Applying for a job.

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In terms of the DDA anyone who is diabetic and on medication is likely to be classed as disabled, that rises to everyone who is insulin dependant. The test is how are you unmedicated not how well you control your condition. Obviously I think most who are on tablets or insulin would be seriously impared without there medication, and obviously as an insulin dependant diabetic (type 1 or 2 doesnt matter) then you obviously couldnt work without your medication at all.

That can't be relevant. I'd be dead by now if I didn't have Insulin. Just as many would be dead without anti-biotics.

Ive never answered "yes" to that question, but thats just personal preference. I personally dont feel I have a disability, perhaps I do, but actually I just dont like the word "disability".

Even if you put no Katie, you will need to declare honestly about your health in the occupational health form which as I am sure you know, the interviewers or people on the selction panel are not allowed to open and it is completely confidential.

Are we allowed to know what job you have applied for hon? I'm nosey!

Good luck with it by the way

Neither have I haha. My boss didn't know for ages on my placement year and was like "are you ok?" because I had a couple of hospital appointments. She probably thought I was pregnant 😉 I didn't know at the time that they dont see what is on your occupational health form.

I'd rather not say because it's very random and I doubt I'll even get an Interview, but apparently you don't need any experience/qualifications 😱

Ive applied for loads of others and they are all completely different :D I'll tell you on FB or something though.
No worries 🙂 All the very best of luck anyway honey! X
Best of luck with the job, Katie. Got my fingers crossed for you.

I always say yes to the "Do you consider yourself to have a disability?" question. This is mostly because I receive Disability Living Allowance for my diabetes and would feel a bit of a fraud if I said no!

Does anyone else get DLA? My parents applied when I was first diagnosed and I was granted it for life. I get the impression it was a bit of a lottery back than based on how well you filled the form in.

Thank you 🙂

Wow. do you have any complications or anything?

Ive always thought to myself tha if the government gives me some money, i'll be quite happy to call myself disabled 😉 (hope no one takes offense to that).
Best of luck with the job, Katie. Got my fingers crossed for you.

I always say yes to the "Do you consider yourself to have a disability?" question. This is mostly because I receive Disability Living Allowance for my diabetes and would feel a bit of a fraud if I said no!

Does anyone else get DLA? My parents applied when I was first diagnosed and I was granted it for life. I get the impression it was a bit of a lottery back than based on how well you filled the form in.

There were DLA awards for life at one time, but these days, they are are for a fixed period (usually 1 to 5 years or to age 16 years if granted to children) or "indefinite", but still open to review. It's very rare for adults with diabetes (any type), but no complications nor other health problems to get any level of DLA.
Sounds tricky.... good luck with it all though🙂.

I'd be tempted to write "pass" on it!
Does anyone else get DLA? My parents applied when I was first diagnosed and I was granted it for life. I get the impression it was a bit of a lottery back than based on how well you filled the form in.

Nice! Mine stopped when I left full time education I think, so age 18. Must be lovely to have it granted for life!
DLA for life, that is a first for did this come about bigpurple............:confused:
I have no idea. I'm slightly baffled too. I was 3 at the time and my parents handled the application. I've asked my mum about it several times, and she insists it was granted for life. I'm sure as hell not going to phone them up and ask any questions... It's a very nice top up!
I have no idea. I'm slightly baffled too. I was 3 at the time and my parents handled the application. I've asked my mum about it several times, and she insists it was granted for life. I'm sure as hell not going to phone them up and ask any questions... It's a very nice top up!

I would do the same.............:D
I'll probably mention what others already have said but as someone who is enslaved by the NHS (under paid and under loved lab minions) you'll have to see occupational health and probably be cleared as fit to work by them. The pay isn't great and generally there will be more month left than money, oh, watch out for doctors, some are rather off colour and have never visited the planet earth.
My occupational health interview (NHS) was fine - the nurse just asked if I had hypos and if I was happy to work alone, and advised me that diabetes comes under the DDA and I could always talk to Occ Health if I felt I wasn't treated fairly.

I know what Tom means, but I just wanted to add that it's not all doom and gloom in the NHS... job security is generally quite good, pensions are still quite good compared to the private sector, and depending on what job you do, sometimes you can work flexi time. Holiday allowance is also generous compared to other industries, and there's also opportunities for further training. Money's getting tighter everywhere, but I think healthcare is always a reasonably good job prospect. Best of luck with your application!
My occupational health interview (NHS) was fine - the nurse just asked if I had hypos and if I was happy to work alone, and advised me that diabetes comes under the DDA and I could always talk to Occ Health if I felt I wasn't treated fairly.

I know what Tom means, but I just wanted to add that it's not all doom and gloom in the NHS... job security is generally quite good, pensions are still quite good compared to the private sector, and depending on what job you do, sometimes you can work flexi time. Holiday allowance is also generous compared to other industries, and there's also opportunities for further training. Money's getting tighter everywhere, but I think healthcare is always a reasonably good job prospect. Best of luck with your application!

True, I've had the same stuff from occy health. The pensions are damn good (30% of leaving wage) and holidays are reasonable (I get twenty working days a year). The only problem that I have is that nearly all the staff where I work either trained there and haven't moved or have spent thirty or so years there. Granted I like commitment but I don't think I could do that.
I said no when i applied for my current NHS job and they still gave it to me...on the other hand they knew i was diabetic and i'm type 2, if that makes a difference. I got sent to occy health, and like tom they just asked me if my diabetes was under control etc. I was worried that i was being singled out (and occy stealth had messed around my friend with her dissability) but apparently they do that to everyone. Good luck, i agree pretty much with what Tom and Pigeon said, and if you do get the job, please be patient with the pharmacy..;-)

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