Anyone use/know anything about this pump?…

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I had my appointment this morning with my DSN and consultant and they think a pump might be a possibility for me.

The only pump my clinic provides is called YpsoPump and I believe it’s by the same people who created the mylife app.

Does anyone here use this pump or at least know anything about it and could perhaps provide me with some more info please?

Thank you 🙂
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Hi all,

I had my appointment this morning with my DSN and consultant and they think a pump might be a possibility for me.

The only pump my clinic provides is called YpsoPump and if by the same people who created the mylife app.

Does anyone here use this pump or at least know anything about it and could perhaps provide me with some more info please?

Thank you 🙂
so glad you got a positive answer about a pump.
Having looked at the pump it seems very good and has all the features you will need/want 🙂 The pump must be ok for your team to use it and also must conform to all standards. As it's your first pump you will not know if any other pumps are better thus you will love it. Well except for the frustration which we all suffer from when starting to pump 🙂

So pleased you have had a positive outcome well done 🙂
Great that you have been offered a pump @sg295

i have not used that particular pump, as each CCG offers the ones that they have been trained in to give the support needed. As @Pumper_Sue has said since this is your first pump you will love it. There will be a time when things will be a bit wobbly at the start, as it takes some work to get used to it. I found it helpful to have a week at the start where life was reasonably consistent, missing out exercise classes and just sorting out a work routine and weekend with the pump first.

All the pump manufacturers provide a 24 hour support line which I have found brilliant, for those panic moments. There are many common features across all the pumps so do fire away with any general questions that arise.

I look forward to hearing how you get on.
Hi all,

Thanks for the replies!

I mean it’s not completely guaranteed yet but the DSN said she’d talk to the consultant so it’s still just a possibility at the moment but keeping my fingers crossed.

It certainly seems ok, just seems a bit daunting to be potentially leaping into this new realm but equally I feel I could really benefit from the so I’m also excited (if it goes ahead!) 🙂
Ypsomed have been in the field for ages - they were one of the few companies who made the 'click on' pen needles for Lantus Solostar pens in 1998 - BD didn't. And they were lovely needles which didn't hurt me going in whereas BD always did. I'd give it a try !
Great news about the pump! 🙂
Great news about the pump! 🙂
Thank you!

Like I say not 100% guaranteed yet but DSN said she would discuss with the consultant so she must think it’s a possibility otherwise I’m sure I would’ve just got a ‘no’. I should know more about a decision by Friday 🙂
Thank you!

Like I say not 100% guaranteed yet but DSN said she would discuss with the consultant so she must think it’s a possibility otherwise I’m sure I would’ve just got a ‘no’. I should know more about a decision by Friday 🙂
Good luck! From what you’ve said on other threads a pump would definitely help
Ypsomed have been in the field for ages - they were one of the few companies who made the 'click on' pen needles for Lantus Solostar pens in 1998 - BD didn't. And they were lovely needles which didn't hurt me going in whereas BD always did. I'd give it a try !
Ok cool, thanks for that bit of info!
Good luck! From what you’ve said on other threads a pump would definitely help
Thanks 🙂 Yes I think so definitely, we shall see but I think it would be life changing if I did. Just keeping fingers crossed!
Think nowadays there wont be any bad pumps around, most have same functions do same job, sure there's window to change your mind if unhappy with your choice.
Think nowadays there wont be any bad pumps around, most have same functions do same job, sure there's window to change your mind if unhappy with your choice.

Thank you for your message!

Yes I’m sure all pumps are good nowadays 🙂 I just wanted to ask what you meant about being able to change your mind please?

My team said this is the only pump they have funding for so I presume it would be this pump only?

Not that I mind at all because I’m happy with it and it seems fine! But just curious really - if they said that, does that mean it really is the only one or is there some choice? Eg can people sort of ‘choose’ what they want or do they go with their hospital/clinics choice selection?

Thanks 🙂
Good luck! From what you’ve said on other threads a pump would definitely help
Please take care when suggesting something will "definitely" help. I am probably being pedantic but as @Inka has said before, a pump is just another insulin delivery mechanism and we don't know all the background to why someone is struggling with highs and lows. We do not know whether the logistics of a treatment (a pump takes more effort than injecting) is suitable for them. People wouldn't take "Pump Holidays" if it was always great.
I would be more tempted to say that "a pump helped me" or "its sounds as if I pump is well worth trying".
There is no definite about much when it comes to diabetes.

(Sorry, for being pedantic but over the years I have learnt not to rely on any certainty.
I don't know what @nonethewiser means either - yes, I can decide the pump isn't for me and go back to MDI - but that was and still is my only choice. I don't have any opportunity to say Oh dear I regret choosing this pump because whatever, so can I try an XYZ one instead? Can only change when the current pump reaches the end of its life.

Thank you for your message!

Yes I’m sure all pumps are good nowadays 🙂 I just wanted to ask what you meant about being able to change your mind please?

My team said this is the only pump they have funding for so I presume it would be this pump only?

Not that I mind at all because I’m happy with it and it seems fine! But just curious really - if they said that, does that mean it really is the only one or is there some choice? Eg can people sort of ‘choose’ what they want or do they go with their hospital/clinics choice selection?

Thanks 🙂

We had discussion about pumps month or two back, theres window open to change your mind if pump chosen doesnt suit or unhappy with it, so apparently with good reason you can hand it back & possibly change to another, in your case this wont apply if clinic only offer one type.

Other option is to go back to mid, no shame in doing that if you find pump isn't helping or causing difficulties.
We had discussion about pumps month or two back, theres window open to change your mind if pump chosen doesnt suit or unhappy with it, so apparently with good reason you can hand it back & possibly change to another, in your case this wont apply if clinic only offer one type.

Other option is to go back to mid, no shame in doing that if you find pump isn't helping or causing difficulties.
Ok yes that makes sense, thank you 🙂
Please take care when suggesting something will "definitely" help. I am probably being pedantic but as @Inka has said before, a pump is just another insulin delivery mechanism and we don't know all the background to why someone is struggling with highs and lows. We do not know whether the logistics of a treatment (a pump takes more effort than injecting) is suitable for them. People wouldn't take "Pump Holidays" if it was always great.
I would be more tempted to say that "a pump helped me" or "its sounds as if I pump is well worth trying".
There is no definite about much when it comes to diabetes.

(Sorry, for being pedantic but over the years I have learnt not to rely on any certainty.
I was going to say something along those lines but wasn’t sure how to say it so it made sense but fair point
Hope the approval happens speedily, and the training and switchover goes well 🙂
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