anyone interested

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Although I haven't joined in, the experiments are a brilliant idea. Once or month or every six weeks sounds about right. Why don't you post a poll to find out what other interested forum users think.

I haven't taken part but the results are helpful for everyone.
Im staying out of this from now on, whatever is decided is decided im going to do mine as I have been doing and post my results in my own thread.Others can do it as they see fit.
So whats on the menu this week then??lol 😉
I like the weekly ones and try to do it when I can even if I can't do on the day I try to do it in the week. I really wouldn't like this to change. Maybe we could have a bit more of a plan eg a list for the months meals like week 1- spag boll week 2 - fish and chips etc so more people are more prepared.
Bev, I think its a great idea and I always read them with interest. took part last week as i was having fish and chips anyway. It was really useful, like northener said i wouldnt normally test hourly, consequently i have changed my teatime ratio because i joined in, well done Bev.
I like the weekly ones and try to do it when I can even if I can't do on the day I try to do it in the week. I really wouldn't like this to change. Maybe we could have a bit more of a plan eg a list for the months meals like week 1- spag boll week 2 - fish and chips etc so more people are more prepared.

That sounds like an excellent compromise Loubie, why aren't you Prime Minister? 😉 I have noticed that a lot of people are unable to do the meal 'on the night' and maybe don't therefore participate on other nights during the week. Maybe by making it appear more flexible more people will be encouraged to give it a go? Not that we haven't had a bad turnout in the past. Anyone got any ideas for a possible new meal, as we have covereed a lot of the 'staples'?
Has toad in the hole been tried yet.
mashed potato plays havock with my blood sugars its a total hit or miss!! what about a roast with mash or mince and mash or anything similar 🙄
I have been reading your results with great interest. Don't stop it please.

I'd love to take part, but C is a very fussy eater and so far she wouldn't have eaten any of your suggested meals, not even fish and chips. As for testing hourly? Oh my giddy aunt, she'd have a screaming fit!!!!!! 🙄
That sounds like an excellent compromise Loubie, why aren't you Prime Minister? 😉 I have noticed that a lot of people are unable to do the meal 'on the night' and maybe don't therefore participate on other nights during the week. Maybe by making it appear more flexible more people will be encouraged to give it a go? Not that we haven't had a bad turnout in the past. Anyone got any ideas for a possible new meal, as we have covereed a lot of the 'staples'?

Cause that would be too much hard work ! :D
I enjoy reading about the food nights. I don't test at all (yet) and have absolutely no idea what foods affect me either way but I am learning a lot reading those threads.

Bev, I don't comment because I have not taken part but would miss the weekly food reports / debate. Also, the fact that everyone is so different.

If people can only join in once a month, why don't they just select the week they can do, and do it?
Hi all,
Thanks everyone for all your comments.🙂

I think (?) we should go ahead next week with one of the previous meals we have tried so we can try to get the dose right. I am thinking we should try the 'anything with rice' meal. Then after this perhaps we should do a poll about how often and when etc to carry on with the 'big night in'.

Perhaps we could just have an 'on-going' sticky for a week showing the results for a particular meal so that everyone can just add when they have had time to take part in the experiment?

Alex has requested a 'pudding' experiment! Anyone interested?:DBev
Hi all,
Thanks everyone for all your comments.🙂

I think (?) we should go ahead next week with one of the previous meals we have tried so we can try to get the dose right. I am thinking we should try the 'anything with rice' meal. Then after this perhaps we should do a poll about how often and when etc to carry on with the 'big night in'.

Perhaps we could just have an 'on-going' sticky for a week showing the results for a particular meal so that everyone can just add when they have had time to take part in the experiment?

Alex has requested a 'pudding' experiment! Anyone interested?:DBev

Brilliant bev sounds cool, and Alex what a great idea well done little man x

persoanlly ill go with chilli if it is anything with rice meal
I think the big night in is a great idea and although i have not yet joined in with any (as i am out most wednesdays), i have enjoyed reading all the results and do want to join in with one please dont cancel it! i like the idea of doing it not just on the wednesday as i could join in too 🙂 i can just do it another night of the same week, oh and as for the:
Alex has requested a 'pudding' experiment! Anyone interested?:DBev

Count me in for that! Great idea Alex :D


They are a great thing Bev, and I have gone back several times to see what happened last time, as such I wouldn't have a need to revisit stuff done before as I know where the info is, but for newbies then it would be good to get more involved to see the bigger picture?!? I like the idea of a meal a month as I fear that we will soon run out of meal ideas.

Just my thoughts, although whatever happens I hope they continue regardless in one form and that you don't worry if turnout is low, it is obvious from this thread that a lot of people find them of use, oh and I will try and join in when I can🙂


Rossi 🙂
How about this for a suggestion :

We keep it to every week and go over the same problem meals (which they are a problem for the ones on insulin generally) ie pasta, rice, jkt pot with cheese and beans, curry, chinese, fish and chips, mashed potato


once a month (instead of a problem meal) we do a new one.

In that instances anyone can join in with anything, it is still weekly but those that want to do it monthly can do the new meal and those that need to iron out those wrinkles can carry on weekly.

Just a thought but we all have to help Bev come up with the new one per month as it is hard going. 😛
Once a month would be ideal🙂 I can save strips up for that as I have to buy the expensive little things.
once a month (instead of a problem meal) we do a new one.

In that instances anyone can join in with anything, it is still weekly but those that want to do it monthly can do the new meal and those that need to iron out those wrinkles can carry on weekly

I wonder if the once a month could sometimes be directed more towards finding meals that are useful to everyone, in that they shouldn't cause post prandial spikes, or need lots of insulin ie tasty balanced meals that can be incorporated in everybodies lifestyle. For example using something with a very low gi like chana dahl.
I think a lot of the meals chosen so far would cause problems for anyone trying to use diet control.

( I've also avoided some of the meals, even though I'm on a pump, since they would have to be tiny portions or be too high in fat and/or require larger doses of insulin than I like to use I don't have the fast metabolism of an adolescent and it's far too easy to put on weight :()
Sorry, really don't want to sound like the diabetes police, one very good thing that this project does is foster a sense of community.
What about doing a night where we eat a meal thats "meant" to be good for blood sugar levels ie something gi, Everyone assumes low gi agrees with everyone but it would be interesting to see the results from something like that maybe? 😛
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