Another question

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Thanks adrienne, does make sense. I didn't realise the infusion priming could be changed, as u suggest that way you know 1 unit is being bolused without the fear of hitting the stop button too late or early. I will do that in future as I don't see.a problem in having to change it back on the next change and so on.

Massive thank you for your help.
They are still chatting about this and what they are saying is that they do it as in number 2 (in my previous post) but don't tell their child they do that as potentially a disaster.

One of them said that Accu Chek didn't plan for canula primes very well or at all, which is quite funny 🙂
Thanks adrienne, does make sense. I didn't realise the infusion priming could be changed, as u suggest that way you know 1 unit is being bolused without the fear of hitting the stop button too late or early. I will do that in future as I don't see.a problem in having to change it back on the next change and so on.

Massive thank you for your help.

Hey any time, I know loads of people on all the pumps but most are children and its the parents I'm asking. I would do that way as well as I know I would miss the stop button !
That is using the flexlink canula, but, someone else has said to me that the rapid d cannula which is a metal one can be primed before being inserted into the skin. The flexlink one has to be primed whilst in the body. Hasn't checked that.myself as I don't fancy a metal canula.
No I wouldn't fancy a metal one either. I believe from listening to other parents that the little little kids are on the metal ones and the older kiddies have the flexi jobbies. Not sure why as not listened that hard as don't have that pump
Think because flexlink start at 6mm, and the metal ones go to 4mm which might suit the little ones without much meat on em
Hello, bit late but I'm on the combo too...personally I wouldn't dream of just using the 25u prime & trying to stop in time, I'm far too easily distracted lol 😱I just do 1 u & try & remember when I see that stray unit later in the record - not good I admit! 😱

I agree Accu chek don't seem to have thought this bit out well - I'd love some easy way of recording that I'd done a set change for this reason & so I could keep tabs of things better - I don't often seem to manage the full 3-4 days I was told a cannula should last but I don't know if that's because my sites are dodgy (mummy tummy plus lipoatrophy - guess my bikini days are well over lol!) ...or whether this tubing issue might be the reason?? Will have to try & check this out...

Sorry, rambling response, brain addled by tantruming kid!
I'm using a combo and I was taught to do it by using the bolus advice option with a "phantom" carb amount. I.e. tell the pump that you are eating sufficient carb to bolus 1 unit. Thus, in my case with a morning carb ratio of 1:8 I tell it I'm eating 8g of carb and it then boluses 1 unit to fill the new cannula. In practice I usually try to change the cannula around a mealtime and then just add extra carb to the bolus advice to add an extra unit. According to my rep this is the best way of doing it, but I agree that this is one area where Roche have missed a trick.
good suggestion M1dnc. didn't think of that, that way the extra 1 unit is accounted for and won't affect any advice 🙂
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