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Anyone using the edgronic 780G with Simplera Sync?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, I’m asking to go onto a closed loop system and sad to say the DexCom and Omnipod combo is only available to new pump users in our local NHS. Options I’m looking at are the and Ypsomed MyLife with DexCom 6 (which I already use), although I’d have to get a second phone to use it. I’ve read the Ypsomed thread (very helpful, thanks), but wondered about h the other pump combo?
I am using the Medtronic 780 with the Simplera sync sensors. It works very well for me giving me full nights sleep and waking on target, and a lot of the time when I can just ignore my diabetes. There are issues that arise at intervals but with the help of the company support line and other users on here, these are solved.

I am happy using a tubed pump finding it useful to be able to move the pump around as necessary and to detach the pump sometimes. I have never used a patch pump but it does not appeal to me, and I can find no reason for me to switch.

You are already a pump user I think so know that thee is still work involved around meals so it is not that you do not need to do anything at all, I just find with the looping I think a lot less about diabetes and just get on with what I want to do. It will alert me or give an alarm if it needs my attention.

Happy to answer any questions that you have.
Thank you - I just found your thread! Yes, I’m used to making adjustments myself with the system I’m using, so hopefully won’t be too difficult a transition.