Anyone starting a pump soon? Pump advice?

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Oh balls...

Classic!! Have you been on the beer again Tom!! 🙂

PS. I just have to mention that I love my pump and have no regrets. he he, and its GREEEEEEN

I do think the clip on Lou's is a bit better though, mine doesnt "open" with a spring you just force it like a pager clip. Takes its toll on the material of your bra, but it is very secure, i hang it upside down and its never even moved, let alone come off.

Oh yeah, did i mention it was green . . . . :D
Classic!! Have you been on the beer again Tom!! 🙂

PS. I just have to mention that I love my pump and have no regrets. he he, and its GREEEEEEN

I do think the clip on Lou's is a bit better though, mine doesnt "open" with a spring you just force it like a pager clip. Takes its toll on the material of your bra, but it is very secure, i hang it upside down and its never even moved, let alone come off.

Oh yeah, did i mention it was green . . . . :D

What colour is your pump viki and did you get it from a PIMP clinic?? 😉
What colour is your pump viki and did you get it from a PIMP clinic?? 😉

Lou, pumps are serious pieces of medical equipment, i hardly think colour is important . . . . . .:D hehe!!

Im not exactly sure what sort of hospital Tom goes to to have a specific clinic for that kind of thing!!!!
hmmm. when i go back for my review in january (and i will be armed with 3 months worth of test results at that point) i may push to be put onto the waiting list.

although i get the feeling that when i go back in january, they'll want another review. hmm. i might just get her email address and start emailing her so that in january they might actually see my point.
Honestly ladies! You think I'm that much of a student alcoholic? LOL! As for colour, well, I might get a pink one to help impress the ladies 😛 Fortunately I don't need to worry about knackering bras lol!
I could well be starting on a pump in January. That said I have to get my basal sorted out before I'm let loose on pump. Damn. I was told that I would have an Accu Check Spirit on order today but I put them onto the frame and said that I wanted a Medtronic. The one problem is that I would not get the CGM facility on the NHS. That would set my back ?2500 on its own or ?800 with the pump. Why does diabetes have to be so expensive?


is that to say that if you did have the Sprint, you would get a CGM?

can i ask why you were sure of the Medtronic over the Sprint? i'm still doing basic research on pumps so i'm curious about everyone's opinion!
I wouldn't get the CGM either way sadly. Such is the tightness of my trust.

As for my choice of Medtronic over Accu Chek there are several reasons. Primarily Medtronic are much longer established in the pump world. Their excellent reputation preceeds them. Their customer service is excellent as far as I have heard. Their experience in the pump world seems to be much greater than that of Accu Chek. I'll admit that perhaps the Spirit is a decent bit of kit to have but I would rather put my trust in what I see as the old faithfuls of the pump world, that is to say I want a Medtronic.

Hi there - I have been on the aviva combo for 3 weeks - I am still adjusting my levels - but so far so good. The customer service is excellent which is why my health authority use roche and I have rung the customer service twice and they have been brilliant.

The pump/blood meter is new technology and there is only one problem I have found with it - which I should warn you of - occasionally the blootooth fails, sometimes this can be mid delivery - so you MUST check the delivery on the pump if this happens. Do not check the pump immediately as it will say it has delivered and it hasn't - it is best checking it after 30mins if you are unsure. I know this as my bluetooth failed, both pump and handset said it had been deliveerd - but my bs rose to 18 - when I checked the pump again it said it hasd failed - an hour later!

You know if the pump has failed as you can't hear the delivery clicks if it does fail. The basal continiues it was just the extra blous boost that didn't get delivered. This may sound alarming, but it isn't at all I promise - it is just someting to be aware of.

The pump working with the blood meter is fantastic - and makes it so so easy. Also Roche do a gadget so you can link up to your PC and download all your readings - I recommend you get this too - as it is a great and easy way for checking your levels.

My pump has only done teh above once - so it is not a regular occurance at all - but something I think you should be aware of!

Good luck and keep us posted.

The only thing I don't like about the pump is that ist is not very sexy in bed! LOL!!!
The only thing I don't like about the pump is that ist is not very sexy in bed! LOL!!!

Ah well, a small price to pay. That said, it doesn't have too much of a bearing on me at the moment with me being single!
I could well be starting on a pump in January. That said I have to get my basal sorted out before I'm let loose on pump. Damn. I was told that I would have an Accu Check Spirit on order today but I put them onto the frame and said that I wanted a Medtronic. The one problem is that I would not get the CGM facility on the NHS. That would set my back ?2500 on its own or ?800 with the pump. Why does diabetes have to be so expensive?


Hi Tom

Its cheaper than that, it is doable, (although for a student not sure). When the hospital orders the pump they get the chance to order the transmitter with it for ?400. In a couple of hospitals (our London one included) it is now normal for the transmitter and a couple of sensors to be included in a pump start package. They don't even tell the PCT, it is just part of the starting package so all new pumpers get a transmitter and a few sensor. You then have to ask the PCT for more sensors but you have your transmitter. The sensors are ?40 each (far too expensive in all our views) and last minimum of 6 days on the VEO pump.

If your hospital don't order the transmitter with the pump it will cost ?750 to buy separately and I think you get 4 sensors with it (not sure about that).

So I would ask your hospital (quickly before they order it) if they are automatically ordering the transmitter with it? If they are not and if you can get your hands on ?400 then ask them to order it with the pump and tell them you will pay for it (you may need to give them the cash up front of course or pay direct to Medtronic). You should automatically get a few sensors with this package. You can then fund your own sensors for a while if you can. If you can provide a load of evidence to show that whilst you are using sensors your overall control is better they will then fund them for you. This is happening for some people.

Just thought I would give you that info, I hope you can get your hands on some cash, maybe you could do a deal with the PCT and say you will pay them monthly for the transmitter or not. You never know. Its worth actually you speaking to the PCT direct if you have questions once you have found out from your hospital.
just looked at the Aviva Combo site. i think this has made my day:

"wirelessly send your bolus 2 meters (6.5 feet) from the pump via Bluetooth? wireless technology"

if the pump is attached to you...and you're holding the remote control thingy in your can you be 2 metres away?!
just looked at the Aviva Combo site. i think this has made my day:

"wirelessly send your bolus 2 meters (6.5 feet) from the pump via Bluetooth? wireless technology"

if the pump is attached to you...and you're holding the remote control thingy in your can you be 2 metres away?!

Ha ha yes I see what you mean.

This would be for parents though and kids on pumps. We have a remote with our 522 but its still in the box, I've never used it.
Ha ha yes I see what you mean.

This would be for parents though and kids on pumps. We have a remote with our 522 but its still in the box, I've never used it.

I think the box is the best place for it Adrienne! Ive never got to grips with the thing- its just rather strange to me :confused:
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