Any other suffers anxiety(that don't mind sharing) looking for grounding techniques that don't involve breathing techniques

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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
Hi I think I said before that I have anxiety I know some people don't want to say but if there is anyone that doesn't mind sharing can I ask for tips on grounding techniques that don't Involve betting exesies because of costochondritis bething excuses don't really work for me.rjght now
Hi I think I said before that I have anxiety I know some people don't want to say but if there is anyone that doesn't mind sharing can I ask for tips on grounding techniques that don't Involve betting exesies because of costochondritis bething excuses don't really work for me.rjght now
You can get a free trial of this which my daughter found really helpful in the early days of Covid when as she works in the NHS it was really stressful.
I have also used headspace. I use Calm, some of their meditations use breathing techniques, some don’t. But calm is not a free app, it is just under £30 per year.

i find yoga also helps, but yoga isn’t for everyone.
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