Applying for a job.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm applying for a job with the NHS and I was just wondering how you would respond to this question in the application:

The Disability Discrimination Act protects disabled people. The DDA defines disability as a physical or mental impairment with long term, substantial effects on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities. This includes people with long-term health conditions. If you tell us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to where you work and your work arrangements and at interview.

Disability mandatory Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Please state the type of impairment which applies to you. People may experience more than one type of impairment, in which case you may indicate more than one. If none of the categories apply, please mark 'Other':
Physical Impairment
Sensory Impairment
Mental Health Problem
Learning disability/difficulty
Long-standing illness

I don't consider myself to have a disability in the slightlest so my first reaction was to automatically say no. What would you say?

I'm assuming that if I got the job there would be an HR form where I would state I'm Diabetic.
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I'm applying for a job with the NHS and I was just wondering how you would respond to this question in the application:

I don't consider myself to have a diaability in the slightlest so my first reaction was to automatically say no. What would you say?

I'm assuming that if I got the job there would be an HR form where I would state I'm Diabetic.

Hi Katie id say the same as you my first thought would be no,but maybe they wont like the fact you have not mentioned it, but as you say surely they would be HR forms there for you to say your diabetic.

Good luck and fingers crossed the job is yours hun xx
I'd plump for 'Other' and say that I'd got Type 1 Diabetes (assuming that you don't have any significant physical complications resulting from the condition).

I would agree Andy - It pays to be honest.
You won't be discriminated against for declaring this - you are just being honest, which is what an employee expects.

I do a fair amount of recruiting myself and there is nothing more annoying than someone who isn't honest or upfront. The question is asked to ensure the employee caters for any additional needs correctly - e,g employing someone who requires parking space close to the building or a disabled spot. Diabetes should not be a problem, but at least it gives chance for you to discuss.

Good luck with the job Katie.
Katie - I reckon how you describe yourself depends on two things:
(1) you and your condition, and
(2) the job.
Stating the obvious, really, but it covers aspects like any complications (or other physical or mental health issues) you have, and things like shift times, meal times etc.
Then, employer can help you in the way described in their statement "If you tell us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to where you work and your work arrangements and at interview." If you don't tell them, you can't expect any adjustments.
Having said that, I don't usually declare my type 1 diabetes until I get a job offer and have to pass occupational health screening, but have never needed any adjustments by employer, nor colleagues. If I did need help / adjustments, I would declare condition and ask for what I needed.
Thanks guys. My problem with it is the question "Do you consider yourself to have a disability?" I don't, therefore I'm lying by choosing 'yes' 😉

I don't need any kind of adjustments, but then again I couldn't rule out having a hypo and then needing a minute to get over the shakes.

What I might do is choose 'No' and then tick 'other', but they probably won't even notice I've ticked it as there is no box to type an explaination.

Ive already said no to these other questions:

If you have a disability, do you require any reasonable adjustments to be made during the recruitment process, including interview?
If so, please give details
If you have a disability, do you wish to be considered under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme if you meet the minimum criteria as specified in the Personal Specification?

I found this bit odd:

Employment Equality Regulations 2003

In order to comply with these regulations NHS organisations are monitoring sexual orientation and religion/belief in applications. Please answer the following questions:

Please indicate which term would best describe your sexuality:
Please indicate your religion or belief:

You don't have to disclose the info, but I don't understand, surely it's completely irrelevant? Oh well 🙂 Also, out of interest, would u disclose that info?
I tend to be a bit imaginative when it comes to stating sexuality and religion where it doesn't matter (Jedi knight on 2001 census - will have to think of something else for 2011!), but on job applications, I tend to tick "prefer not to say" or leave blank.
I tend to be a bit imaginative when it comes to stating sexuality and religion where it doesn't matter (Jedi knight on 2001 census - will have to think of something else for 2011!), but on job applications, I tend to tick "prefer not to say" or leave blank.

