Anyone tried berberine, cinnamon or fenugreek?

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I had a taste of what it's like to be t1, they didn’t know if it was t1 or 2 as I'm not overweight (still don't officially know) so was put on insulin just in case. Took it for 4 weeks and have never felt so ill in my life, and becoming more and more insulin resistant. Last 2 weeks stopped taking it and much better, BG better as well. Probably because I didn't need it. But I have a new found respect and understanding of what t1s go through and how difficult everything becomes! Other people don't really have a clue what it involves.
I was the other way around. I started out assumed to be Type 2 and was on Metformin and then Gliclazide added as well as very low carb, low fat. low salt and no alcohol diet and it was tough before they eventually realised that I needed insulin and eventually tested positive for Type 1, so I also have great respect for both situations and their management.

If your levels were brought down too quickly with insulin then that would make you feel rough, but it may still be that you are Type 1 and that spell of insulin gave your beta cells enough respite to revive a bit and manage to cope with your restricted diet. so don't read too much into your current situation. There are Type 1s who started on insulin and then gradually had to reduced their doses down to nothing for a few weeks or months even before having to start it again. Sometimes it can be a bit flakey to diagnose which Type in the beginning.

Just saying, don't push your body.... or your mind.... too hard at this early stage. You are doing brilliantly, so just be happy with that, without going searching for a "magic bullet"!
I was the other way around. I started out assumed to be Type 2 and was on Metformin and then Gliclazide added as well as very low carb, low fat. low salt and no alcohol diet and it was tough before they eventually realised that I needed insulin and eventually tested positive for Type 1, so I also have great respect for both situations and their management.

If your levels were brought down too quickly with insulin then that would make you feel rough, but it may still be that you are Type 1 and that spell of insulin gave your beta cells enough respite to revive a bit and manage to cope with your restricted diet. so don't read too much into your current situation. There are Type 1s who started on insulin and then gradually had to reduced their doses down to nothing for a few weeks or months even before having to start it again. Sometimes it can be a bit flakey to diagnose which Type in the beginning.

Just saying, don't push your body.... or your mind.... too hard at this early stage. You are doing brilliantly, so just be happy with that, without going searching for a "magic bullet"!
I don't know I was exhausted all the time, headaches and really bad energy crashes. Nurse refused to even entertain that it could be the insulin itself, even though these type of things are listed as side effects. Surely though if the issue is not enough insulin in t1, you would be quite sensitive to it and need less? The type 1s I have spoken to need way less insulin than I was taking, I was needing twice as much after 4 weeks around 1u per 5g carbs so getting more insulin resistant. This would fit with t2 where the problem is too much insulin, so adding more would make IR worse which is what was happening. I have also had prediabetes in the past a while ago but reversed it back then.
This is my experience of Berberine and this is in early stages. It does have a profound effect on my blood sugars by levelling it out. I would like something that lets me reduce the insulin. If I don't take the Berberine I was wondering if someone else said this same effect with it. I have not tried metformin, I was on glicazide but that was stopped recently because it was "too old", it was doing a good job it's seems.
This is my experience of Berberine and this is in early stages. It does have a profound effect on my blood sugars by levelling it out. I would like something that lets me reduce the insulin. If I don't take the Berberine I was wondering if someone else said this same effect with it. I have not tried metformin, I was on glicazide but that was stopped recently because it was "too old", it was doing a good job it's seems.
When you say levelling it out, do you mean reducing the peaks? What dose of berberine do you take? Do you mean you are injecting insulin? If you are t2, have you tried putting it in remission with diet?
When you say levelling it out, do you mean reducing the peaks? What dose of berberine do you take? Do you mean you are injecting insulin? If you are t2, have you tried putting it in remission with diet?
Yes, on the CGM it is midway in the green zone like now 6.6, and I have just had my cup of berry fruits. I cannot reduce the insulin (Lantus) I did this thinking Berberine would partly take over, all he'll let loose. I have been living with this for over 20 years, but I have been negligent,
Yes, on the CGM it is midway in the green zone like now 6.6, and I have just had my cup of berry fruits. I cannot reduce the insulin (Lantus) I did this thinking Berberine would partly take over, all he'll let loose. I have been living with this for over 20 years, but I have been negligent,
I believe it can still be put in remission after a long time, but certainly needs a lot of willpower. What dose of berberine do you take?
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