Aqualyx Fat Dissolving injections - type 2 diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I am wondering if any type 2's here have ever had apualyx treatment? I am a UK size 12 and ok with my weight, I could probably do with losing a few pounds, but either way, I have a stubborn area under my chin that I am massively insecure about, the dreaded double chin.
Apparently this treatment isn't suitable for diabetics, but I am wondering if it's ok for a very healthy well controlled diabetic and more a precautionary measure for those with a high HBA1C? My last HBA1C was 44, I am back again for it checking in 2 weeks, if it's lowered again, I am seriously considering having the treatment.
How risky could it be?
I've just had a quick google and it mentions not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with lipodystrophy or are immunocompromised for any reason including type 1 diabetes. Given that you are T2 you may well be considered suitable. It depends on just how much your double chin causes you grief, ie mental health concerns vs physical health. Have you had a discussion with your GP or DN about it?
Thank you, I am thinking when I go in for my HBA1C I could discuss it with my nurse.
My understanding of the drug is that it's a sugar based medicine or that the fat breaks down into sugar and into the blood stream.
But if my HBA1C is now pre-diabetic I don't see what the risk could be, it leaves the body, could just cause a blood sugar spike, like drinking a glass of fruit juice and then id be back to normal. I can't see how it could be dangerous for me?
Thank you, I am thinking when I go in for my HBA1C I could discuss it with my nurse.
My understanding of the drug is that it's a sugar based medicine or that the fat breaks down into sugar and into the blood stream.
But if my HBA1C is now pre-diabetic I don't see what the risk could be, it leaves the body, could just cause a blood sugar spike, like drinking a glass of fruit juice and then id be back to normal. I can't see how it could be dangerous for me?
Oh and the double chin really bothers me, looking at my face you would think it belonged on a body twice my weight. I am so sick of it
This is directly from the pharmacy manufacturers website.
I don't believe any of these apply.


Aqualyx , for precautions measures, must not be used in:
  • subjects that present active or systematic acute pathologies in the area to be treated;
  • patients with diseases affecting organs or organ systems in an acute phase or with evident functional deficits;
  • patients with severe autoimmune diseases;
  • immunosuppressed patients;
  • pregnant or breastfeeding women.
patients with diseases affecting organs or organ systems in an acute phase or with evident functional deficits;
Perhaps it is this one you need. No medication is a magic cure to reduce fat in specific areas though.
Sorry I don't understand, do you mean type 2 would be considered as -
  • patients with diseases affecting organs or organ systems in an acute phase or with evident functional deficits;
Totally understand your views, but I am not a big girl, it's just this one problem area and I've seen some fabulous results and it only comes back if you gain weight, I've been the same weight for 2 years. I also have a mum tum, but I can hide that under jeans. There's no hiding my double chin though.
Diabetes could possibly be classified as that since it affects your pancreas but you need to asl a medical professional

Sounds like you have latched into something as a miracle treatment though when nothing can target specific areas
Yeah maybe, I see my nurse in 2 weeks so I can discuss with her.
Honestly haven't latched onto a gimic, I have wanted the treatment for a long time, but have assumed I am not a suitable candidate due to my diabetes. I am not sure if you have ever heard anything about aqualyx, but as for targeting specific areas, it does exactly that, it's designed for patients who are at a healthy weight and have a small area of stubborn fat they would like to lose, it's an alternative to liposuction and very effective.
It's injected into the fatty area and breaks down fat cells, usually 3 sessions are required.
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My only concern re speaking to my nurse, is that if she doesn't know a great deal about this drug, she's likely just to say no without really looking at the risks, to cover her own back. I had to see her for something unrelated a few weeks ago and she said I was healthy enough to donate a kidney, long story, anyway I can't see that id be at any great risk if she thinks I could donate an organ, I must be in pretty good health
My only concern re speaking to my nurse, is that if she doesn't know a great deal about this drug, she's likely just to say no without really looking at the risks, to cover her own back. I had to see her for something unrelated a few weeks ago and she said I was healthy enough to donate a kidney, long story, anyway I can't see that id be at any great risk if she thinks I could donate an organ, I must be in pretty good health
Sounds more like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Diabetics can’t donate kidneys.
I'd be most concerned about who is going to administer it. Should be a doc or specifically-trained nurse, If not, runaway. If yes, they can advise you re risks and suitability, which nobody here can do.
Well that's what I thought too! It did ring alarm bells, but she's a very experienced diabetes nurse.
I have a family member in need, she said that their kidney team would make the decision but being a diabetic and being a well controlled diabetic are apparently very different things, she says, the hospital would write to her directly and she see's no reason I couldn't go ahead, so she would approve, but they make the final call. I have decided not to volunteer because I might well need my kidneys in the future considering my medical issues.
I'd be most concerned about who is going to administer it. Should be a doc or specifically-trained nurse, If not, runaway. If yes, they can advise you re risks and suitability, which nobody here can do.
Yes a nurse
So my nurse is right. Some diabetics can donate..
I would suspect that your nurse might be quite dismissive of something that would be considered a cosmetic procedure.
I assume you are prepared for the potential costs which could be quite expensive if you go to a good reputable clinic.
Yes that is exactly what my concern is and I totally understand the reasons behind that.
The NHS are in crisis and I wouldn't expect her to waste her time researching aqualyx. When there are people waiting to see someone over actual potentially serious medical conditions.
But I can't see a clinic agreeing to it, without her approval. I have considered... not disclosing, if I can deem it safe enough. I know that's foolish but I think the restrictions on this medicine aren't as black and white as they appear.
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I have considered... not disclosing, if I can deem it safe enough. I know that's foolish but I think the restrictions on this medicine aren't as black and white as they appear.
Hopefully nobody here will encourage you not to disclose a medical condition.
Have you looked around to see if there are any horror stories on this one?

I must admit I did scant reading on the "inventor"'s website , but no further. I would want to fully check out the downsides, bearing in mind how "safe" Botox and fillers were considered to be, just a few years ago, and how now folks are halting Botox and having fillers dissolved because of issues.

Whilst I empathise that you have a body part you really dislike, personally, I would approach this with enormous caution. (In fact, personally, I wouldn't do it.)

I have nothing against anyone wanting to be their best self, but injecting chemicals will always hold some jeopardy.
They're offering it at our chemist I think, there's leaflets on the counter. I'm not even interested, all too late for me and I can't be doing with drugs anyway unless absolutely necessary. Just do low carb like I don't. 🙄 Are there any exercises you could do specifically for your chin area? Tighten up the skin a bit? All of me has gone to hell in a handbasket at the same time which is convenient. I don't worry about my outside, it's my inside I'm freaked out about. I do hope you can get sorted.
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