Yes I think I put Jedi Knight one year too. Personally I think we should get as many 'new' religions as possible 'official'.

I might leave those 2 blank then, wouldn't want them to discriminate against me because I like boys 😱 (mostly).
You could try telling them you're an amoeba and in a committed relationship with yourcellf, then say you're a Transcendental Pantheistic Solipsist in the religion part, that ought to give them a headache. Seriously though. I never answer such questions because they have no bearing on my ability to do a job.

I'm lucky that my employers knew all about the Diabetes before they hired me so it's never been an issue. I wouldn't say I was disabled just because of the Big D either, but that's just my personal preference.
And albino wallabies (avatar) - not in the same way, I'm sure 😱
You could try telling them you're an amoeba and in a committed relationship with yourcellf, then say you're a Transcendental Pantheistic Solipsist in the religion part, that ought to give them a headache. Seriously though. I never answer such questions because they have no bearing on my ability to do a job.

I'm lucky that my employers knew all about the Diabetes before they hired me so it's never been an issue. I wouldn't say I was disabled just because of the Big D either, but that's just my personal preference.

Unfortunately that isn't on their list of religions. Quite rudely.

And albino wallabies (avatar) - not in the same way, I'm sure 😱

I'm partial... 😉
I usually tick yes, but thats not just because of my diabetes. if you get the job offer you will have to be declared fit to work by occupational health first. Check if the job is guarenteed interview, which means if you tick yes to disability and you meet the job requirements then you will get an interview. Doesn't give you any advantage in getting the job but gets you into the interview.
Katie after just starting a new job myself, despite the fact that you don't consider yourself disabled you need to at least mention other. Don't toss it aside based on semantics alone. You can't claim protection under the DDA if you dont let your employer know about your condition from the start.

I guess its your choice at the end of the day, but I would recommend putting other, at least that way you've always got that peace of mind.
Hi Nikki. There is a seperate box for that:

If you have a disability, do you wish to be considered under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme if you meet the minimum criteria as specified in the Personal Specification?

I chose no.

I will put other.
Couldn't you state you have Diabetes once you've got the job though? On the occupational health forms or whatever. Or do you have to state it before?
When applying for the job I've got now (NHS job) I ticked 'yes' to the disability question. I don't consider myself disabled but at the same time I want to ensure I'm covered by the DDA.

I was cleared by Occupational Health after a quick phone call, she asked me when I was diagnosed, how I treat it, how often I hypo (I made it as clear as possible it wasn't exactly something I could predict etc), so on so forth.
**** it, i'll just claim to be disabled lol. The main problem I have with the question is 'do you consider yourself..." Ok, I'll stop being so pedantic now 😉

Thanks peeps.
In terms of the DDA anyone who is diabetic and on medication is likely to be classed as disabled, that rises to everyone who is insulin dependant. The test is how are you unmedicated not how well you control your condition. Obviously I think most who are on tablets or insulin would be seriously impared without there medication, and obviously as an insulin dependant diabetic (type 1 or 2 doesnt matter) then you obviously couldnt work without your medication at all.
Ive never answered "yes" to that question, but thats just personal preference. I personally dont feel I have a disability, perhaps I do, but actually I just dont like the word "disability".

Even if you put no Katie, you will need to declare honestly about your health in the occupational health form which as I am sure you know, the interviewers or people on the selction panel are not allowed to open and it is completely confidential.

Are we allowed to know what job you have applied for hon? 😉 I'm nosey!

Good luck with it by the way 🙂
Best of luck with the job, Katie. Got my fingers crossed for you.

I always say yes to the "Do you consider yourself to have a disability?" question. This is mostly because I receive Disability Living Allowance for my diabetes and would feel a bit of a fraud if I said no!

Does anyone else get DLA? My parents applied when I was first diagnosed and I was granted it for life. I get the impression it was a bit of a lottery back than based on how well you filled the form in.
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