diagnosis and I felt awful, so I am not surprised you are feeling bad.
83 initially , got it down to 52

Last reading back up into the 80s again

So I definitely need medication to help me but finding the right one is very difficult
Medication sounds like a magic fix but it is not always that beneficial. You have said you have changed your diet too. So now you have a new HbA1c can you not make an appointment and discuss where to go from here? I think a plan to progress in the right direction would help. I agree with the nurses to not prescribe without knowledge but now it's higher they are not helping if they refuse to plan a way forward. I know it's a postcode lottery but I have had really good GPs and nurses.
I found self-testing also helps me but I do go up and off the rails so for me it trying a new plan and taking it forward. my sugars are better off medication which makes no sense to me. However, meds I may have no idea what caused my inflammation to be a lot higher so it might be related more to that. All I can do is see.
Medication sounds like a magic fix but it is not always that beneficial. You have said you have changed your diet too. So now you have a new HbA1c can you not make an appointment and discuss where to go from here? I think a plan to progress in the right direction would help. I agree with the nurses to not prescribe without knowledge but now it's higher they are not helping if they refuse to plan a way forward. I know it's a postcode lottery but I have had really good GPs and nurses.
I found self-testing also helps me but I do go up and off the rails so for me it trying a new plan and taking it forward. my sugars are better off medication which makes no sense to me. However, meds I may have no idea what caused my inflammation to be a lot higher so it might be related more to that. All I can do is see.

I saw the nurse eventually after the 82 reading

She's put me on semaglutide but I feel awful on it
I saw the nurse eventually after the 82 reading

She's put me on semaglutide but I feel awful on it
I think that one takes a while to settle down. If not return and let your prescriber know.
I can't take it any more , its blocking my bowels
oh dear thats not good . So
whats the next plan a laxative ot just stop thst drug n find another.