Any Type 3c's on Creon?

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So creon is part of the recovery yes but its not the complete answer thats for sure , maybe genetics , environment , diet , co morbid conditions play there part too , but i agree completely you need to correct diagnosis and the right help and support , because the NHS is in crisis that is far more difficult theses days
Morning anxious your post is very similar to mine and yes we are not medical professionals but most medical diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical history and various symptoms and relevant test result.
So we can make a logical decision on balance of probabilities but anyway as far as diabetes is concerned generally it is one of two types so a Diabetes deficiency so the Beta cells simply don’t produce enough endogenous insulin so require a source external.
Essentially this is Type 1 but then the cause of this insulin deficiency can be sub divided into other types so Pancreatic damage is classed as Type 3c and if caused by an auto immune condition it is normally labelled as Type 1.
Type 2 is normally classified as insulin resistance where the body is producing some insulin but it is not efficiently processed and hence you get the same result hyperglycaemia and/ or clinical diabetes.
If you have had pancreatic damage the diabetes is often a follow on (can be years later) to damage to your exocrine cells ( insulin producing cells are endocrine) and thst us where you often require Creon to make up for your lack of production of digestive enzymes like Lipssee/ amalase etc which help digest fats/ proteins etc

The "can be years later" is interesting. I wonder why that is? It is true of my experience, too. Right after the initial attack of acute pancreatitis, I was actually briefly prescribed Creon for pancreatic enzyme replacement, but wasn't diabetic; my blood sugars were totally normal. It was 6 years later that I was in hospital for unrelated reasons and they ended up keeping me for 5 weeks because every time they tested my blood sugar it was too high for the machine to read.
Hi Austin,
I was not worried about diabetes as I was told by Consultant that my endocrine ( so insulin producing cells were unaffected by my AP attack due to where they are located.
I later learned that they have some “ connected” path and when I looked at trial sone Scientific papers looking at issue the mean of developing diabetes after an severe AP attack was several years
@Austin-98, have you now restarted on Creon and how is that going?
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