Anyone else just wanna walk away from diabetes

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Dragon queen

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Not sure what heading to put but just feel like, walking away from all this diabetes tests and organising it needs. Diagnosis was 2018 now sugars unbalanced and what was a weekly check is now 4 times a day. While I wait for specialist diabetes nurse to have a slot to show me how to do my insulin. Just feels like stuck and I’m bored with it all now. Wondered if anyone else got like this
Hi @Michelle kaleesi


You are absolutely not alone. Diabetes can be relentless, and feel like a full-time job you never signed up for, and can never have any days off from 😱

In fact the feelings you are experiencing are so commonplace, that they have been given a name: diabetes distress, or diabetes burnout

There is research going on to fully understand it and help those experiencing it. For example, this current study:

More info here too:
Hi @Michelle kaleesi


You are absolutely not alone. Diabetes can be relentless, and feel like a full-time job you never signed up for, and can never have any days off from 😱

In fact the feelings you are experiencing are so commonplace, that they have been given a name: diabetes distress, or diabetes burnout

There is research going on to fully understand it and help those experiencing it. For example, this current study:

More info here too:
Thank you my numbers are high teens and have been for at least 6wks now specialist says yes insulin has sent prescription but got another two weeks until appointment. So trying bring down by diet alone til then. Headaches are terrible I do check ketone and that’s normal. I just want to start and get numbers down
Thank you my numbers are high teens and have been for at least 6wks now specialist says yes insulin has sent prescription but got another two weeks until appointment. So trying bring down by diet alone til then. Headaches are terrible I do check ketone and that’s normal. I just want to start and get numbers down
I reversed my type 2, but it was by eating meat and fish, eggs, cheese - dropping my intake of carbs right down to none for a few days then working up to 50gm a day. I really don't know if that could be done very easily without the animal sourced foods.
I hope that you can sort things out using insulin as I never felt right pre diagnosis - my blood glucose at diagnosis was 17.1mmol/l and I felt very old - and I was hugely overweight.
I reversed my type 2, but it was by eating meat and fish, eggs, cheese - dropping my intake of carbs right down to none for a few days then working up to 50gm a day. I really don't know if that could be done very easily without the animal sourced foods.
I hope that you can sort things out using insulin as I never felt right pre diagnosis - my blood glucose at diagnosis was 17.1mmol/l and I felt very old - and I was hugely overweight.
Thank you for your kind reply. Unfortunately my spiritual path means I can’t and won’t eat another animal. It would be like telling a person to eat their family to me. I’m glad it worked for you. My Vegan diet was holding my numbers well until 6 months ago. When lost parent and basically lived on potato and beans was not in a good place. Hence numbers raised
Thank you for your kind reply. Unfortunately my spiritual path means I can’t and won’t eat another animal. It would be like telling a person to eat their family to me. I’m glad it worked for you. My Vegan diet was holding my numbers well until 6 months ago. When lost parent and basically lived on potato and beans was not in a good place. Hence numbers raised
I hope you can get back to your vegan way of eating that was working for you before. A lot more options these days for vegan foods as long a you watch the carb content.
Thank you for your kind reply. Unfortunately my spiritual path means I can’t and won’t eat another animal. It would be like telling a person to eat their family to me. I’m glad it worked for you. My Vegan diet was holding my numbers well until 6 months ago. When lost parent and basically lived on potato and beans was not in a good place. Hence numbers raised
I have met a vegan who ate eggs from their hens which were not fertilised. The egg, although excellent nourishment, did not contain a living creature. The hens were escapees from a factory farm.
Eating something like my favourite concoction of swede mashed with eggs and then fried would be a lot lower carb than potato.
Eating something like my favourite concoction of swede mashed with eggs and then fried would be a lot lower carb than potato.

Perfectly easy to make a tasty vegan version with no need for the egg. When my youngest was living at home we would mash swede with plant-based soft ‘cheese’, plant-based ‘butter’, nutritional yeast, and vegan bouillon. Really tasty, and all sorts of other veg can be mashed in as a sort of bubble and squeak. Yum!
I have met a vegan who ate eggs from their hens which were not fertilised. The egg, although excellent nourishment, did not contain a living creature. The hens were escapees from a factory farm.
Eating something like my favourite concoction of swede mashed with eggs and then fried would be a lot lower carb than potato.
Yes, my vegan friend has her own recuse chickens and eats their eggs. Those feathered ladies have a great life now.
I have been actively eating less meat since November, the issue is some of the alternatives are more carby.

If your levels are high it will impact how you feel physically and mentally, so once you bring them down a little you will feel better.

Sadly it cannot be ignored, but last night I found myself in tears because I felt the same. We must battle on, but we also have the strength too. You can do this.

Try little goals, rather than the bigger picture. I know what I am working on today, if I fix that current trend the whole day will be better.

