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Hey, Rose just had her 4th 'd' day anniversary...

Looking back she had chicken pox in the April and started to lose weight in the Sept...then her hair was falling out, skin tags appeared and a cough and cold for 6 weeks and we didn't connect anything....then in the Jan she started drinking loads and loads over a week, eating for England, and looking skeletal...and still we were none the wiser until we took her to the GP and it took a week for her to be diagnosed <shudder>
I know when i did Dafne we all started chatting about what had happened around our diagnosis and for the majority of us it coincided with an "event" of some description.

My consultant said that although we already have the genetic disposition for Diabetes its actual onset is often triggered by some emotional or physical trauma.

For me it was my Dad being diagnosed out of the blue with a rare aggressive throat cancer. Looking back my symptoms began pretty much on that day and about 6 weeks later I was in A&E with DKA, with my seriously stressed out Mum! It was a very tough time for my family, and i sometimes wonder whether i would have dealt with my diagnosis differently had we not been dealing what what my dad was going through at the same time. I pretty much just got on with it in a daze for 12 months so as not to cause any more stress and worry to my family, not that they werent incredibly supportive, i still dont know how my Mum held us all together!!) but then had a pretty major melt down after my dad died.

Someone else i know developed it after their parenst split and another whilst on holiday after the breakdown of her engagement. There must be something in it.

Another joy of diabetes - its sneaks up on you and kicks you in the bum just when you feeling crappy anyway! :(

**EDIT: Sorry that was rather a depressing post for me! 😱
Hi Lou

I can understand how you are feeling on the approach to your 'd' anniverary. I will be thinking of you on 14th.

Any news re your new pump? Or have i totally missed this event? I'm a bit behind but trying to catch up.

Sending hugs

Mand x

Thanks Mand,

Ive already arranged to celebrate it with 32 flavours of ice cream in Baskin &Robbins!

No pump as yet. There was a one hour slot yesterday at my hospital with a rep to get it changed. Naturally, I was working. I refuse to take time off when anyone else can have it delivered by courier. I give up. Waiting to hear but cant be bothered right now. At least Im still pumping, I got a lot to be grateful for I know. xx

Viki, your diagnosis time must have been really rough, what a story. You mum must have been having kittens. Sorry to hear of your father xx
Yes wow interesting stories, and triggers.... We too have been told --and it seems to hold out -- that there is already some kind of genetic predisposition, perhaps even buried generations back....

With E... He was ALWAYS a thirsty child, especially in the last year or two before diagnosis. I wonder if this was a pre-diabetic situation. Then, the summer before the whole family was in Italy -- 12 of us -- and many of us came down with a mild tummy bug: lots of cramping etc...For most of us, it was over in 24 hours with very little effect other than nausea and feeling a bit wiped out.

E got it, but got a fever with it, which was weird for a 12 year old. None of the rest of us did.

Things went along okay. Then in October and November, he began to work very hard toward a piano competition, playing 2 hours a day, getting up early...really geared to this. He was diagnosed three days after winning it...

I wonder if the stress of the competition kind of 'tipped him' over. From what we read, the body has begun to struggle with glucose in the blood WAY before diagnosis (usually). Sometimes it's very dramatic and quick (as in, a result of a flu-like illness, which many people report). So I think it was the virus in the summer which maybe set things going...then the build up of stress which sped things up.

But if it hadn't have been those things it would have been others. It was going to happen. This much we know, I think.


Lou, hope your anniversary goes as ok as it can. You are something special, and I always value your openness and warmth on these boards. I doubt diabetes brought these qualities out in you (!), but you do seem to be able to use this arbitrary thing handed to you for good purpose...

So take care.

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