App advice


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, I've been writing my blood sugars down in a book for a few months now but I find it difficult to notice trends. Does anyone have a recommendation of an app that will graph blood sugars depending on when they were taken i.e. one line for before breakfast, one line for before lunch… Thanks very much :)
Hi Rachel, I've started recently using the app glucose buddy, I'm finding it really helpful as you can add as much detail as you like. There is a graph which clearly shows your results, you can add both types of insulin food, his many carbs and extra notes of need be. Good luck ☺
I have been using mySugr for years and really like it. There is a good free version and a full-on all singing all dancing version you can pay for if you want the extra functions. You can track as little or as much as you want with it everything from doses/carbs/BGs to mood, activity and locations or photos of food - and it will soon be including a bolus-calculator too.

There are a bunch of others I have used from time to time, but for me mySugr is the best :)
Thanks for the advice, everydayupsanddowns. Forgive the stupid question: to download the free version, do I have to go thru the iTunes Store?

(I don't see why I should PAY! And I don't want Apple bugging me with offers).
In general, all apps for Apple devices need to be downloaded through the App Store. You don't need to connect via iTunes as you can download directly over a wifi/mobile data connection (though of course you can use the iTunes route if you want to).

I am happy to pay for various apps that provide me with really useful functions that really help me day to day. There is a lot of expertise and effort that goes into making these things and the people that create, provide, maintain and improve them need to earn a living. I do use free apps too, but in general if I like and value an app I'm happy to pay for it. I was lucky in that I bought early for a one-off fee. Having said that they have done an enormous amount of work since and the app is massively more useful, powerful and customisable in its current form.

Now that they have moved to more of a subscription/in-app purchase model I would probably use part-free, with an occasional month of pro when I needed/wanted the extra functions
I have recently started using my Sugr, I use the free version , I like the fact I can have it on my phone, tablet, and laptop. It seems to automatically sync. I was using the Diabetes UK one and they are not supporting soon, it was only on my phone,.
I also use mysugr. I love it