We are here for you. Take care
i feel exactly the same, which is why I logged on this morning. I've had type 1 for 47 years, managed over the past 2/3 years to get my control on target, but since getting the latest technology my sugars are high, the tech is constantly faulty, and have been double checking my carb counting, changing infusion sets, infusion and sensor sites and doing everything you're to advised to no avail. It's exhausting and stressful. But on the positive site I'm going to see my consultant next week and know they will review and help. It's not an easy condition to manage and you are not alone.
I feel the same, I am exhausted from worrying constantly about my blood sugar levels. I have IBS ( D ) too!!! I am going to carry on eating as low carb as I can ( hate vegetables ) before I have another episode ( new name for a breakdown ) Good luck too you
Frequently, but knowing that diabetes complications are serious, and can be life-changing, I'm motivated to stick with what I know I have to do. Although I keep a food diary and log what I'm eating, there are days when I lose track of everything - when eating out, for example - and just scrub that day from my diary. Case in point - 9 days into April but only 8 days in my diary as 5th was one of my write-offs.
Sorry @Michelle kaleesi that you are feeling so fed up with your diabetes. It is not uncommon but as others have said we know that we cannot walk away from this. I like @PhoebeC strategy of setting small targets and recognise each achievement.

This forum is a big bonus being able to link up with others that ‘get it’. We are all here for you.
not just diabetes
@Michelle kaleesi often medical conditions which require daily management can lead us to struggle and I have yet to meet NHS staff who have the time or patience or capacity to treat patients as individual people with real dignity and real feelings due to our crumbling broken public services and normalising tax evasion/tax avoidance for the wealthy... Anyway really hope you can practice self-care and look after your self and on bad days just doing the minimum of taking meds, drinking water, having short walk, and one healthy meal can help you get out of rut, and as fellow vegetarian/vegan, there are amazing health shop products out there which some supermarkets stock in the "free from" food allergy sections such as Orgran Vegan Egg Replacer:

Just Egg is only available in the US, but is made from mung bean protein powder based on traditional Asian receipes for mung bean fritters which look exactly like they are made from real eggs, but without all the cholesterol and saturated fats and valid animal welfare concerns as standard cheap supermarket eggs come from hens living inside sealed battery farms and living in cages never seeing the outside world and not free to roam or express natural behaviours... And there's Aquafaba, which is the precious water from tinned chickpeas which can be added to baking mixes as replacement for egg whites and is vegan raising agent for vegan baking, also available in tetrapack cartons for convenience if you don't want to soak dried chickpeas in water for twelve hours as you're not "Level Four Vegan" etc...

Oggs Vegan products are available in supermarkets too, good to have options for vegan baking and occasional treats in moderation and hope the forum hive mind can encourage you to have healthy "diabetes whatever" attitude as it doesn't define everything about you and it's your choice who you disclose your diagnosis too, I say this from experience with not very supportive network of friends and family constantly judging and misinforming me, not my job to educate everyone, and back to my safe space of vegan baking and fermented foods, phew! 😉
Having looked after various birds during my lifetime, most of them are so happy - particularly budgerigars.
We used to have hens which roamed around the orchard during the day, and I grew up having the task of collecting the eggs they laid in various places around the garden and in the hedges so we always had eggs, but they had to be 'candled' to see if they'd started to develop into chicks as we had a cockerel. Those which showed life were put into an incubator to develop.
Hens have lived alongside people for a long time. Quite primitive houses have been found with circular depressions close to the inside of the doorway, and for a very long time it was wondered what they were, until the fad for reenactment started, and the hens wandered in and made dust baths for themselves just beside the door. I feel we have a long standing obligation to make hens happy and keep them safe from predators such as foxes and badgers, and hawks as far as possible.
To show solidarity with vegans who have expressed animal rights beliefs on this thread, here's summary of what happens to farmed animals and the pain and suffering they experience in their short lives for humans to have an unlimited supply of cheap animal products available 24/7 in every supermarket and grocery store in the world, thanks to industrialised factory farming processes and very poor animal welfare standards to feed nearly 69 million people in the UK alone, and yet there are many plant-based healthy alternatives to dairy, eggs and honey which could easily be produced at much larger scales without all the unnecessary suffering of conscious intelligent social animals...

In the same way I would not be irresponsible and would be protective of the children in my extended family, I will not be posting the horrific animal cruelty videos recorded by animal rights activists from slaughter houses and factory premises out there online on this support forum, but if you are curious, look it up on Youtube, what happens to male chicks? And how are chicken nuggets made in the factory? I don't think the term "ultra processed food" really does justice to the industrial chemical slop which is what live chickens are reduced to by this brutal barbaric mechanical process, and many academics would argue that animal rights and environmental justice beliefs are equally as valid as established religious or spiritual beliefs as matters of conscience.
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